Better Business Bureau finds T-Mobile to be misleading Americans about 5G in ads
- F
- Fed Up
- 786
- 02 Sep 2021
Stay away from T Mobile, unless you want to spend your life on the phone with their service center in Central America trying to figure out why their bill has no resemblance to what the in-store reps tell you or what is on their website. Flim flam artists. I prefer 2 paper cups and a string.
- S
- Steve
- 4%D
- 01 Sep 2021
T-mobile LIES- a rep swore up and down that their service works where I live. Only months later to finally get a 2nd engineer level to tell you, no you live in a bubble.
But T-mobile will lease you out an antenna for 25 a month, but it has to connect to your own ISP.
then months trying to get some service - and they ignore you - but still CHARGE your credict card
- J
- Jen
- k03
- 01 Sep 2021
They need to be forced to fix their service
- M
- Mev
- Ibx
- 29 Aug 2021
Arizonaone , 22 Aug 2021T- Mobile sucks. New customer of barely a week and pevery ... moreI agree and feel your pain! I was a loyal sprint customer for 7yrs but as soon as merger happened the signal strength just bottomed out. Can’t even get service at work but it listed as in the coverage area. And don’t bother calling support. I tried texting support also and got a message saying someone would be with me shortly. 5 minutes and still no one so I said forget it. As soon as I get out of my stupid sprint contact I’m out of here!😂. Never minded having a contract and updating my phone every 2yrs till now! Oh and yeah T-Mobile lied and made me switch out my SIM card and then I found out if I had kept the sprint sim I’d probably still have good reception!😡
- T
- Tee
- k9U
- 27 Aug 2021
Shelley W., 26 Aug 2021I have noticed the same thing! So frustrating!!Same here. I put in a T-Mobile sims card and I couldn't make calls in certain areas. It said I wasn't on a registered network. When I called customer service, I was told to turn off my phone each time it happened and take out the sims card, put it back in and turn it on. How stupid is that.
- S
- Shelley W.
- y93
- 26 Aug 2021
TERRIBLE SERVICE, 23 Aug 2021since switching from sprint sim to tmobile, my service has ... moreI have noticed the same thing! So frustrating!!
- J
- Jen
- jbA
- 24 Aug 2021
Anonymous, 26 Jul 2021Nothing but problems with my bills since sprint merged with... moreAt least your getting credit they straight up switched my plan and my bill is now $50 more than it should be. Of course they can’t put me back into my grandfathered plan because it doesn’t exist anymore. Then try to trick me into letting them lock my IMEI.
- J
- Jen
- jbA
- 24 Aug 2021
Arizonaone , 22 Aug 2021T- Mobile sucks. New customer of barely a week and pevery ... moreFor real! They changed my plan when I financed a phone and playing stupid trying to trick me into shutting off my phone.
- T
- 7K7
- 23 Aug 2021
since switching from sprint sim to tmobile, my service has been horrible.
- A
- Arizonaone
- 8cI
- 22 Aug 2021
T- Mobile sucks. New customer of barely a week and pevery minute I regret switching to this God awful company. Want to talk to a customer service representative? Prepare to wait well over 2 hours for a call back. Every. Single. Time. Then once they do call you back you'll be on hold for 10 minutes waiting for a rep. So you're thinking great I finally will get the help I need. Not so fast. Their "experts" as they call them are located in the Philippines. Nice enough people but they have absolutely no effing clue about T-Mobile or how to rectify an issue. And they lie. Straight up.
I'm trying to return and swap out a new iPhone that was freezing up. Only had it a little over a week. They have made this process excruciating. Instead of an easy swap now I have to go to a T-Mobile corporate store to see if they will help as the rep told me they would. I'm not well and this is a hardship.
T-Mobile is the very last company I would ever chose again. I'm out. Going back to Spectrum Mobile. At least their reps are based in the US, speak English and answer their phones. T-Mobile get your shit together or
You won't have a company in 6 months
- P
- Pennyforthoughts
- Mk3
- 19 Aug 2021
Letter from sprint informing we would not have service after Jan.22. When to T-Mobile store to get a phone that will work past Jan. 22. Surprise surprise the service is as bad as Sprint ever was. But at least I could log on to my account with Sprint. Have not been able to do that with T-Mobile. Waiting for a service rep to answer the phone is an hour wait, think that creates a reason to call the FCC. One wastes their time on the phone to get connected. Should be able to charge back time wasted on a wait. Figured if would bankrupt T-Mobile if FCC would allow that.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ibx
- 18 Aug 2021
Millie, 18 Aug 2021T mobile stinksI called them over and over now my phone don't work
- M
- Millie
- Ibx
- 18 Aug 2021
T mobile stinks
- K
- Kbrown
- kjY
- 18 Aug 2021
T-Mobile SUCKS!! I have had sprint for 14 years and now that I had to put a t-mobile sim card in, my service is slim to none. I haven't been able to use my phone in days and i'm in a "covered" location. I have nothing good to say about this company. I am in the process of going to AT&T now.
- S
- Swizz
- F}x
- 12 Aug 2021
I have been a loyal Sprint customer for 11 years. I know they were never carrier number 1 but I didn’t have to many issues with service and they always took care of me when push came to shove. As we are kinda being forced into this partnership with T-Mobile I can’t say enough how very disappointed I am. Connection is going to hell, new device with two SIM cards doesn’t work, store and phone support are trash.
Currently I’m looking at moving to ATT. I had a bad feeling crud like this was going to float up and here we are.
Class action these losers!
- S
- Steve
- YbN
- 07 Aug 2021
Tiredalready, 06 Aug 2021I just sing the same song as everyone else. Since combinin... moreI am in Connecticut and T Mobile sucks! I an looking for a new network. Never ever had service this awful from Sprint. If I leave my city, no more service, lose all calls, and forget the internet. DISGUSTED!
- T
- Tiredalready
- xV7
- 06 Aug 2021
I just sing the same song as everyone else. Since combining with T Mobile my Sprint service went to help. I work on the road along the Colorado Front Range which means towers, towers everywhere and the service is the pits. I have to communicate clearly with physicians to keep my clients healthy. But with the service as it is this is not happening. Service gets dropped, I'm told the number to a long established clinic is not assigned, I've had to totally turn off wifi calling as the phone won't connect.
- E
- Egoodwin2072
- kZj
- 04 Aug 2021
T-mobile sucks so much. They disconnected my airave device. The only thing that's given me a cell signal at my home for the last 12 years. The sim card doesn't work at my house. Wifi calling doesn't work at my house. I live 12 miles from the nearest cell tower, hence the airave signal booster. I really want to sue the crap out of these lying pieces of garbage. 5g my ass.
- g
- gmt
- 4XY
- 02 Aug 2021
absolutely horrible service. You call the local store and nobody picks up-------you log on to chat and unless you sign in your account they cannot tell you if there is a outage----there are extremely long waits for a customer service rep on the national line.
Very dissatisfied with all aspects of t mobile
- ?
- Anonymous
- gMW
- 26 Jul 2021
OldMan, 16 Jul 2021Been with Sprint since 2004, Had no issues, customer servic... moreNothing but problems with my bills since sprint merged with t mobile-bill up bu $40/month have to call sprint every month to get credit