Better Business Bureau finds T-Mobile to be misleading Americans about 5G in ads
- M
- MadashellinArizona
- Ib5
- 22 Feb 2023
Tmobile sold me a plan that they said included a free third lone I didnt need. Gave me a sim crd and said give it to anyone..even a homelss guy. First bill I see that the line was NOT free at all. Got the plan changed. Home Internet wouldn't go faster then 5 to 7 Mbps and Tmobile, after investigati g, said it is too congested in my area to work properly...but will not be doing anything about this anytime soon. Changed plans again and now stuck with paying for phone that was not included on this latest plan. The coverage speed is often kess than 1 Mbps . Only been with this POS carrier for 4 months. Will pay off phone and NEVER return
- L
- Laura S
- k0P
- 20 Feb 2023
Kahley Hill, 16 Dec 2022I’ll join the class action law suit. Yes,I agree 💯 I'm in many fees, to many phone calls, little done to correct situation.. promises all over the end the bill fluctuating and passing fees off to customers..making it difficult to return products.. customer is supposed to be happy after 8 yrs with T-Mobile..not anymore over here.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ib5
- 19 Feb 2023
Anonymous, 16 Feb 2023I want in on this lawsuit. I have lost many job opportuniti... moreI have been having the same issues since Jan 6th with my s21 they stated it’s the phone not their service and said I had to get a new phone as well… I’m telling you ever since the night that they supposedly fixed the hack or whatever they call it about 230 am my has not worked
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4SU
- 16 Feb 2023
I want in on this lawsuit. I have lost many job opportunities during my search because nobody could email or call me. Only way I found out is when it was too late and the recruiter said they tried multiple times no success. They told me I would get a free phone now that I moved to an area no service and can't call out they said they don't have a network in my area and I'll now have to pay full price for my phone regardless.The customer service is the worst and they don't answer until over an hour every time I try to call for anything which is a joke. A bunch of liars and thieves.
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- Anonymous
- j@0
- 30 Jan 2023
I was told no contract and also that my 800$ iPhone 11 would be given up front, then i find out I am in a 2 year payment plan and i get my credits for the $800 over 2 years. this is after i switched . 4 months of bills have been wrong. their service also sucks. im calling my dept of consumer protection to get my services changed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IbE
- 29 Jan 2023
Kahley Hill, 16 Dec 2022I’ll join the class action law suit. I purchased a phone from T mobile in Dec. 2023. They said they were having a promotion and I could get a free tablet. Now I find out that it is not free. Also, my phone doesn't have good connections, and I have a 2 year contract. I can't get out of this contract without paying $380 for the tablet. I'm 73, on a fixed income and can't pay for this tablet. I am so angry.
- K
- Kei
- rU7
- 19 Jan 2023
I don’t live in a rural area. But every time I leave the house, I have no service. I can’t text, I can’t call, I don’t receive any notifications. My grandfather who lives in bum frick no where has better service than me. I checked the map, I should have full 5G coverage. They are a bunch of liars.
- K
- Ken
- IbK
- 06 Jan 2023
Tmobile metro is currently falsifying its claim to utilize my acp credit towards my monthly payment, I have confronted 611 repeatedly for three billing cycles now about false advertising/baiting consumers for the acp credit program to no avail on tmobile metro end. I will be switching from tmobile metro on January 26,2023.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xyS
- 06 Jan 2023
tried calling 611 lately its a joke then they send you a question on text would you recommend to mobil
- R
- Richard V
- 01 Jan 2023
John, 17 Dec 2022We just found out the hard way that T-mobile wireless servi... moreI got T-mobile and i wish i didn't. They did nothing but lie to me about the improved service. It is still the same ole crappy service it has been. Let me get in this class action lawsuit too.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ibx
- 27 Dec 2022
TMobile Trash mobile, 11 Nov 2022I've been with T-Mobile for over several years now and... moreI've been with T-Mobile for several years as well are you recently got sucked into getting magenta Max which gives you 40 gigs of Wi-Fi data I am a gamer and I go through that in a matter of seconds downloading a game and my downloads speed automatically drop from 15 megabytes to 50 to 60 kilobytes sometimes even lower than that also I disconnect all the time due to where I live I live in a country with trains Go and by all the time pay in 200 bucks a month for basically a same plan with a slight change from 5 gigs to 40 anyways those zero improvements I and fixed to have my phone on Wi-Fi for my PC to download stuff but that has its own issue this is the third phone I had that overheated and walked because I'm fixed using 30 to 50kbs and a typical game will take 7 days and after those 7 days a another update that made it in to 3 months lmafo they are definitely ripping us off if that data throttle limits, apparently normal internet speeds a game that would take 7 days for me will take 3 mins or less there big games 40 gigs or so
- J
- Jason M
- S1X
- 25 Dec 2022
How do i get involved in this class action lawsuit. Turned in a perfectly fine phone to get an $800 credit and was told that it is not a contract. I was then locked into a contract and the supposed $800 credit would not make a dent in the over $1k cost. Secondly, i was told that I need to sign up for the Magenta Max plan and to call when i get home, only to be told that I am not a T-mobile Customer and that i am a Sprint customer who cannot sign up for t-mobile plans. Every number i call i get transferred and told the same thing. I have had poor service and my bill has gone up significantly. This is ridiculous! Please share any information on a class action so other people can join.
- J
- John
- IbG
- 17 Dec 2022
Loly, 12 Dec 2022WE are in the same predicament. When we were told there wou... moreWe just found out the hard way that T-mobile wireless service is so inferior. We should have read these review comments before switching over to T-mobile. We traded in two iPhone XR in perfect condition for their iPhone 14s. But now we can't even make any phone calls, except 911, from those phones in our area. Then we called the T-mobile Customer Service and got put in touch with a Tech person who told us T-mobile has no network coverage in our area of Virginia about 150 miles from Washington DC. And now we can't even get our trade-in devices back in less than 24hrs upon traded in.
- K
- Kahley Hill
- FJj
- 16 Dec 2022
Janinelson, 04 Nov 2022I have submitted a complaint to the Federal Communications ... moreI’ll join the class action law suit.
- L
- Loly
- Ib5
- 12 Dec 2022
BSHound, 17 Nov 2022We signed up with T-Mobile to get a good trade-in on iPhone... moreWE are in the same predicament. When we were told there would be no contract, I gave them my iphone 11 that was perfect, they gave me $800 trade in for the supposely "FREE"
Iphone 14, now we are locked in a 24 mth contract because they are charging me for the suposely "FREE" phone. We need to find if there is a law suit against this fradulent company.
- L
- Loly
- Ib5
- 12 Dec 2022
Frustrated , 30 Nov 2022I been having drop calls and no service for over year and h... moreWere able to find out how to get into the law suit for TMobile, we are in the same predicament with them, they are thieves and liers, don't explain and specify anything to you.I specifically asked if I could take my phone to other companies I was told yes, to any company you want, now I am locked on a 24 mth contract with them, when we were told there was no contract. This company is outrageous, my husband has to go every week to fight with them, for the service etc.
- A
- Adair
- qSg
- 06 Dec 2022
I was angry when TMobile bought out Sprint, this shouldn’t be allowed to happen. Less cell phone providers means more corruption and higher prices not to mention always horrible service and they all charge too much for BAD SERVICE. WE are all dealing with this on every level, with all of the huge corporation Which we are FORCED to deal with.
- F
- Frustrated
- YgT
- 30 Nov 2022
Anonymous, 30 Nov 2022I've only been a customer for 6 months and they alread... moreI been having drop calls and no service for over year and half. On the phone with tmobile for many hours and days that can't even count. Finally their technical support tells me my phone is defective and he will send me a new phone under warranty and for me to return the old phone back to them. So I did .. 2 months later they charge me $800 for phone out of warrenty.. does not make any sense . I am paying double for the phone and no service. I am fighting them now on this charge and they Still refuse to fix their error. They have the old phone as requested. I have insurance and everything else to cover any expenses for any problems with phone.
Why is tmobile doing this to customers. They intraped me to return a phone as defective to them and now stating is out of warranty. Mind you I still don't have 5g service and many dropped calls.
I want to join the class action law suit. In all the time almost 2 years of poor service and connections they have yet credit me and now this bill foe $800. I am fed up. I refuse to pay.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8YA
- 30 Nov 2022
I've only been a customer for 6 months and they already have overcharged me by more than $2,000! They've lied at every turn and this needs to stop! I'm VERY serious and motivated to join/lead a class action lawsuit against them! Is there one currently going on for these behaviors?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7yw
- 19 Nov 2022
BSHound, 17 Nov 2022It sounds as if my experience is similar. We live in a rura... moreI would join a class action as well....assuming this message goes through.