iPhone 16 series to support much faster cable charging

12 September 2024
A new certification from China confirms the revamped charging speeds.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Fv1
  • 16 Sep 2024

ishreal, 15 Sep 2024that's just simply untrue. 1. Apple does not sell mo... more1. Apple does not sell more phones than BBK group (a smartphone manufacturer), my source proved this. all of its brands combined objectively sell the most handsets monthly and yearly.
2. high end vs low end makes literally no difference. a sale is a sale. the fact that people like you ONLY think that high end sales matter is irrelevant to the free market. statistics don't discriminate when showing who sells the most units. it is Apple fanboy propaganda and bias to only focus on hyper-specific benchmarks or stats (Geekbench single-core, high-end phone sales, etc.) while ignoring the bigger picture or the market as a whole, especially globally.

1: BBK is not a phone manufacture, every one of the companies they "own" is separate. BBK = CCP.
2:Idc about high end vs low end, y'all brought it up lol

Fun Fact: the number one selling phone in China all year was the iPhone 15.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Fv1
    • 16 Sep 2024

    Carol-, 14 Sep 2024You confuse your fanboysm with sales. The highest number of... moreYou confuse your fanboysm with sales. The highest number of sold high end devices? yeah probably. Android is still on 80℅ if not 90℅ of all active phones today. Wierd right? I mean your math does not add up.

    No, not the highest number of "high end premium phones".. iPhones are always the number one selling phone compared to every single other phone sold, they dominate the entire top 10 category with overall phone sales year after year after year. The only time someone else breaks into the top 10 most sold phones is when someone sells a super cheap phone in a third world country (ie. Galaxy A series). That is why your "premium" argument is so funny, they outsell everything premium or not.

      jiyen235, 15 Sep 2024you're saying the most random and out of left field st... moreOk, because i was starting to think i was talking to a bot... or maybe i am. You are not just talking randomly without any point but also not on subject. You also just accused women in general of being self centered, well apparently i need to thank God i am not one. Also to accuse me of lacking empathy and critical thinking is probably something that represents you, as you seem to be concerned about. I definetly do not lack none of the two.

        Anonymous, 13 Sep 2024Apple will outsell every one of those companies just in the... morethat's just simply untrue.
        1. Apple does not sell more phones than BBK group (a smartphone manufacturer), my source proved this. all of its brands combined objectively sell the most handsets monthly and yearly.
        2. high end vs low end makes literally no difference. a sale is a sale. the fact that people like you ONLY think that high end sales matter is irrelevant to the free market. statistics don't discriminate when showing who sells the most units. it is Apple fanboy propaganda and bias to only focus on hyper-specific benchmarks or stats (Geekbench single-core, high-end phone sales, etc.) while ignoring the bigger picture or the market as a whole, especially globally.

          Carol-, 15 Sep 2024Before answering a comment, read it 3 times, maybe you'... moreyou're saying the most random and out of left field stuff. i don't wish to waste time on this further. you're looking at this like im an apple fanboy. if you don't understand why someone buys a laptop, that's your issue. You don't have the mental capacity to think about what other people might be thinking. Lack of empathy and deep critical thinking.

          Grow up. The world doesn't revolve around you nor your ideas. Unless you're a w*man. Then your behaviour makes sense, that's how you're wired and stuff.

            jiyen235, 14 Sep 2024bro, have you seen the efficiency of apple macbooks ever si... moreBefore answering a comment, read it 3 times, maybe you'll get better at commenting afterwords. Who said people hated ipods? Who said there are no other laptops that overheat? Come back to reality from the fanboysm and read what people tell you, not what you want to think it was written. I have a lot of contradictions and annyoing discutions with chinese brands fanboys who see phones as kg hardware per cent, but boy apple fanboys are the most derailed from reality then any bbk one. Apparently apple did not only create a walled garden, they also also put zombie-like customers in it, that never used other devices besides apple, or used some 200€ scrapp phones and laptos and got back to apple because "apple good", and now screem apple is best, but never tought about actually using a pc that is from price equivalent to apple, or a smartphone, and see then how "good" apple really is. With 2000 euros, and that's making an avarage apple product price, one can build a gaming pc that has every piece of hardware better then any computer apple ever released, an still have the freedom to install any OS on it, even machintosh if you are such an ecosystem fanboy. But you're not, you're an apple fanboy, two very different things.

              Carol-, 14 Sep 2024Wow, you really know your stuff...just joking. Iphlone and ... morebro, have you seen the efficiency of apple macbooks ever since the m1 chips? And have you seen the designs of these laptops compared to laptops of the past?

              People don't really care about usability 100%, they want an Apple laptop, their sales of macbooks have been super high for a long time and it isn't changing. And give me a break, as if other non-fan cooled laptops don't over heat. Every laptop overheats. I hate laptops. You're speaking from your feels without thinking logically. If people really hated the iPod, Apple wouldn't have made the iPhone and called it an iPod that can make calls/use the internet. Use your head.

              I'm not eating up Apple's info, I'm making a logical conclusion based on the fact that Apple's mostly been making huge decisions in the past 25 years that only made them go higher and higher. And if you want to know why people would even buy something that overheats/isn't the greatest, just look at iPhones currently and their sales figures. Also, what laptop DIDN'T overheat and had a thin profile with great performance? I'd like to know.

                • D
                • De Troller
                • mFd
                • 14 Sep 2024

                Anonymous, 13 Sep 2024You're exactly the person who would say Rolex's a... moreFunny enough i see some truth in that, cause a rolex watch is cool but it could do pretty much nothing when compare to smartwatches,and ofcourse it is durable but not better when you compare the features you are getting from both and the price, then you understand.

                  Anonymous, 13 Sep 2024You're exactly the person who would say Rolex's a... morePremium, but not as functional. But I kinda get your point.

                    jiyen235, 13 Sep 2024good theory but that was Apple of the past. Ever since they... moreWow, you really know your stuff...just joking. Iphlone and Microsoft (again) saved apple, not macbook (the crappiest overheating computer ever) and definetly not cripod. Under the walled garden is their also real information or you guys just eat whatever apple give you down there?

                      Anonymous, 13 Sep 2024At least your delusions are consistent across product lines... moreWhen you are to much of a fanboy to see the elephant in the room. I mean, really? Both sell hardware and software, both want their computer OS and Computer hardware to land in peoples homes and to expand. Keeping their businesses running. Yet they do not "compete"? Windows phone faild most probably because microsoft wanted too, i mean, apple got rich out of iphones, when jobs took over (again) they were on a bankruptcy foot (again), iphlone gave them some time, but was not enough with Nokia ontop, so microsoft needed a strategy to keep crapple alive, so yeah, they bought nokia and killed windows phone. Crapple survies and now somehow is big boss...for some fanboys.

                        Anonymous, 13 Sep 2024Wait a minute, you think Apple has the highest market share... moreYou confuse your fanboysm with sales. The highest number of sold high end devices? yeah probably. Android is still on 80℅ if not 90℅ of all active phones today. Wierd right? I mean your math does not add up.

                          Anonymous, 13 Sep 2024You're exactly the person who would say Rolex's a... moreActually you are so blinded by apple you can even research what premium means, so i'm having hard times finding a reason to talk to you further, have an apple life😉

                            Carol-, 13 Sep 2024The only reason apple will not fall to law, is because micr... moreIn...what way does apple compete with microsoft? On the pc/laptop market? Windows has ~70% of that market. And linux poses more of a threat there than apple. On the software front? They barely overlap with each other. On the phone market? Microsoft phones are long dead. How is apple competition for microsoft?

                              • f
                              • finch
                              • srr
                              • 13 Sep 2024

                              The spec 5-15V/3A doesn't mean it will take 15V*3A=45W. The iPhone complies from these numbers with some of the PD specs, that go up to 20V/3A (laptops). It will remain to be seen the max power, but I don't think it will go that high, their batteries are lower quality, not the latest carbon-silicon cathode, can't take that much power. Besides, replacing battery at least once in the phone's lifetime is additional revenue. My colleague's new iPhone15 reports 10% loss of capacity in 9 months, he bought it in December 2023. My old OnePlus 8pro, 4 years old, has 80% capacity and was charged mostly with it's charger 30W, and still takes 6A max current through the battery up until 50%.

                                Carol-, 13 Sep 2024The only reason apple will not fall to law, is because micr... moregood theory but that was Apple of the past. Ever since they made the macbook and the iPod they've become a powerhouse and nearly unstoppable. Besides, if Apple were to fail it'd be a huge blow to America and most importantly the US government as ofc Apple takes in a lot of info from people, like other manufacturers. So the US govt would try its best to defend/protect Apple.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • raQ
                                  • 13 Sep 2024

                                  Carol-, 13 Sep 2024The only reason apple will not fall to law, is because micr... moreAt least your delusions are consistent across product lines. Apple is a hardware company first and foremost. Microsoft is a software company first and foremost. The two do not compete in the same categories much at all other than the new ARM CPU race where they cross paths trying to create the most efficient PC OS. And just like the smartphone market when they came out with the first 64bit CPU they will continue to be years ahead of their competition because they own the best hardware on the market.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • D3w
                                    • 13 Sep 2024

                                    justasmile, 13 Sep 2024I know.Yes

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Fv1
                                      • 13 Sep 2024

                                      Carol-, 13 Sep 2024You're funny. I like funny people... All i see on ap... moreYou're exactly the person who would say Rolex's aren't premium because digital watches are superior in technology. You are so blinded by hate it is truly sad.

                                        jiyen235, 13 Sep 2024I'm sorry I don't get what you mean. Are you talk... moreThe only reason apple will not fall to law, is because microsoft needs competition to not become monopolist, and the only competition is apple...for the past 50 years. Apple was at the edge of bankruptcy for like 3 times and each and everytime microsoft helped them up, of course not out of kindness.