EU officials see no problem with Meta shutting down Facebook and Instagram

08 February 2022
Meta needs to process its user data on European servers if it wants to continue doing business in the EU.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • StU
  • 09 Feb 2022

sr777, 09 Feb 2022I wish other countries would ban. EU and Europe are both not is a political waste of time and the other is a continent

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • StU
    • 09 Feb 2022

    Derick Abraham, 09 Feb 2022People still using Facebook 🙄Ppl still using gsmarena 🙄

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • StU
      • 09 Feb 2022

      [deleted post]Read your response again, because I think you need text correction 😂

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • StU
        • 09 Feb 2022

        Anonymous, 09 Feb 2022You are right in a way but the problem is that Facebook isn... moreI've never had an advert pop up

          Lol, I would love to see them shut down services in Europe. It's an empty threat and they know it. See, the next thing is that I had a suspicion that Meta wasn't handling data strictly according to GDPR when they passed it out of Europe. A lot of their banning methods rely heavily on personal data. If they're not hiding anything, then what's with the fighting back?

            • f
            • finch
            • La8
            • 09 Feb 2022

            Facebook, like any other giant, will collapse under its own wheight. Its demise will come as a relief for most of the users, because Facebook does not offer a useful service, but just a platform for people to behave like wild animals under the anonimity. At this moment Facebook it's just a hate platform, that allows missinformation to spread like wild fire among people with reduced level of education. And the cruel truth is that more than half of the people have a low education and cannot grasp what "science" or "scientific" means. Like the communist doctrine, Facebook let its users convince themselves that the truth can be decided democratically, by the people's decision. Well, it doesn't work that way. The truth cannot be decided by 100 million idiots, but Facebook did nothing to stop this, actually it helped, it worked against the humanity's interests. That zuck cyborg doesn't understand this. The humanity needs a little break from social media, about 15-20 years, until the technology is mature enough to have a metaverse of whatever it will be called.

              • t
              • thatamazonguy
              • tDI
              • 09 Feb 2022

              I wish the SEA (ASEAN) could be as united as this against Facebook and especially Meta as well, but sadly it's almost impossible here... I already deleted my Facebook account back in 2014 before the privacy thing with Zuckerberg even happened, only less than two years of using it and I didn't miss it at all. Same thing with Instagram as well.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Mkx
                • 09 Feb 2022

                Good. Shut them down.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • fCC
                  • 09 Feb 2022

                  impinas, 09 Feb 2022I also thought I could live without facebook, but everyone,... moreYou are right in a way but the problem is that Facebook isn't all that good like it sounds by the way you're describing it. They are just after your data and everyone's data and as much of it as is possible to collect and sell for profits. These guys will sell out every bit of information about people, for money. They only bait is that people are lured this whole socialising and groups thing and once they do, they're just objects that meta starts to profit from. They constantly keep showing you ads and countless ads all over the site and app just to earn more from marketing and making you buy useless things that you will not ever need. It was a good site like 15 years ago when it was all about making friends and interacting. But today, the reality is different. They just use Meta apps for extracting info and sell targeted ads and cramming every single kind of business activity they can into the platform. All this at the expense of people's privacy and their days and their user experience with these apps.
                  The FB app itself is a massive data and battery hog. It starts to take over your entire phone as soon as you install it. People should wake up to the massive scam of these so called social apps

                  Sites like Wikipedia are barely staying afloat while mark is one of the billionaires. Even though both sites are very popular and old. It doesn't require a genius to figure out where all that money comes from

                    impinas, 09 Feb 2022I also thought I could live without facebook, but everyone,... moreBoomer 😂 everyone else moved on just to let you know ✌️

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • fCC
                      • 09 Feb 2022

                      [deleted post]This

                        I also thought I could live without facebook, but everyone, even businesses, use it to organize stuff these days, study groups, business groups, training groups, hiking groups, city walking groups, I mean wow. It would be cool if gsmarena held a poll to see other peoples opinions.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • SnR
                          • 09 Feb 2022

                          Good, I can't wait for Facebook ban.

                            hahaha zuck tried to threat EU

                            but slapped so hard

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 0WA
                              • 09 Feb 2022

                              Lessgooooo. If this actually happens (lol meta will drop their pants eventually),many companies would trample themselves to push a european replacement soon enough.

                                Facebook should have d!ed already. Well looks like mark will make a way to stop this ban

                                  • A
                                  • Ali
                                  • a3i
                                  • 09 Feb 2022

                                  Iran's Government decided to do exaclty the same thing 10 years ago and faced huge backlash from the media all over world for being anti-freedom and totalitarian and tyrannical. now Europe is doing this on biggest scale and world is cheering for them.

                                    Good riddance lol.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 7kk
                                      • 09 Feb 2022

                                      Anonymous, 09 Feb 2022How could people remember birthdays when there was no Facebook? 🙄Notes on calendar using pen, ancient technology

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • P$I
                                        • 09 Feb 2022

                                        PepperPot, 09 Feb 2022Are you sure you guys can live without meta? You're g... moreHow could people remember birthdays when there was no Facebook? 🙄