Apple loses its patent lawsuit against Samsung in Japan
- D
- Doc Shahkar
- 02 Sep 2012
Am wondering why Apple is not being sued by copying LG Prada ??
Or Y it's not being sued by copying Android notification system in iOS 5 ??
US judges either did not see which Pandora box they opened or they been all bribed heavily.
If some one invented the door handle of a car and how it opens, the rest of the world's car manufacturers should not include the car door in a car even ?? This is how Apple patents worked which is ridiculous and unacceptable.
When the judges were giving there verdict they should have thought which Pandora box they are opening.
Now every car manufacturer every cake manufacturer and every tech manufacturers start suing each other and consumer just watch with open mouths that is it really happening.
Grow up people. It's not the way.
- z
- zee
- 0RX
- 01 Sep 2012
Dr.Pumps, 01 Sep 2012USApple court should take some technical lessons from the J... moreTrue
- a
- apple shit
- Hxi
- 01 Sep 2012
deep down apple deep down apple
long live SAMSUNG
- A
- Azim
- rJg
- 01 Sep 2012
Apple is behaving lyk rabid dog.
- D
- Dr.Pumps
- iFr
- 01 Sep 2012
USApple court should take some technical lessons from the Japanies one
- m
- mars
- v0q
- 01 Sep 2012
only apple can do for now is get rid of anything that treatens them. but still there is justice. we pray that the minds of misguided US judges will be enlightened. truly, samsung didn't infringed apple's product. samsung just made an awesome supergadget that has been loved by most.. we know that apple's shares in sales have been declining even in their homeland.. well, apple may compete but can never surpass now but still they have more more and a US-based company. i hope they won't get spoiled with it. what we need is to be just and fair. thank you samsung for making super gadget like my galaxy note, what a great features it has. we need gadgets with great features and socially in.
- e
- espada-1
- kVN
- 01 Sep 2012
jash, 01 Sep 2012i think its hightime these companys woke up...this is suppo... moreYup, that's what im saying. Apple copied LG and release one phone with one tweak a year....pathetic!
- j
- jash
- ftV
- 01 Sep 2012
i think its hightime these companys woke up...this is supposed to be a battle
between the best tech brains and tech minds nd strategists...pls no more copyn,pls do bit make a caricature of genuine hard work and amazing creativity.if ur crew cant think no more,then u've got to go out there...there are hundreds of capable young people.else u quit.period!
- j
- jay
- Sqj
- 01 Sep 2012
goron, 31 Aug 2012just ban samsung from US and let them play monopoly and we ... moreyesh datz right..
- r
- rottenapple
- sXu
- 01 Sep 2012
At least we can rely on the honesty and integrity of courts around the world. Japan, South Korea, Netherlands, UK etc all laugh at Apples pathetic claims. Are you watching, listening and learning America?
- Z
- Zaxe
- t7r
- 01 Sep 2012
I trust the Japanese when it comes to this one! They are the leader in robotics and innovation.
- p
- pilipino
- 9Lb
- 01 Sep 2012
Apple is losing it's ground... by 2014 you will be history...
- J
- JBmikey
- yVg
- 01 Sep 2012
It's almost as if we need an international court to deal with these kind of cases. I find it unfair that certain regions can have one set of smartphones available and others can't. Plus this would cut down all the multiple lawsuits in different countries.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01 Sep 2012
one million=one billion!!!!!!????hahahaha
- S
- Samsung Fanboy Pro
- 3ag
- 01 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 01 Sep 2012What???? Judge??? Um... the JURY found Samsung guilty, no... moreYou obviously seem to have too much to say but nothing to back up your statements.Wow we cant half tell your drinking apple juice for breakfast and apple juice for tea.Unfortunately we cant help your poor decisions in mobile purchasing your minds already gonrle.Steve jibs will be proud of you and your loualty and will continue to remove your money from your wallet while you sleep.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sfQ
- 01 Sep 2012
apple = hypocrits. apple is scared and is picking on the biggest android player. android will continue to dominate the smartphone world.
- e
- ejhong
- t7X
- 01 Sep 2012
as expected. Samsung is one of the world's famous and renowned mobile company. Apple is just afraid that android producing company like samsung will reign into the whole mobile industry. Samsung keeps on making promising platforms, designs, services, qualities that will address to the needs of users to attain an enjoyable yet affordable gadgets like samsung products. just ban the samsung products in US and let's see if apple's product will increase on demand. For I know, many people living in the US prefer other mobile brand, specially samsung than apple's iphone products. this case sucks!
- K
- 2Ff
- 01 Sep 2012
well japan is making a huge mistake thinking that this battle is about Asia VS US, its the koreans & chinese ripping them off big time thats why japs are losing their market share worldwide
- i
- 01 Sep 2012
for what all patents does apple claim against samsung... touchwiz the launcher is identical to their buggy launcher or the home screen, well apple does not have any home screen as it feels all the same... cant apple find that samsungs home screen is customizable with lot of functionality.. thz z wrong both r way different in launching apps or icon arrangements still apple sued them... thz reason was pointless that apple claiming samsung voilate their patent law also making a black rectangular shaped phone with rounded corners should not be patented, this is extrmely shameful patent right coz other companies if wont make bkack phones tgen who will buy phones wid other cokours as nost of smartphones r black coloured wid rectangular shape n rounded corners... apple z seriously a mad company... they r patenting everything n claiming that its theirs... i seriously didnt like apples dictatorship... yeah its dictatorship only... even i hate patent system after sum years there will be patent with tge type or colour of cloths u r wearing or which car u driving or so on... looks a cheap tactics for business
- ?
- Anonymous
- tPG
- 01 Sep 2012
Who is the most important person in a business, not the owner or CEO, neither the employees, IT'S THE CUSTOMERS FOR GOD SAKE!