The jury reached a verdict in Apple vs. Samsung case
- ?
- Anonymous
- j1H
- 26 Aug 2012
I really wish Samsung would listen to all the business savvy, butthurt fanboys here and stop producing chips for Apple. That way Apple can slap them with a breach of contract and lost revenue lawsuit and get an even more massive amount of money. They could then use that money and go to TSMC or Toshiba and help them build up their business, all the while Samsung's shiny new multi-billion dollar plant in Texas goes unused. Samsung fanboys I like your ideas.
- q
- qwer
- vIg
- 26 Aug 2012
Apple is a coward, stabbing from behind. Apple copied a lot of interface elements from windows & Symbian. They never apple. Why ?? Because they have a sports man spirit and would try to innovate to fight. Instead of complaining like a baby their devices look similar when all the devices have a similar shape even the ones before iphone...
- S
- Samsung 4Eva
- 9Cv
- 26 Aug 2012
so apple users, listen who provided your chips to make your delicate phones work.. Apple are scared if having a rounded edge is wrong then sue every phone maker. Samsung 2nd to apple so suing them will slow them down but it won't stop them. Oh look apple are making a tv, Sony, LG, Samsung should sue as its already been done. Half of appleS ideas are stolen if you do your research. just look at the notification bar in IOS6. That's an android feature hmmm, and apple say they don't steal
- m
- moi
- 26 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2012Everyone keeps saying how Apple is only suing Samsung becau... moresamsung build for home use electronic devices. apple???? well, nop!!!! as u can see now, samsung plasma, washing machine, dvd player, handphone, smart phone, tv, radio. apple got??? well, nop too. so , think about that.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 26 Aug 2012
APPLE-ROYALLY, 26 Aug 2012WE are happy we Apple have won we see Samdung loose we l... moreyeah!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 26 Aug 2012
I will never ever use an apple product in my life even if it's free !!! Keep it up Samsung ! They will pay for this ...
- A
- 0CD
- 26 Aug 2012
WE are happy
we Apple have won
we see Samdung loose
we like that®
- ?
- Anonymous
- H4t
- 26 Aug 2012
I-say, 26 Aug 2012everyone chill up. 906 comments on such bullshit . . . wtf.... morepeople like you and me understand that......unfortunately, android fanboys don't
- h
- harlekkin
- XrE
- 26 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2012Judging by your comment you simply don't get it. While oth... moreI agree 100% with your comments.
- T
- Terraccan
- pXa
- 26 Aug 2012
ase, 26 Aug 2012 At Apple, we value originality and innovation and pour our... moreThousand likes for this comment. I do not hate Apple products (I never owned one) but I totally agree with you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v}7
- 26 Aug 2012
TDMaster, 26 Aug 2012so would be better to cut the root instand ... would creat... moreWouldn't it better if you can sell both parts and products?
- I
- I-say
- SYf
- 26 Aug 2012
everyone chill up. 906 comments on such bullshit . . . wtf. I can assure u that samsung's fans (including me) will stick to sammy and same thing for apple's fans. so come down and end this useless conversation.
- ?
- Anonymous
- q88
- 26 Aug 2012
Everyone keeps saying how Apple is only suing Samsung because they are afraid of them. Well... why do you think Samsung copied Apple in the first place? Because Samsung was afraid of Apple! Duh! And now, thankfully, its finally biting them back! Haha!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- q88
- 26 Aug 2012
Shaxin, 26 Aug 2012This whole case amazes me. I will never buy another Apple p... moreJudging by your comment you simply don't get it. While other products may have had one or two little subtle things similar to Apple's patents... Samsung had an endless stream of elements that were not only similar, but according to in house documentation - purposefully done that way! This is the big difference! Their sole purpose was to rip sales from Apple. Which is like biting the hand that feeds you. Apple has a contract with Samsung to manufacture parts for them for use in construction of devices. If Apple were to lose ground... So would Samsung. If the contract dries up... Samsung loses money. AND if Apple stops making iPhones and iPads (etc) Samsung would be in trouble... why? Who would they have to copy from?
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 26 Aug 2012
apple is the best! go apple go! sue them all!
- T
- TDMaster
- S0C
- 26 Aug 2012
Dee, 26 Aug 2012What I meant is...the Chip that sold to Apple may be only c... moreso would be better to cut the root instand ...
would create a better effect
- t
- tune
- N7A
- 26 Aug 2012
man.. im just watchin the number of comments increase..
baseline; samsung has way too many products that will still sell.. from home appliances to computers to phones. apple has a website and the i-products. samsung will still be strong. google is on the way with motorola for a lawsuit! boys, haahaha! :p yeah.
- D
- AnonD-2725
- fw7
- 26 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 26 Aug 2012stop using copycat samsung's produts!!! its easy fr anybdy ... moreAs if Apple have never copied anyone else before. They are just as guilty. So your statement is kinda hypocritical.
- D
- Dee
- v}7
- 26 Aug 2012
AnonD-53748, 26 Aug 2012I'm pretty sure that if no one supplied any SoCs to Apple, ... moreWhat I meant is...the Chip that sold to Apple may be only cost few dollars to make and Samsung sell it for hundreds dollars or even more to Apple.
- S
- Shaxin
- YUf
- 26 Aug 2012
This whole case amazes me. I will never buy another Apple product again, I have only ever bought one. Why would I want an iphone when my S3 has a slot for a memory card and I can change the battery? I get great battery power and don't have to constantly have my phone on the charger. It is funny that Apple makes their little phone with Samsung parts yet does not want any competition. As others have written, before Samsung, Palm had a rectangular device with icons and rounded corners, as did other makers, why didn't Apple go after them? Because Samsung put out the Galaxy S3 that blew away their iphone 5 just a few months before it was coming out and they wouldn't have the time to make any changes to try to make it better than the S3, that is why. Apple is so greedy that they want a monopoly on phones and pads. Remember when pocket pc's came out, they all looked the same and had similar OS and icons. Android is here and Apple can't handle it.