Phil Schiller dismisses rumors of Apple making a cheap iPhone
- N
- Nick
- 05m
- 11 Jan 2013
I believe it's not about making just a cheap phone. Many users simply need just a 3 inches display
- ?
- Anonymous
- ix1
- 11 Jan 2013
gray hawk, 11 Jan 2013Note is a toy for kids? Yeah sure pal dream on i had iphone... morei have to agree with you i work in a phone shop and work with phones every day. iphones are simple phones to use with many restrictions the note is open source and has many customisable options. t
- t
- tasyo
- Q5x
- 11 Jan 2013
AnonD-14841, 11 Jan 2013selling cheap phones at cheap prices that's not Apple st... morehaha nice one
- g
- gray hawk
- L6{
- 11 Jan 2013
Carol, 11 Jan 2013Note is not a phone. Note is a toy for kids... And for some... moreNote is a toy for kids? Yeah sure pal dream on i had iphone so i know what i'm talking about if there is one phone that belong to kids it's iphone
I rather people see me playing with my DS than using a iphone you people just make no sense some times
- k
- kalerkit
- F{X
- 11 Jan 2013
i love what im reading (not the actual news, but the comments posted on it), dont care about the specs or whatsoever, its all about the "brand"... pity for those people who chose brand vs. functionality.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rn6
- 11 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2013According to IHS /Isupli iphone 5 price (BOM) bill of meta... moremost electronical devices in the world actually costs a fraction of the actual cost. Why do you ihaters keep finding things to hate about? It's just like a pair of Nike shoes. It costs Labour costs 1 dollar to make.
However the higher end NIke shoes range up to 120 dollars. Thats a 1200% more then the actual cost nike had to pay to have that pair of shoe put together. Now lets talk about shipping. How much does it cost to ship an iphone from the United States to Hong kong? Ok, you have a number in your head right? Now times that by 100 000.
Mr Troll, you found out that it costs apple around 207 bucks to assemble an iphone. Please do not forget, that thats the price of the assembly fee per phone. Apple needs to purchase the parts to make those phones, also, and purchase another company to make those parts also for foxconn to put it together. That costs money itself. How bout the price of the processors? That cost money itself too. How bout the Galaxy s3?
In my country, which is Canada its 649.99 for the basic s3. Did it cost 207 dollars to make? I can tell you probably not. It's put together so quickly with literally cheap parts. So if you want to critize apple, please criticize samsung also.
- D
- AnonD-538
- 4$E
- 11 Jan 2013
Apple will NEVER make a less-than-10-inch tablet they said. Yeah right.
- D
- AnonD-14841
- fCV
- 11 Jan 2013
selling cheap phones at cheap prices
that's not Apple strategy
they sell cheap phones at high prices
- D
- AnonD-78156
- mAM
- 11 Jan 2013
AnonD-50083, 11 Jan 2013So the only usefulness criterion to you is not needing a de... morecertainly the ios UI is far behind on everything
- N
- Nesned
- thu
- 11 Jan 2013
Remember everytime apple give important statement like, 3.5"display is the perfect size, or we will never have a tablet smaller than 9,7"? Keep up man, everything is still possible.
- L
- Login with Facebook
- 11 Jan 2013
not think so.. and yeah, selling the previous product at lower cost is not making the product "cheap" but its already phase out so who want to buy the excess stock with high price?
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJd
- 11 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2013For all you haters saying iphone has lousy hardware or pric... moreAre you serious comparing the new iPhone 5 to the s2!? The S4 is coming out soon. But I guess the iPhone 5 can only compete with 2 year old devices...
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJd
- 11 Jan 2013
Carol, 11 Jan 2013Note is not a phone. Note is a toy for kids... And for some... moreAre you serious... How is the note a toy for kids? The original note is better than the iphone5 so imagine the note 2.
- C
- Carol
- L7e
- 11 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2013note 2 beats to all chapters iPhone 5Note is not a phone. Note is a toy for kids... And for some, is a tablet with some low quality phone functions. So, let's stick to phones here. I really appreciate Apple didn't go nuts with useless stuff and they are keeping it real. Even though i don't like Ios quite at all, also i don't like apple's way of marketing. Typical American.
- d
- dR
- 8x2
- 11 Jan 2013
Apple will not do this at all, as their market is people that feel exclusive and rich because they pay more for their products. If there was a cheap iphone then they'll not feel like a niche and migrate to other brands. Lets be honest, Apple sucks the money out of their customers, back in 2007 i made that mistake
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 11 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2013So we would buy a feature phone if it was cheap? We would p... moreAhem. That's with contract. They're selling it at $1000 in some countries, and then it's free with a monthly $47 service in some. It's still a hyped up limited functioning device.
- C
- Carol
- L7e
- 11 Jan 2013
Afrabia, 11 Jan 2013the companies that have cheaper phone are nokia and samsung... moreSo, another blindPhone guy?:))). Have you ever heard about cheap manufacturing? If not, go in China and there you will see what that means;). You maybe will see some children working for your ignorance. And how much apple pays for making your "not so premium" device. Compare the 10 euros maximum of what they pay, to 700 of what you pay. Then go brag about that, in Africa. tell them "how it's made". As i was saying. this are the apple users...
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 11 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jan 2013For all you haters saying iphone has lousy hardware or pric... moreOMG. You actually like what Apple's REGRESSED innovation? It's not such a great spec'd phone. You need another device to transfer content.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ttv
- 11 Jan 2013
According to IHS /Isupli iphone 5 price (BOM) bill of metarial +assemble is just $207 for16gb,$217 and $238 for32 gb.So why we are paying 3or4 times more and for what ? For just software and store?Apple is looting people.Now we understand why Chinese branded phons such as Lenovo ,Zte ,Huawei ,Xiaomi etc. are so cheap compare to quality,they use mostly same hardware like ips lcd screens as apple .Apple is falling to ground because it wants money instead of peoples welfare.
- A
- Afrabia
- U{A
- 11 Jan 2013
Carol, 11 Jan 2013All manufactures makes cheap phones. Nokia was the only one... morethe companies that have cheaper phone are nokia and samsung.
and if u really want to know that, go africa and asia u can find that.
in India and africa u can find tones of $10 nokia phones.those are the only phones that make them survive.