200MP telephoto cameras will be the hottest new trend, according to Samsung

19 September 2023
The inherent zoom capabilities of these sensors have only been used in main cameras with wide lenses for now. In the future a 3x cam could also reach out to 6x and 12x.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 0p}
  • 19 Sep 2023

Mobilemaster, 19 Sep 2023Did Sony made such sensors you mentioned?Z3 , M5, Z5, XZ2 ?

Huawei had some bayer 40mp used as super wide.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0p}
    • 19 Sep 2023

    Darth Caesium, 19 Sep 2023What about Sony's 20/23/24MP sensors that they made ju... moreImx220 was 21.5MP ( 20.7 effective), imx300 was 25MP (23 effective) and imx400 was 21.1 MP (19 effective).

    Imx300 got updared few years ago, it was used for gopro camera.

      Mobilemaster, 19 Sep 2023Did Sony made such sensors you mentioned?Yes. They even had Sony phones that utilised these.

        Darth Caesium, 19 Sep 2023What about Sony's 20/23/24MP sensors that they made ju... moreDid Sony made such sensors you mentioned?

          Will the images still look like a water painting when I zoom in?

            This would be the best combination of main camera and telephoto just like ultrawide and macro camera

              • K
              • Kelly
              • xjH
              • 19 Sep 2023

              Samsung Is An Innovative Company And I Think It Wants To Chew Away The Market From Apple Which Still Uses A 50mp And Less Strong Glass To That Of Samsung 's Gorrilla Glass 2 On S23 Ultra . Lets Wait For S 24 Ultra . And Samsung Is On A Level Of Its Own.

                MakeMotoBetterAgain, 19 Sep 2023Anyone knows 12mp is the limit, anything above that is jus... moreWhat about Sony's 20/23/24MP sensors that they made just a year or two before the dawn of Quad Bayer sensors? They offered lots of detail.

                  Anonymous, 19 Sep 2023the new marketing trend, even 100mp is useless if the senso... moreYou're talking nonsense: the Realme 11 Pro + and the Redmi Note 13 Pro/Pro + take decent quality photos with a 4x zoom without telephoto lens with a Samsung HP3 200MP 1/1.4" sensor where the others stop to x2 or x3 digital zoom.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 8q1
                    • 19 Sep 2023

                    the new marketing trend, even 100mp is useless if the sensor is not bigger than 1 inch.
                    And samsung using 1/1.3 on their periscope camera when they still use that for main cam for years ? yeah right, maybe in 5 years when they use 1 inch main cam too, they still have milking to do with old tech

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • T1w
                      • 19 Sep 2023

                      Anonymous, 19 Sep 2023A7r5 61MP > A7iv 33MP > A7s3 12MP Ask any photogr... moreYou got that wrong. The A7S III > A7 IV and the price reflects that. It excels in cinematography, low light or high speed photography over the regular A7 series. And yes, having fewer and bigger pixels is exactly the reason for that.

                      Regular users basically never use resolutions over 12MP anyway. I'd take the A7S III over all the others any day because of its low light capabilities. I'm not making mega poster size prints so the A7R resolution is pointless... just like 200MP on a phone is pointless.

                        MakeMotoBetterAgain, 19 Sep 2023Anyone knows 12mp is the limit, anything above that is jus... moresay hello to nokia lumia 1020

                          • d
                          • dcdev
                          • JGb
                          • 19 Sep 2023

                          P C M, 19 Sep 2023Finally someone mentioned distorted photos for human subjec... moreYep! 1x should be about 35-50mm, not 23.
                          And 230mm isn't real 10x, it's 10x from wide(

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • JhN
                            • 19 Sep 2023

                            I dont trust Samsung after BANANAGATE with my S23 Galaxy.

                              • d
                              • dcdev
                              • JGb
                              • 19 Sep 2023

                              Ok, but 200Mp 1 inch.
                              And about portrait, 24mm focal length is not good for it.

                                MakeMotoBetterAgain, 19 Sep 2023Anyone knows 12mp is the limit, anything above that is jus... morethere cannot be any more false information in such a short sentence. Having 4 times the information to 16 times the information while being abe to expose the additional pixels differently, unless you get the indians that code with 3d letters, you should always have more options as to what the end image looks like. You probably got that 12mp number from what apple has been doing with cameras since the iphone 6s and you cant really be blamed for that since they have been brainwashing their customers for years to think that this is the best and it seems to have influenced everyone. Every improvement apple has made in its cameras would not be possible without going for higher megapixel sensors, their nightmode, their in sensor cropping to 2x, their prores video, their 24mp binned photos in their new lineup, not a single thing can be pinned to anything but the crappy quadbayer sensors that people seem to very much dislike because "nOt rEAl pIxELs".

                                  justasmile, 19 Sep 2023The hottest trend for those people who don't know that... moreYou haven't read the article

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • tuh
                                    • 19 Sep 2023

                                    justasmile, 19 Sep 2023The hottest trend for those people who don't know that... moreTrue. Instead went to larger MP with “AI” assist. I stick with my DSLR

                                      This is a news that I'm excited about. It's been long since something exciting came along.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • YUU
                                        • 19 Sep 2023

                                        That's why I don't use phone camera for people or living subjects. You can see it clearly the difference when you take a picture using real camera vs wannabe camera a.k.a phone camera. Snap a portrait picture of human subjects and see the difference especially the face and tone, mid shadow and so on. Wanna really good picture? Get a real camera, be it DSLR, mirrorless DSLR or just the plain compact quick snap camera instead of wannabe phone camera 🤦🏻‍♂️