Apple breaks $3 trillion market cap threshold
- D
- DarkKnight9
- D0e
- 08 Jan 2022
I'm impressed with Apple. They are the only company on the planet who keep their customers in check and control whatever they do. And I love their security ads despite being the most hacked and least secure major phone company of the last decade.
- T
- Tyfyh
- x13
- 08 Jan 2022
I personally always thought that Apple would fall flat with it's marketing and pricing strategy. But I'm kinda impressed. They made a lot of people eat their words.
So huge props to them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- UG4
- 06 Jan 2022
jason, 05 Jan 2022and yet all of those comments where accurate at the time, t... more"Accurate at the time" - Thats why Apple have the foresight, and is successful.
Critics and naysayers keep saying it cannot be done, what they did was crap, their buyers are zombies. But fact is, they had to eat their words and follow Apple's trend.
- D
- DaFink
- TkW
- 05 Jan 2022
IpsDisplay, 05 Jan 2022It's not an opinion when apple gets fined for anti com... moreNice try, but if am indeed generalising, the it’s in relation to a dozen or more major corporations who’s behaviour and goals are laid bare in their own marketing and PR.
You on the other hand are referring to several million anonymous individuals who’s motives, means and desires you have no possible way of knowing, inferring them all to be technically inept simply because they made a choice you don’t agree with. So don’t try to draw a comparison between the two.
Apple is hardly the only tech business to get done for such things now is it. I go back to my earlier point, they are all pretty much the same, Apple just have achieved more success and therefore a greater degree of scrutiny than their competitors
- I
- IpsDisplay
- ri0
- 05 Jan 2022
DaFink, 05 Jan 2022What statistics? I wasn’t the one making ill defined genera... moreIt's not an opinion when apple gets fined for anti competitive practices
But you can have what ever narrative is compatible to you
As for generalization you call me out on it but generalize your self businesses envy for hi profit margins etc
Nothing is wrong with generalizations it's god to know what is the most likely trend/pattern
- j
- jason
- MJ{
- 05 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 05 Jan 2022Steve Ballmer laughed at the iPhone, saying its expensive a... moreand yet all of those comments where accurate at the time, the iphone was a poor email device back then, when ipad came out it was a silly looking device with ginormous bezels and offered ZERO difference to an iphone so yea back then it was stupid, the airpods looked ridiculous with those huge long stems, the airpods pro are fantastic and do not look like a toothbrush, and the competitions designs are equally as good if not better, apple was not the first to bring out 16:9 ratio so dont claim they did, literally the only accurate thing you mentioned is that apple did 64bit chips first, which is true
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 05 Jan 2022Steve Ballmer laughed at the iPhone, saying its expensive a... moreWell done sir. Those haters mostly are brainless and only followed blindly to what ever people/YouTubers/Tech Review and etc said without thinking first. I enjoy both world (Apple and non Apple) products. Be it smartphone, computer, tablet and so on.
My current device are:
Smartphones : iPhone 11, Realme 7 Pro
Tablet : iPad
MP3 player : iPod
Computer : Mac Pro (for work), Custom build PC (for gaming/entertainment), Linux (for storage)
Fitness tracker: Amazfit Band 5
Hmmm 🤔 what else is my target for this year 2022...
Wacom Cintiq Pro 32 been running around in my mind lately. Will work hard to get it by the end of this year 😎
- D
- DaFink
- raM
- 05 Jan 2022
IpsDisplay, 05 Jan 2022So your one of these binary thinkers you have no nuance to ... moreWhat statistics? I wasn’t the one making ill defined generalisations, if you have a list of names all these less so called ‘non tech savvy Apple consumers’ then crack on with the sharing by all means.
Also I wouldn’t start talking about concepts such as nuance seeing as you can’t seem to understand the simple difference between enticement and entrapment. Apple, like any other brand looking to succeed, try their best to entice customers towards loyalty. What Apple or the rest cannot do is actually trap those people. So maybe you don’t want to be mentioning anyone else’s thinking limitations whilst simultaneously displaying your own, well not unless irony is another concept that is beyond you.
And the ethics of Apple’s business practices ultimately an opinion, those who share your own will avoid Apple and it’s products, as is their choice. However, given the subject of this very article it would appear there are a great many who think differently.
Ultimately Apple are not guilty of anything their competitors aren’t doing, trying to do or willing to do as soon as they sense the opportunity, Apple just seem to be more successful at it. And this isn’t a source of disgust among those same competitors, it’s a source of envy.
- I
- IpsDisplay
- iV%
- 05 Jan 2022
DaFink, 05 Jan 2022Profit margins that are the envy of the business world, unl... moreSo your one of these binary thinkers you have no nuance to what "being trapped in an ecosystem" means
I'll spell it out for You can't even file transfer iPhone to android most devices are Built with great intergration in apple and if youve invested in many apple products you will most likely not want to leave.. don't be dishonest you know how it is
The arguement here isnt about just raw profit margins but rather the unethical means behind such things, making repair s as difficult as possible, recommending buying brand new product at the store for minor damages to equipment, slowing down devices
As for you demanding statistics without providing any you share yours first( burden of proof is on you sir) and I'll share mine
- Eren Yaeger
- r4L
- 05 Jan 2022
GAMIR3DH, 04 Jan 2022So that means lower priced flagships? No?You high or what???
- ?
- Anonymous
- UG4
- 05 Jan 2022
Steve Ballmer laughed at the iPhone, saying its expensive and do not have a keyboard, thus not a very good email machine..
iPad the giant phone no one needs... yeah tablets hrm...
People make MEME of toothbrush in your ears when the AirPods launched.. then TWS begin popping out everywhere.
Xiaomi use a frying pan to wack iPhone protruding camera. In the end they follow Apple design .. and protrude all their phones.
The iPhone 5 remote control phone... yeah now every phone is 16:9 at least.
A7 the 64bit CPU/ GPU, cause panic in Android.. who announce they going 64bit also.
Windows 11 the Microsoft latest push.. to look like iOS / MacOS dock lol.
One may say I buy Android / Microsoft windows , because i do not want to be following Apple hype, or "shady". But fact is, you are also an unwilling pawn move along by Apple's direction.
- ?
- Anonymous
- gLN
- 05 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 05 Jan 2022No chance of that, lol. Future iPhones may not even come wi... moredid you see that video on the world economic forum website before it was taken down
'you will owe nothing and be happy'. in the future we will not be allowed to own a phone just rent them instead
- D
- DaFink
- I2e
- 05 Jan 2022
IpsDisplay, 04 Jan 2022The pillars of apples business is as follows:
Being shad... moreProfit margins that are the envy of the business world, unless you think the competition looks at apple and say’s ‘nah we don’t need all that money’.
As for being tech savvy, well you’ve named your self after a tech component so I guess your counting yourself as being solidly in that category, your going to now have to list all the people that comprise the ‘consumer base that believe they must buy a 1000 iPhone every year’ or else just have that comment dismissed as a wild generalisation.
And how exactly is anyone ‘trapped’ in the Apple ecosystem. I use Apple products but I can’t seem to find the clause’s legally preventing me from say going back to Android anytime I choose too. Maybe you can point them out, what with your being so savvy and all?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxe
- 05 Jan 2022
AnonD-1015799, 05 Jan 2022LMFAO…OMFG…the delusion! I love this. Samsung has an ecosys... must be that hard core Apple fans, who doesn't know that bixby already has the ability to work offline and has live text feature since 2017.
Why asking this question? As hard core Apple fans you would buy any inferior device from Apple anyway.
- P
- PixelFan
- w4Y
- 05 Jan 2022
Enlightment, 05 Jan 2022Speaking of ecosystem, Apple still needs more than 20 years... moreCertain companies will always continue to experiment and expand into new markets. But having a diverse line of products doesn't automatically equate to a mature & fully functional ecosystem.
What a lot of companies that expand into new markets fail to understand is that Apple stuff works not only because of the seamless integration of all/almost all of their products, but also because their individual product gets a lot of the basics of user experience right. I personally don't like a closed ecosystem but even I must admit how well theirs works. Samsung is far better than their other competitors in this regard but they're behind Apple by a lot.
To put into perspective of how Apple's individual products get the fundamentals right over Samsung -
> Macbooks have better thermal management than Galaxybook, we don't even need to compare performance
> In the chip market Apple's ARM based chip squash Samsung's Exynos line of chips.
> Animations on an iOS are snappier than OneUI which does improve user experience quite a bit.
These are just stuff off the top off my head. Now obviously one can point out how Samsung is making excellent displays and making top of the line camera sensors but you can't use that as a fair metric, to my knowledge, Apple isn't present in either of these markets. Which is why I am trying to have them go head to head in spaces where they're active competitors.
For Samsung, imo foldables is their best bet, I sincerely hope they can improve upon that form factor and make it more desirable to the average consumer. Also, while continuing to expand into new markets is important, they should also look to dominate the markets they're already in.
Anyways, Apple is by no means a perfect ecosystem, but they work well because they've invested in this for years. In each of the markets they entered, they had the advantage of incompetent competitors who at some fell asleep at the wheel, allowing them to dominate said markets. Samsung is relatively new to the ecosystem game, they have done an excellent job of establishing their presence in various markets but they're well away from catching Apple.
On a side note, I hope Google continues to experiment in the hardware market and also establishes a viable ecosystem. Fingers crossed for Tensor Gen2.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2WD
- 05 Jan 2022
AnonD-1015799, 05 Jan 2022LMFAO…OMFG…the delusion! I love this. Samsung has an ecosys... moreWhat about Siri, huh?
- J
- Jacksonzxop
- iV%
- 05 Jan 2022
I still find it kind of crazy that are actually people out there that think apple is the only tech company that has an ecosystem
- Note 20 Ultra
- YM4
- 05 Jan 2022
They can hit 10 trillions all I care! Love my Note 20 Ultra, Tab S7+ and my HP Laptop! I will never feed a monster!
- D
- AnonD-1015799
- 2Bk
- 05 Jan 2022
Enlightment, 05 Jan 2022Speaking of ecosystem, Apple still needs more than 20 years... moreLMFAO…OMFG…the delusion! I love this. Samsung has an ecosystem now?
How’s Bixby going btw?