The jury reached a verdict in Apple vs. Samsung case
- ?
- Anonymous
- iif
- 25 Aug 2012
To bad for Samsung. Still... much love for the phones you have produced. It's only 1 billion; easy recovery my fellow Korean's giant. Make sure Apple continues procuring your technologies, because you know they won't have the knowledge to come up with it themselves. I don't mind Apple's products because I know deep down inside it Koreans', Japaneses', and Chineses' creations.
- D
- AnonD-68252
- Pxx
- 25 Aug 2012
irobot is real.......stevie bjob is alive in iphoneys
- D
- AnonD-25554
- t1$
- 25 Aug 2012
samdung deserves it.
- n
- ninja
- pXj
- 25 Aug 2012
Copying is WRONG period. Doesn't matter if it's in a classroom or a huge company. It's just wrong. Don't sell your values for profits people.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u7G
- 25 Aug 2012
serves em right. thats what samsung should get everywhere
- D
- AnonD-25677
- uNV
- 25 Aug 2012
wow!! 458 comments! go on guys and reach 1000 please
- D
- AnonD-11886
- v0q
- 25 Aug 2012
SAMSUNG is the world's biggest copycat,. imo the biggest loser now, you deserve that for playing dirty eh? lol
- s
- samsung v samsung
- Mx@
- 25 Aug 2012
hi samsung make all tech for apple so whats this all about other the marketing both companies as the top 2 mobile manufacturers?? LOL
- j
- jessus
- 0U1
- 25 Aug 2012
apple`s is the best sheet ever....:)))))...i work in samsung factory end quality says everithing.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- p3K
- 25 Aug 2012
Luckily Pythagoras is death, because if he would be alive he would get sued by apple for using rectangular shapes in his work.... the only ones who will escape apple s suing spree will be probably the guys from "The Office" with their Pyramid tablet
- D
- AnonD-27796
- 3@r
- 25 Aug 2012
1 looser : The Consumer.
- m
- mixa
- 3VQ
- 25 Aug 2012
Samsung copycats, got what they asked for years.Soon the US market will be very much N/A for them, since this is a precedent to be used in future cases.
It seems all profits from S3 went to apple ++ more lol.
- D
- AnonD-68247
- IWa
- 25 Aug 2012
Wtf! with patent rule.. Apple sux big time. Just because rounded corners become an issue ? if u think deeply wtf was that.. its like there is crime we have round head pen*s.. lol
- b
- bazman
- H5y
- 25 Aug 2012
This is happening to many times all american companies are at it so lets boycott them show them that they don't rule the whole world as they seem to think they do.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaD
- 25 Aug 2012
I'm not an Apple fan but "sammy copy/paste" deserves that. No inovation, no design, only stupid specs to attract uneducated consumers. Grow-up boys, learn to appreciate quality against quantity.
- t
- thundeR
- uSR
- 25 Aug 2012
samsung is a copycat loser!!!! like lady gaga doing and copying everything just to hit big! :P
- b
- bigup
- mga
- 25 Aug 2012
if im right in thinking nokia had a rectangular phone with rounded corners before apple did so who is the thief?
- D
- AnonD-7471
- 3Jn
- 25 Aug 2012
i hate apple, 25 Aug 2012The Ugly apple so they want more they turn ugly hero iphone... morewhat you wrote doesn't make any sense what so ever.
- D
- AnonD-9023
- 2T7
- 25 Aug 2012
I think these lawsuits are not for money because apple has lot of money.
But its a message to companies , particularly , to think twice before copying or imitating something.Sure everyone copies every other but it shouldnt be "blind copy" , and just making clones.
All of this , is for a simple reason , apple is going to bring lot of things to market probably in these two years and they strongly want a head start like an iPad without having any clones in market (this is not about killing competition but to give other the message that "go , make your own stuff and become a better company").
And companies like samsung will now focus on making better products rather than copying others , which is better for consumers.
- S
- Samsung Fanboy Pro
- 3Dy
- 25 Aug 2012
Lets be honest did anyone expect the outcome to be any different?American compab,held in apples home tirf,and presided vy and american judge overseen by the most corrupt legal system on earth.Shame the americans will miss out so mutch and when will some higher powers realise that all this does is limit what consumers can buy and the end up will be nothing but apple junk in every home.Horrible shameless company