The jury reached a verdict in Apple vs. Samsung case
- C
- CopyCats
- m1P
- 25 Aug 2012
why nokia doesnt sue the other company ??
we all know that all phones companies are copying from nokia ..
please nokia sue apple !! samsung and sony so u can return again to the top ..
- i
- iphonesucks
- mga
- 25 Aug 2012
Apple are overprice and very restrictive with what they will let you do!
All of the iphones are practically the same with only minimal changes, with high premium.
- D
- Dante the great
- fsV
- 25 Aug 2012
I hate apple. But truth be told, Samsung is a copycat company. Plain and simple. Have u seen a galaxy s2 or a galaxy s or the touchwiz interface. Samsung go out of their way to make their products look like Apple devices. They are other ways a touchscreen phone can look. Look at HTCs or even better look at Sony phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7tU
- 25 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2012Poor Samsung ... u looted peoples money by copying yo... moreOh!!!!! so you are the one of the guy who purchased Samsung phone thinking it is an iPhone. Pity on you. That's why you should go to school and learn alphabets. Then you will see the difference between the words "Apple iPhone" and "Samsung Galaxy S".
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 25 Aug 2012
i proud to be a owner of 1 out of 3 idevices! and its not copy-cut!
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 25 Aug 2012
AnonD-60099, 25 Aug 2012You said "If apple patented the rectangular and rounde... moreYou did'nt get my point dude this is not only for smartphone its all about money so if they can sue in smartphone maybe some other things like rectangular shape is possible to make billions in this funny decision by the jury.
- ?
- Anonymous
- p77
- 25 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2012Cellphone are made to make our lives easier by using this g... moreThere was 5 diferent patents which copysam LOSE
- T
- Tony
- LbM
- 25 Aug 2012
Its all about stockmarket. To many people invest on apple ..and why they dont take a court in europe or australia for that? Why in California? For me this two clowns work together and we small customers pay for this all... They fait for the iphone and ipad because they earn a lot of money with this two devices.... The all in one PC from many labels look also like iMac ....... For me what apple do is not good for them ....let s wait 5 years more...sorry for my english
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0CT
- 25 Aug 2012
"...stealing isn't right"???? your own founder supported that stealing is goooooood
- A
- Alex
- 3A4
- 25 Aug 2012
I was sure about this :|
- d
- danny
- iFr
- 25 Aug 2012
apple wins
- ?
- Anonymous
- P}v
- 25 Aug 2012
Poor Samsung ... u looted peoples money by copying you will have to pay for coying....Samsung The copy cat of mobile industry
- i
- i hate apple
- v0q
- 25 Aug 2012
The Ugly apple so they want more they turn ugly hero iphone hard put another song mp3's art is ugly on OS IOS yuck
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 25 Aug 2012
Cellphone are made to make our lives easier by using this gadget we communicate in easiest way why is it the reason behind patented this so that no other way to choose. Its a dumb decision by the jury the rectangular with rounded corner is not the main purpose of this gadget.
- ?
- Anonymous
- q88
- 25 Aug 2012
Sean, 25 Aug 2012Since when did Apple invent slide to unlock?? Google Androi... moreGoogle made slide to unlock before Apple? iPhone WITH slide to unlock was on the original iPhone in 2007. First android phone came in like 2008.
- v
- vga
- N7A
- 25 Aug 2012
apple suck that's all
- ?
- Anonymous
- q88
- 25 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2012Apple is just a con job, all it does is copy and sue other ... moreGet your facts right... Apples Macintosh OS was introduced prior to Windows. This is common knowledge.
- D
- AnonD-65102
- 6%q
- 25 Aug 2012
Anonymous, 25 Aug 2012which one is older sony walkman or the first iphone? What r... morePlease check this link out:
If needed, I could show you more.
- G
- Geo
- srr
- 25 Aug 2012
I'm glad this happened. I'm not an Apple fanboy, in fact i hate Apple but when it comes to Samsung phones, they all look and feel the same. Just cheap copies of each-other. You can't tell which Samsung phone is which. 15 models of phones released per year and they all look the same. Is the same case with HTC. The lack of personality is so acute, they boroughed some from Apple. Bad call and now a very expensive one. All this for some ugly phones and bad UI...
- W
- Winterhell
- 25 Aug 2012
Make sure there are no apple trees around your house or else you end up being homeless. If you have an apple farm, my deepest sympathy to you and anyone who is associated with you.
Apple should start selling a whole lot of other stuffs and start employing more lawyers. Its a very profitable business suing others