EU Commissioner wants Apple to open its ecosystem to competitors

27 September 2023
Thierry Breton says Tim Cook was informed to open up under the DMA.

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  • h
  • hmm
  • J9W
  • 27 Sep 2023

Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023Lol. Voting with your wallet no longer works when consoomer... more3.5mm jack and also microSD card slots are still on Samsung Galaxy phones.
As you dont specify the series of what you talk about and the models. A series some models still have both. Only S series dont have any of them.
So what you are saying is flawed and misleading

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vaS
    • 27 Sep 2023

    Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023I do believe that the iOS ecosystem must remain locked and ... moreSkill issue. Especially not specifying what apk and from what website. Lots of alternatives out there are just pulling apks from the Play Store itself. Like using QooApp or Taptap to bypass games' regional restrictions.
    And have seen the number of malicious apps that both Apple and Google removed from their stores all through their entire existence?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vaS
      • 27 Sep 2023

      Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023Don't buy their products then. Nobody forces you to. ... moreLol. Voting with your wallet no longer works when consoomers who have more money than common sense outnumber the previous group.

      And are you even aware how Apple affects other makers behavior?

      People who love removable batteries, sd slots and headphone jacks were told not to buy iphones but look at what happened? Especially to Samsung Galaxies.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • vaS
        • 27 Sep 2023

        Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023The best part of apple was that it kept away all those Andr... moreYay. Let's forget the time malicious apps were found and removed from both the OFFICIAL STORES aka Play Store AND App Store.
        Walled gardens aren't 100% safe. And most outside sources have people checking on them like XDA.

          • K
          • KacK
          • 8pJ
          • 27 Sep 2023

          Super Android 22, 27 Sep 2023So basically you messed up and because you messed up and do... more" (fyi ive used android since its creation and never been hacked or viruses lol) "

          Unless you're an IT pro, how would you know? Malicious code runs in the background and spy apps like Pegasus don't say "Hi, you've been hacked, we've x-rayed you 101%" when they're stealthily injected unbeknownst to users.

            • K
            • KacK
            • 8pJ
            • 27 Sep 2023

            Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023I do believe that the iOS ecosystem must remain locked and ... more" I side loaded some app on my android phone last year, which was a terrible mistake since it had spyware in it and it stole almost all of internal data from my phone. "

            Says the one who doesn't specify which app, nor the source of it, lol.

            Then continues up that ladder saying app " had spyware in it " and that " it stole almost all of internal data " without actual proof of such even happening or how did it even become known to him/her, lol2.


              • C
              • Carol
              • nUJ
              • 27 Sep 2023

              Elmer Fudd, 27 Sep 2023I’m a Chevy guy. I’ve always owned a Chevy and I always wil... moreBecause the first one has nothing to do with the second and makes no sense what-so-ever, probably coming from someone twho has no idea what tech "ecosystem" is...

                • h
                • hmm
                • J9W
                • 27 Sep 2023

                Elmer Fudd, 27 Sep 2023I’m a Chevy guy. I’ve always owned a Chevy and I always wil... moreGo to some car custom workshop and ask them to make you the interior you like with your upholstery of a Mustang to your Chevy. I know that you cant have Ford in Chevy and other way around but still people use Chevy engines on Ford or Ford engine in a Chevy.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • CbI
                  • 27 Sep 2023

                  Stupidest thing I've ever heard.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • LK3
                    • 27 Sep 2023

                    Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023I didn't mess up, it's the very nature of the fea... moreDid you read the warning when you enabled side loading?

                      • c
                      • cyber
                      • S2D
                      • 27 Sep 2023

                      eu to apple:we are just getting started.....✂️🍒

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 05e
                        • 27 Sep 2023

                        Wait until the EU finds out that they made their USB connector incompatible with the USB standard.... Apple will get a new "number two" hole, and it'll cost them double digit billions.

                          I’m a Chevy guy. I’ve always owned a Chevy and I always will. But I like the upholstery in that new Mustang. It’s unfair that I can’t have that beautiful Mustang upholstery in my Chevy. And I really wish I could have the hemi you can order in the new Super Bee. Why won’t they pass a law to make Chevy sell me a car with Mustang upholstery and a Dodge hemi? Oh, and how about Volvo’s 10 year everything warranty?

                          Governments are forcing manufacturers like Apple to open their ecosystem to others claiming it will increase competition and fairness.

                          If the first example sounds bizarre why does the second one make sense?

                            • S
                            • Spok
                            • m1e
                            • 27 Sep 2023

                            As an android user i can assume the answer to this from Apple will be..... Blasphemy!!!😅😅😅😅

                              • W
                              • Wojtek
                              • 3Lr
                              • 27 Sep 2023

                              very good!

                              down with the dumb monopolies...

                              and is someone is whining about security - no one is effig forcing you to use alternatives, you can stick to your walled happy garden and and go on with your life... 🙄

                                • R
                                • Ryzenchi
                                • X%5
                                • 27 Sep 2023

                                Nice plan

                                  Anonymous, 27 Sep 2023They might look like different browsers but the engine they... moreAh, right, that makes more sense then.

                                    • Y
                                    • Y
                                    • srr
                                    • 27 Sep 2023

                                    The smartphone market should not be free. The EU is doing a pretty good job of forcing Apple to comply with common sense

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • CbE
                                      • 27 Sep 2023

                                      The best part of apple was that it kept away all those Android apps which kept stealing data, puttung unwanted advertisements and bloatware. If anyone doesn't like apple, who is forcing them to buy

                                        I'm really happy with the EU standing up for consumer rights, they should force them to not only adopt RCS, but also force them to open their system. The most important thing is to let 3rd party repair shops repair these products without seeing messages of "Unknown parts".

                                        This will make sure less e-waste, and less profit for Apple.

                                        To the fanboys, you can shill money for any overpriced piece of junk, but I won't be spending so much money for a thing that do all the things a $300 android does very well.