Rumor: Xiaomi is working on a phone with a 192MP camera with 16-in-1 binning support

29 June 2021
This high resolution sensor should offer high quality digital zoom up to 4x. And it will have the S888 successor to do the number crunching.

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Anonymous, 29 Jun 2021It doesn't fail, that's the reality. Only Sony b... moreI couldn't agree more. Sony manual mode is still inferior to many other brands' auto modes! How sad is that? Seriously, Sony smartphone mAnUaL mOdE has gotta be the most overrated thing I've ever seen

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • LHe
    • 29 Jun 2021

    Anonymous, 29 Jun 2021It doesn't fail, that's the reality. Only Sony b... morePixel actually fails half the time as soon as you get it out of its comfort zones such as landscape, architecture, and human portraits. It's known to change the texture and materials of the objects such as tables, chairs, walls, etc.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • LHe
      • 29 Jun 2021

      Wezz, 29 Jun 2021The death of cameras is accelerating, soon Nikon, Canon, So... moreYes. As soon as Xiaomi properly turns night shots into the day it's all over. As well as when it makes your girlfriend look like Liv Tyler from 1996 you know Canon has died.

        Wezz, 29 Jun 2021The death of cameras is accelerating, soon Nikon, Canon, So... moreThat's never gonna happen, a dedicated FF camera isn't going extinct from a phone camera.

          Anonymous, 29 Jun 2021The reason why he brought up dismiss the higher MP sensor ... more"The reason why he brought up dismiss the higher MP sensor because the pixel size is smaller. The effective pixel size doesn't matter if there is crosstalk."

          I have no idea if you're quoting me or replying here, you have quotation marks at the end, but not in the beginning, so learn to form a proper sentence.

          "But crosstalk is minimum which clearly exposes you to be knowing nothing about quad Bayer sensors of modern times and the algorithms associated with them, as the guy said."

          It seems you both don't know what crosstalk is, you seem to think that the more modern we get, the smaller we can go in terms of pixel size. If a company makes a 300MP sensor in the future and it's less than 1-inch, are you going to be praising it?

          "Haha.. You are literally proving him right."

          How exactly? If I don't know what a QB is, please let me know. I'd love to be educated by some anonymous person on the internet.

          "And the reason why he brought up Xperia series is coz everyone here knows u a Sony trolll who always gets triggered by slightest criticism against Sony. "

          So he mentioned Xperia because I like Sony? Is he trying to get me upset or something? You're the one who's getting upset and popping a blood vessel over a brand, calm down kid. You're gonna end up dying if you continue like this. You seem more triggered than I am right now. If you're gonna criticize at least do it properly, calling Sony fans trolls and repeating the same thing over again isn't a criticism.

          The only person who I can respect here is Nick because he actually makes arguments and can back it up with proper reasoning, the rest seem to be anonymous ppl who repeat the same thing without actually making an argument.

          "All u Sony trolll are same. Repeating similar marketing material from Sony, nothing else to add"

          What marketing material am I repeating from Sony? Please let me know.

            Anonymous, 29 Jun 2021It doesn't fail, that's the reality. Only Sony b... more"It doesn't fail, that's the reality."

            This is a lie, so you're saying auto mode gets it right 100% of the time? If so, then you are clearly lying here.

            "Only Sony buffoons praising manual mode."

            Not true, anyone who wants to adjust manually would prefer manual mode, I don't think that's limited to "Sony buffoons".

            "Reality is that pixel in auto mode (1 sec) gives As good or better image quality than Sony baloney with their overrated manual mode after doing all that tinkering."

            Your delusions isn't reality. Auto mode doesn't always give you the best results, but it gets the job done most of the time.

            "Sony camera team is simply incapable of getting as good image quality as other flagships in auto mode. They should replace their incompetent engineers and hire developers from Google"

            Their cameras have a certain demographic and you can get really good results from them, there is tons of amazing photos taken by people online, I know you're scared of looking for them, but no need to be. Go find them.

              AnonD-986036, 29 Jun 2021How much did the Mi 11 Pro costs? And is the main camera good? You can get it for around 700 bucks at

                [deleted post]The manufacturer has nothing to do with it, but at least I'm not seeing Sony put almost 200MP into a sensor that might be less than 1 inch.

                "This Sony brand boy is insufferable."

                You seem pretty upset here.

                  Anonymous, 29 Jun 2021But you are quick to judge high MP as bad This sensor is bad and a waste of time. I never said all high MP sensors are bad.

                    • W
                    • Wezz
                    • pf0
                    • 29 Jun 2021

                    The death of cameras is accelerating, soon Nikon, Canon, Sony Alpha will be only antiques

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • gqv
                      • 29 Jun 2021

                      SuuperBaka, 29 Jun 2021"I wasn't talking about Dslr, I was talking about... moreThe reason why he brought up dismiss the higher MP sensor because the pixel size is smaller. The effective pixel size doesn't matter if there is crosstalk. "

                      But crosstalk is minimum which clearly exposes you to be knowing nothing about quad Bayer sensors of modern times and the algorithms associated with them, as the guy said.
                      Haha.. You are literally proving him right.

                      And the reason why he brought up Xperia series is coz everyone here knows u a Sony trolll who always gets triggered by slightest criticism against Sony. All u Sony trolll are same. Repeating similar marketing material from Sony, nothing else to add

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • gq3
                        • 29 Jun 2021

                        Anonymous, 29 Jun 2021So when post-processing fails, and it fails half the time, ... moreIt doesn't fail, that's the reality.
                        Only Sony buffoons praising manual mode. Reality is that pixel in auto mode (1 sec) gives As good or better image quality than Sony baloney with their overrated manual mode after doing all that tinkering.
                        Sony camera team is simply incapable of getting as good image quality as other flagships in auto mode. They should replace their incompetent engineers and hire developers from Google

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ntJ
                          • 29 Jun 2021

                          SuuperBaka, 29 Jun 2021I know that bigger sensors are coming, but that wasn't... moreBut you are quick to judge high MP as bad

                            Xiaomi should solve the many problems and issues of the current phones and then think about introducing a new phone. I really regret buying the Xiaomi phone.

                              SuuperBaka, 29 Jun 2021I know that bigger sensors are coming, but that wasn't... moreYou are not completely right, and I might be also wrong at some point, but MP is important. For example, there is no way to shoot 4k videos with only 5 MP camera. There is no way to shoot 8k with a 12 MP camera.
                              The Sharp is not taking Quad Bayer photos, it has only 20 MP, if it would take Quad Bayer images photos would NOT be 4k resolution anymore.
                              About that 600 MP sensor, technology is not there right now, but in 2025, 2026 it might be. I remember when Nokia launched the worlds first 41 MP camera, everybody was blown away.

                                Mobilemaster, 29 Jun 2021We will see who is right then. Oh by the way big sensors ar... moreI know that bigger sensors are coming, but that wasn't the point. Sharp is releasing a 1-inch sensor with 20MP, which is still low compared to 48,50,108,192MP sensors. I don't know if it's a QB or not, but I don't think it is so we'll just have to see.

                                Jamming 600MP into a sensor isn't the way to go, it would just waste the sensor. Look at the ME20F-SH from Canon. A camera that is 2.2MP but the pixel size is 19um. Obviously, that has special usages and certain target markets, but low MP doesn't mean it's bad, just like how high MP doesn't mean it's good. There are a lot of factors that go into this.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-940827
                                  • 8pQ
                                  • 29 Jun 2021

                                  Mediatek sux, 29 Jun 2021You cant. Go learn and come back. Forget winning and losing... moreNice try. Slowmo. Let's not forget liar. Because you clearly aren't poor.

                                    Replicant , 29 Jun 2021I wasn't talking about Dslr, I was talking about the 1... more"I wasn't talking about Dslr, I was talking about the 108mp sensors on smartphones.
                                    It's not just higher megapixel count. The sensor at 1/1.33" is huge compared to tiny 12mp sensors on the market."

                                    Why are u bringing it up when the topic was dslr vs smartphones? Yes, the sensor is bigger, which is what gives the advantage. Your point? Now compare the same sized sensor.

                                    "People aren't Fools to buy looking at megapixel count. You automatically dismiss higher MP sensor citing small pixel size (without taking into account effective pixel size)"

                                    I dismiss the higher MP sensor because the pixel size is smaller. The effective pixel size doesn't matter if there is crosstalk.

                                    "Already assume more noise on 108mp even though 12mp regular Bayer will give more noise if image processing algorithm is bad."

                                    That's because there will be more noise than a 12MP regular Bayer normally. If the image processing is bad on the Bayer then sure it can have more noise.

                                    "In short, you know nothing about how Quad Bayer sensors and how their accompanying their image processing algorithms have evolved to make computational photography on smartphones a big hit."

                                    In short, you don't understand the disadvantages of having smaller pixels on a phone sensor. Apple and Google still use 12MP sensors and they are at the top of computational photography. Computational photography became a hit with them, not small pixel, high MP sensors.

                                    "Tomorrow if Sony employs higher MP sensor on Xperia series, suddenly you'll change your mind about higher MP sensors."

                                    I never mentioned Xperia series at all, no idea why you decided to bring this up. First of all, they prefer to have their eye AF with the lower resolution sensor and bigger pixels, and second, even if they for some odd reason decided to switch over, I wouldn't switch.

                                    When Samsung releases a high-resolution sensor with 0.5um pixels, be sure to get the phone that uses it.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 7sq
                                      • 29 Jun 2021

                                      16k, 29 Jun 2021One of the first post subs said: 16k....16k and1000mb/s h265. Samsung can.

                                        AnonD-940827, 29 Jun 2021When you don't have enough internal storage, you can i... moreYou cant. Go learn and come back. Forget winning and losing, you were never even in the competition.

                                        Read first reply to know what i store on the sdcard. I mention exactly what i store on the sdcard, but you keep on saying apps apps apps. You have control over what you store on it. Go learn.