Apple blocks UTM SE PC emulator from app stores, says it's not a retro console

10 June 2024
Apple recently started allowing emulators on iOS, but only a restricted subset of emulators gets the ok.

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Reality..., 11 Jun 2024Now this no monopolies thing is something I can agree with.... moreI'm not a European Unionite, I don't generally like them, and you're absolutely right in what you're saying about their tax laws. I'm firmly against what Apple does here because it goes against the very concept of freedom. Freedom to do as you see fit with something that you own. If you don't actually own something you buy, then you have no freedom here. I am fervently against those who push to limit people's economic, social and political freedom in general, and against those who do not see such a problem. I am also fervently against companies like Google on what they do with data harvesting and the like, because you have no freedom when you cannot control what other entities know of you without your consent while not doing anything that would reveal said information to others in a normal environment. I don't see these two situations as anything less of a problem than each other.

    Reality..., 11 Jun 2024Why would you replace a dedicated gaming console with your ... moreTwo words: Mobility + Convenience.

    Why should I own a large set top box when I can just dock my phone to a TV to turn it into a console... or dock my phone to a PC set up to turn it into a PC?

      • R
      • Reality...
      • IWU
      • 11 Jun 2024

      Darth Caesium, 11 Jun 2024I'm not fine with any of these monopolies at *ALL*. Th... moreNow this no monopolies thing is something I can agree with. Apple , Google and Microsoft are all bad in some way.

      But to me I'm less bothered by apple's greediness and walled garden nature than the data gouging practices of Google and Microsoft that has the potential to ruin anyone should they swim against the tide.

      Ymmv. I believe that we need more mobile OSs to break the apple- Google duopoly.

      What i don't like is the constant sh*thing an these forums while portraying Google as the lord and saviour or just flat out sweeping their misdeeds under the rug.

      Oh and the EU isn't exactly on the tax payer's side if you pay attention to the *bigger* picture, just saying.

      Being tough against Apple is an easy way to score brownie points and cover their other destructive policies.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 70d
        • 11 Jun 2024

        MindTheGap, 11 Jun 2024Only for the games that made for Switch though. You can jus... moreI said official Nintendo emulation. I know that emulators exist.

          Reality..., 11 Jun 2024And I'm 💯 sure that Apple dgaf about your opinion either. Well they will thanks to the EU's laws.

            • R
            • Reality...
            • IWU
            • 11 Jun 2024

            Darth Caesium, 11 Jun 2024And having closed ecosystems should be illegal. Idgaf if yo... moreAnd I'm 💯 sure that Apple dgaf about your opinion either.

              Reality..., 11 Jun 2024Go out and touch some grass buddy. And I suppose you'r... moreI'm not fine with any of these monopolies at *ALL*. They all should be broken up. Microsoft's monopoly on office products due to their in-interoperable proprietary file formats; Google's monopoly on the browser market via their Chromium engine and using it to directly dictate whether a new web standard is allowed to exist or not, their monopoly on search, their monopoly on advertising, and their monopoly on video uploading services; and Amazon's monopoly on web services and online shopping all are disgusting.

                • R
                • Reality...
                • IWU
                • 11 Jun 2024

                Darth Caesium, 11 Jun 2024And having closed ecosystems should be illegal. Idgaf if yo... moreGo out and touch some grass buddy. And I suppose you're completely fine with Google's monopoly in the Internet front (chromium) lol! The homeless people example still stands.

                If that's the way you think just move to China or Cuba already.

                  • R
                  • Reality...
                  • IWU
                  • 11 Jun 2024

                  Anonymous, 11 Jun 2024Me playing fallout 4 with Winlator on Android phone and gam... moreGood, and I'm haply for you. You don't have to buy an iPhone and NO one is forcing you to!!

                  Some of us (adults mostly) prefer to use a phone as just a ...PHONE!

                  We actually grew up during a time begire mobile phones and then used them through our teens when they were primarily used for their intended purpose, aka communication on the move, without wires.

                  Nowadays, the devices are very advanced and have basically become multimedia centric entertainment systems to the point that some youngsters have forgotten they were intended to be used as communication devices.

                  Even gsmarena used to include call quality and ease of typing on the keyboard on their very early reviews ( 2004, 2005 ish times) but even they have given up that bit now so you can see the extent of that shift.

                  If you're happy with your Android ,that's fine. I have both an Android and an apple device and I find they are better and worse at different things compared to each other.

                  Even after all the bloat added to iOS after it's skeumorphic design days (iOs6) , I personally find it to be more simpler to use for day to day communication tasks than my Android. The Android of course has the best file management system since symbian hands down, it's sux in that regard.

                  Don't go around bashing other OS systems just because you don't like them or use them. It makes others thing that you're coping hard which is sad. Just be happy with what you have and let others select what they want will ya?

                    Reality..., 11 Jun 2024Tell me you were kidding when you typed that? 😅 Apple in... moreAnd having closed ecosystems should be illegal. Idgaf if your OS is closed or open source, but it cannot be a closed ecosystem, because that is incredibly monopolistic. They do not have any right to be a monopoly, and should be split up because they are one. Your comparison of this with homeless people is a false equivalence and you know it.

                      • R
                      • Reality...
                      • IWU
                      • 11 Jun 2024

                      Darth Caesium, 10 Jun 2024Apple should be split up. This is straight up monopolistic.... moreTell me you were kidding when you typed that? 😅

                      Apple invested and built their ecosystem and it wasn't built in a day. It's NOT open source. It's their property and they can do whatever they like with it, including deciding what and what not to allow.

                      Not denying Apple's greedy practices. I intact depose them for their greedy iPhone and iPad memory 'upgrade options and the built in wear items like ssd for their M - line mac books.

                      But what you stated here is ridiculous and should never be a thing. Just imagine if all the homeless people demanded you open up your home and private properties to them and that you should be taken to court and punished heavily if you decided to not do so??

                      Apple are greedy, that's a fact. But they invested billions and years of work and original ideas into building that ecosystem. They deserve the right to make decisions about what they own and built.

                      Now whether we contribute to Apple's wealth by buying their expensive over priced devices?... Now that's upto us to decide. Don't mix up the two please.

                        • R
                        • Reality...
                        • IWU
                        • 11 Jun 2024

                        YourLocalPhoneCritic, 10 Jun 2024This is so laughable. I hope apple users are going to enjoy... moreWhy would you replace a dedicated gaming console with your S24 and all the other peripherals you mentioned, just to have a subpar experience than with the intended console??

                        Not denying Apple's iron grip on their ecosystem but what you mentioned is just ridiculous.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mEb
                          • 11 Jun 2024

                          Me playing fallout 4 with Winlator on Android phone and gamepad: I will never buy and iPhone!

                            YourLocalPhoneCritic, 10 Jun 2024The issue is that consumers aren't smart. They're... moreWhich is exactly why the government needs to correct this kind of market failure.

                              Anonymous, 11 Jun 2024If you mean official Nintendo emulation on non-Nintendo har... moreOnly for the games that made for Switch though. You can just emulate games from Wii, 3DS, or any older Nintendo consoles on non-Nintendo devices with no problem.

                                But why? What do they have to gain from this? Especially for Linux, where there is no copyright hoops to jump through?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uC4
                                  • 11 Jun 2024

                                  20 comments from android user
                                  Expecting 80+ comments just talk about “we’re Android, we’re far more superior than you Apple”

                                  I Not an Android fanboys. Android, iOS do same stuff in different languages and way. *imma out

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • sXH
                                    • 11 Jun 2024

                                    Ender, 10 Jun 2024Apple: "You don't own the hardware you purchased."Of course you do. What you don't own is the software, that's never the case, all you get is a right to *use* it under the Ts&Cs

                                      yangsj, 10 Jun 2024how do you get free spotify with no ads?Its an app you download in google. HowToMen shows many apps. XManager

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 70d
                                        • 11 Jun 2024

                                        IpsDisplay, 11 Jun 2024I meant on the emulation space If you mean official Nintendo emulation on non-Nintendo hardware that won't happen as Nintendo wants to sell its consoles.