Japan and Netherlands are joining the US in chip restrictions on China

27 January 2023
Companies will be prevented from transferring lithography machines.

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  • O
  • Observer1
  • SHp
  • 27 Jan 2023

China is a tricky country. There's no democracy in Asia either. When you behave like a child, when you want to use others resources and at the same time you want to dominate, you have to understand that at least you need to show some respect. Otherwise you still can play alone.

    • I
    • IQ200
    • LiQ
    • 27 Jan 2023

    MATE 30 PRO, 27 Jan 2023Where is the free market and competition economy at the pre... moreDude, what is that link proving? That Google Stadia has a vurnebility and hackers can spy on you. So if I read correctly the hackers can spy on you not Google them self.

    In one of your past comments you asked me do I really believe USA don't have access in China and the answer is they don't have an "easy" access like Huawei would have with their 5G infrastructure. China, US and many other countries are having agencies like CIA the most famous one. But that's not the same as providing internet for the whole world even for gouverment bodies which are very sensitive to giving any information.

    As I said in earlier comment, we all loved Huawei because of their mobile division as they had been great and moving mobile industry forward, but we don't know much about Huawei 5G R&D or China in general. Why? Because they choose to not be the part of the rest of world, they live in their world for a long time. It wasn't a ban or something like that, just their decicion because they want to contol the informations in their homeland. They are filtering every movie and news to catter their CCP. But they are willing to use capitalism from democratic society to build their 5G architechture around the globe which is kinda ironic but okay nevermind that.

    I lived in a communist country until 1990's and I remember how you couldn't speak freely and what a private company really meant in countries like that. There was no private companies per se as they all had the same boss which was CP and when the boss said give this or that you didn't have a choice to say no. The same can be said for Huawei 5G architechture and their relationship with CCP.

    We want to trust Huawei as a private company that it wouldn't give away sensitive information about users on their 5G netwotk if CCP ask this from them in one moment. But how can you be sure? You can't. And that's why they got banned. Because there is high possibility for China and their CCP to control information flow for the whole world.

    Again, I know some people are blaming USA for many things and for the most part they are indeed being hypocrit and done some not great moves around the globe. But what do we know about China? Almost nothing. China is very strict in dealing with information they own in their country.

    I had a Mate 20 Pro, the one with no issued screen with green light and boy I was happy with it. Everything was superb! Really really well balanced device. Unfortunatelly I damaged it badly as I accidentaly dropped him from 1 meter hight and I wasn't having a cover case back then. Glass is glass yeah I know.. silly me. Oh well...

    Cheers buddy!

      • T
      • Tt
      • S1X
      • 27 Jan 2023

      Anonymous, 27 Jan 2023Soon Indian will also join What's the use if India join🤣🤣. No use. Nowhere near America

        • Y
        • You are right
        • 7pH
        • 27 Jan 2023

        [deleted post]I wouldn't be surprised if Samsung and Apple paid to have Huawei banned.

          • A
          • Android 1
          • fFC
          • 27 Jan 2023

          I love competition with companies. It will make their product cheaper and best quality.
          If china gets the technologies, maybe it could mean affordable quality produce which is good for us who cant afford high price.
          Wishful thinking.

            Back then, it was Opium.

            Now, its microchip

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • u7V
              • 27 Jan 2023

              [deleted post]happy? you mean the country who have suicide case bigger in the world are happy?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • MSJ
                • 27 Jan 2023

                Hi Japan
                Hi Netherlands

                  It's not a restriction of all chips & it won't prevent China from producing their own IP, it's a bit of an overreaction IMO it's not the end of the world. China doesn't even like using western technology for military applications

                    • T
                    • Tisho1012
                    • nw}
                    • 27 Jan 2023

                    [deleted post]The whole concept of someone ruling the world completely contradicts with the concept of the democracy. Jfyi...

                      Doing this thing proves USA is afraid of China.

                        [deleted post]The same can be said about any country lol
                        If it was that bad, people would leave the country en masse, but that's not the case you have to remember that this is not North Korea where you have a mined border.

                          swaraj, 27 Jan 2023hey man i don't mean to argue . sure china is ahead of... more-> USA has equal distribution of wealth.
                          World's top wealthy people from Murcia : Hold my beer🍺

                            swaraj, 27 Jan 2023hey man i don't mean to argue . sure china is ahead of... moreRemember that these are the values ​​that are important in the west, in Asia they have their customs and no one from our culture should criticize them.
                            I don't remember that China has been a member of any great war in the west so far, but I still see examples of how the west provokes China.
                            Funny I'm devil's advocate but objectively let people be people if the US feels so threatened then maybe the US should actively change something at home instead of looking for enemies all over the planet.(I'm not talking about copying China in the states you have your problems)
                            Because of this foreign policy, you are hated everywhere, the only thing keeping others from doing anything is a wall made of nuclear weapons

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Hkt
                              • 27 Jan 2023

                              zaryan, 27 Jan 2023US if you think china shouldn't have monopoly then fir... morethey have not . they made china what it is today . china made great cheap hardware so they gave free android and advanced cpu so even poor can access technology. but if they make missile out of it... then actions are necessary

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Lkg
                                • 27 Jan 2023

                                Taiwan must be protected at all cost

                                  • T
                                  • Tisho1012
                                  • nw}
                                  • 27 Jan 2023

                                  Democracy, free markets and fair competition at it's finest LMAO

                                    Anonymous, 27 Jan 2023free market no more ... cz the chinese are infringing intel... morePatent law blocks developments in favor of large corporations.
                                    I am not in favor of abolishing them completely, but we should definitely limit the length of time someone has exclusivity on a given technology this would benefit everyone except the already powerful corporations

                                      US if you think china shouldn't have monopoly then first explain why you should either ?

                                        [deleted post]Americans do exactly that
                                        All China wants is to be left alone and let people trade freely and politics has nothing to do with it.
                                        These political decisions (ban, block, etc.) only affect us ordinary people potential customers