Better Business Bureau finds T-Mobile to be misleading Americans about 5G in ads
- E
- Elle
- 43N
- 24 Jul 2023
Anonymous, 18 Jul 2023The worst service ever! I was on sprint over 25 years, alw... moreI loved Sprint. Never had one issue. Since T Mobile took over it’s awful. Never have any service
- M
- MsBitsch71
- Ib5
- 20 Jul 2023
i have been with tmobile for almost 7 years now. i have not once had my services shut off and i have not ever been late on any of my bills. i have purchased multiple devices from tmobile and yes i have paid several of the items that i have purchased whether they were for my son's or so called best friends who not once offered to help me out with my phone bill which has been close to $400 a month and i only receive ssi and i also have home wifi through tmobile aswell. i have been waiting for my replacement phone to come since june 26th 2023. i just finally got it july 18th 2023. tmobile not ever had to wait for me to pay my phone bill and paid 2 weeks early every single month since november 2016. i have a very huge issue with tmobile and the 1st is, their employees get paid good to promise their customers the things that they have promised me and then to find out eventually that they will blowing smoke up my ass just to get me off the phone because i am absolutely and positively one of them crazy customers who doesn't give up easy on multiple issues and i have many times straight up have been completely straight forward and i didn't give up on my fight especially when i knew that i was in the right on alot of problems and issues. i honestly believe that for the customers who have been just like me and made sure that even though i was always on time with my payments and that has purchased several different devices and paid many off, tmobile should have a special promotion for us. like for an example, give us credit towards our monthly bill especially when you pay a $400 bill for countless months without problems. my oldest son was on my account and he was very sick and was diagnosed with multiple medical complications that were not able to fix, and therefore he passed away very slowly and was in alot of pain and on dialysis 3 times a week and he passed away in october 26th 2022. i can't even try to think of some way to deal with this emptiness and the feeling that i let my son down because i could not fix him. he was in renal failure stage 5 and yes, my baby bledto death in 2 and a half days. malpractice and i can't find any luck with seeing if i have a lawsuit against the hospitals and the primary care providers. they all failed my son and he left 2 daughters and the oldest is fixin to be 16 and a 4 year old and every single day they are without their father. i am struggling aswell but i don't have anyone who even cares about what we're going without. and then ofcourse every single month i have to pay for the bill because nobody wants to offer me anything towards my bill.
tmobile, i think that it is about time that ya'll show your customers just exactly how much you appreciate us that take care of our priorities
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ibx
- 20 Jul 2023
Anonymous, 18 Jul 2023The worst service ever! I was on sprint over 25 years, alw... moreI have Tmobile, cell phone and a Tmobile tablet. Their Customer Service is always Super Courteous and polite but often can't do miracles. I can see the tower and the lowest dish on it is facing the opposite direction so I guess I'm lucky to even get 4G signal. Often I used to have to go outside to use my cell phone. If I had a Dollar for each time they've told me that there is a work order in process for my issue. Super customer service after regular hours from the Philapines. Overall Tmobile service reminds me of my first cell phone in 1975.
- R
- RqD
- 19 Jul 2023
when the merger was completed I lost 5G service, I didn't know but I found out once they switched me to a 5g plan. How? I got no service. Only 4g was available. And i was charged for 5g Home Internet.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ijh
- 18 Jul 2023
The worst service ever! I was on sprint over 25 years, always had service. This past March since the merger was finalized with T-Mobile, the acquisition, I am barely able to use my phone. My calls cut off! There is never "a network available". If I have an emergency, I cannot make or take a call. Calls go directly to vm! My texts get stuck. And when I call them, their answer is "oh your area has good service". My response is "well I dont" Then they say I may have to upgrade to a newer phone!
I complained to the FCC. Why would TMobile pick up Sprint customers, they cannot support and not even offer a credit for their bad service, in good faith?! Terrible awful unreliable company. Oh and looking up anything online on my phone, cant do it! I cant even connect to wifi in my apt. Atrocious! I have a mind to take them to court for each month billing, they have not served me but charged me in full. Run fast, get another provider!
- B
- Blah
- IbK
- 12 Jun 2023
Still Employed, 21 May 2023You were definitely fired from TMobile. Never been throttled one time with them. I use over 1TB a month, consistently, not home internet but regular mobile phone. Trick is to pay the extra $10 bucks for HD viewing, why it makes a difference, i don't know, but it does and it has for years now. I hotspot constantly and go over the limit of the hotspot every month, says i only have 10gigs of hotspot, pffft nope, using over 500gigs on the hotspot.
- L
- Tax
- 21 May 2023
Kitty, 15 Mar 2023Something needs to be done about this company and the way t... moreThey never told you that lol
- S
- Still Employed
- Tax
- 21 May 2023
Anonymous, 22 Apr 2023Well as a past employee I'd like to point out that we ... moreYou were definitely fired from TMobile.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ILb
- 22 Apr 2023
minitaur, 31 Mar 2023I don't know about their 5g service but I've been... moreWell as a past employee I'd like to point out that we lied to customers of Verizon and other's to lure people to come to TMobile with bogus claims that we were better faster etc. It's all nonsense like that map of coverage. The 50 dollar unlimited home 5g internet is absolutely throttled.if you actually get faster speeds than 35mbs than it just meant that you were new to TMobile, cause they would throttle customers after so long as a business practice, We we're told to lie to customers nonstop and pretty much read off a prewritten script of answer's when someone called tech to find out why it wasn't working correctly or the Nokia gateway overheated ,We also would throttle customers if they weren't passing around the T-Mobile unlimited is amazing thing to people, anyone who talked us up were given priority over customer's who talked badly about the company. You think it's by accident that some customers have great service and other's don't ,than you're sadly mistaken. I used to answer hundreds of calls a week to lie to customers and tell them coverage is not available in your area , because of one customer who was listed as priority , usually someone with social status lived in there area . We couldn't give a gateway to everyone in that area ,or the priority customer would have barely existent service. But by all means keep talking TMobile up .
- ?
- Anonymous
- IbG
- 12 Apr 2023
I am staging a tower pulldown this week as this is the only way to show them we mean buisiness. I suggest any anle bodied do the same. Lets show these corporate goins that WE determine their wealth.
- T
- Tonya D.
- IbF
- 11 Apr 2023
Anonymous, 06 Apr 2023Alls I want to do is pay my bill from overseas. Always take... moreAgreed!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Apr 2023
Alls I want to do is pay my bill from overseas. Always takes hours. Sometimes days.
Don't use this company.
- m
- minitaur
- IbG
- 31 Mar 2023
I don't know about their 5g service but I've been with these guys for 10 years and pay $50.00 mo. always
never raised cost one Penny in all that time. service is excellent, not one complaint on this company. you can't please all the people all the time, but they didn't grow the biggest, most reliable cell phone network pissing everyone off. wow what a tough crowd! I noticed in most complaints someone giving up good phone and good service to swich to T-Mobile, if it was all that good why switch? why try to fix something that's not broke?
I declare shenanigan's!!
- j
- jmt
- YhB
- 18 Mar 2023
Avoid T-Mobile, they are the WORST and most dishonest company I have ever dealt with!!! They have HORRIBLE service; they are unable to do the simplest things like stop an auto-pay because you decided to pay it with cash in person!! Neither the workers nor managers could do so or acted like they could not as then they paid it on my future months bill which was not even due!! The service goes down constantly and is SLOW, and you CANNOT work from home with it, they lied and said it would be fine when I signed up. They also try to cheat you out of all of your money after you shut the service down, first trying to find something wrong with the tower, then being rude and disrespectful to you as a tag team in the store, then incorrectly reading the account screen and accusing you of missing a payment when the truth is they duplicated the same payment and paid me a month ahead because they are stupid and incompetent, then they finally figure it out after playing dumb for hours and trying to scam you out of your money because one will do business with them because of their horrible service and products and lack of honesty and then they finally agreed to credit the last month of service that I did not use but did pay for, after I let them know that I work for the government and do not appreciate being ripped off and they credited it, which left me with a $20 credit, then I called and asked them to send the credit to me as they had not done so automatically and it had been months and I kept getting the bill with the credit in the mail and knew I would never go back to them, and the first girl said it had to go on the debit card I used to pay my payments and said she sent it there and it would show within three business days, a week later it never showed up, so I called back and the guy took my bank account and routing number and said he set it up to go to my checking account via ACH and it would be there within three business days so I waiting and a week went by and it never showed up, then I filed a complaint with the FCC, the executive office clown then contacted me by phone and left a message and I returned his call and left a message and said I wanted him to discuss it by email as I wanted all in writing, he then waited two days and called me again, so ignored my request, more crappy customer service, then he was a smart mouth and half laughing about my frustration and said "Oh it looks like they over credited your account and you are not due a credit at all so I will just zero it out". THIS is how they run their business and WHY you want to avoid them!!! I have contacted the regulators again; they are committing fraud and have no intention of giving me my money. I am sure they do this to all of their customers so either make them money off them by cheating them by over charging them and not refunding time unused, or by finding false things wrong with the returned equipment or by cheating them and not returning their credits. They are scum, avoid them!!!!! I am a twice widowed 58-year-old mother, how hard up can someone be for a dollar than to rip someone like me off!!! God sees all and they will face their maker one day and regret what they did!!!!
- K
- Kitty
- IbF
- 15 Mar 2023
Anonymous, 15 Mar 2023I totally agree they are liars thieves rude insulting and d... moreSomething needs to be done about this company and the way that they lie to you on the phone ... They told me if I return the phone there would be no more bill because I canceled the service 5 months ago well now they're telling me no I still owe for it after they advertise the phone was for free when I got it 2 years ago... They ripped me off by charging me $81 a month and they're still charging me 81 a month and I haven't been with that phone for 6 months and they got their phone back and they're still charging me for the phone and told me too bad you owe me and send me to collections.. thank God I blocked him from using my credit card so they can't charge my credit card but they're charging me for a contract I was never even under and collections is saying I was under a contract collection people are rude the customer service at T-Mobile is rude T-Mobile is rude and all the hours a bunch of liars cheaters and thieves we need to do something about this need to be stopped
- ?
- Anonymous
- IbF
- 15 Mar 2023
Anonymous, 16 Feb 2023I want in on this lawsuit. I have lost many job opportuniti... moreI totally agree they are liars thieves rude insulting and don't care all they're doing is reading off a script on the computer.. they are charging me for a phone that I returned and they're still charging me for it because they said that's not how it works when they told me that's how it works if I return the phone bunch of b*******
- D
- Dawnwoodland
- raM
- 13 Mar 2023
I switched to Tmobile in November. I have wifi and wireless phone. The wifi isn’t that great, but the wireless service is terrible! It’s even bad when I connect to a different network. I can’t make calls, send text msgs or even try to get my gps app to work. As soon as I leave my house! They also said I would get all kinds of deals and a free phone. I turned in an iPhone 12 and they still tried charging me for the new phone and didn’t subtract for the home I traded in! Everyone I know is going back to Verizon! Customer service is useless and the employees at the stores tell you what they think you want to hear!
- B
- Bob9219
- Ib5
- 13 Mar 2023
Every time the tower by my house get busy. My internet slow way down or doesn't work at all. Been calling customer service for weeks. Just a wast of time. Not getting the speeds and service They advertised. Very unhappy with my service.
- ?
- Anonymous
- b7@
- 28 Feb 2023
I just signed up with TMobile on February 4th for home internet only, was told I would get all kinds of perks and $50 just for signing up but now, I cannot even view my account due to TMBOBILE is not accepting my email address I used to sign up for internet services. I have spoke to a few of their reps who are useless and cannot seem to figure out what the issue is for some odd reason. I am very disappointed, plus, I was told I cannot use the $50 for anything, just TMOBILE services!! I was told differently. I am going back to my previous home internet carrier.
- k
- kf5pv
- 25 Feb 2023
Anonymous, 19 Feb 2023I have been having the same issues since Jan 6th with my s2... moreMe too. my internet and phone. 1 month now. I have been all over them. this is there last conversation with me.
How have things been going? ^DenishiaJackson
You sent
Horrible. Worked for 3 to 4 days almost. Now back on and off all the time. Still zero 5g data on my phone when I am home. They both worked fine for 1 year.
Keep in mind THIS IS NOT A SPEED OR SIGNAL ISSUE. I EITHER HAVE 600MPS DOWNLOAD OR 0MPS DOWNLOAD. no in between. I am tired of correspondence to me talking about how Tmobile can't guarantee the signal or speed. Again, my phone and internet worked fine for 1 entire year.
My next step is to go to consumer affairs. I am paying for a service that I am not receiving.
"We have covered all of your options for the time being but here they are again in case you need a recap of those...What I can do for you is note your account with these exact offers, and give you some additional time to consider this option. When you decide which of those you prefer to take advantage of, we’ll be here waiting and ready to get it applied for you. Thank you again for your time and communication today. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.
1. You can keep the service as is and wait to see if the service stabilizes once the needed repairs are completed. Something to keep in mind with this is, the tower closest to you is no longer projecting its signal to your home and the one that is projecting to you is over 3 miles away and has to service all the homes and businesses that are ahead of you in the path to make it to your home. However if you want to give this a month to see how it works out I can credit the cost of the Home Internet service $55 and take 25% off the phone service which is another $20 off (total credit $75.00). If you choose this no further service discounts will be provided down the line if service is not improved with the repair.
2. You can cancel the Home Internet, which would allow you to go with another provider that can provide a more stable Home Internet experience. By doing this you will open up the option to use WiFi to subsidize for the signal that is not longer reaching the home. Now the concern with this is you would have a different home internet service which could cost more and services for the mobile devices would not be discounted. "
I have filed a complaint with the BBB also.