Consumer Reports: iPhone screen no match for Android flagships

17 October, 2013
The latest Consumer Reports review praises the iPhone's new tech, but says it's behind in several key areas.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t}R
  • 18 Oct 2013

AnonD-977, 18 Oct 2013...or just get VLC and play them on your iPhone, it even pl... moreMx player on android is better

    • n
    • no comment
    • HKx
    • 18 Oct 2013

    How come all my comments are 5hrs behind or never posted at all? Sort it out gsmarena

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Kg$
      • 18 Oct 2013

      Small low res display and small batteries not as good as larger high res displays? Oh thank you so much Captain Obvious.

        • D
        • AnonD-977
        • v}7
        • 18 Oct 2013

        teo, 18 Oct 2013there is no need for larger screen. apple should keep on de... moreWhen I want a large screen I'll use my retina iPad, my S4 is tiny beside it.

        I can use all my Apps on both my iPhone and iPad.

          • D
          • AnonD-977
          • v}7
          • 18 Oct 2013

          Anonymous, 18 Oct 2013there are other video players on android that could play ju... more...or just get VLC and play them on your iPhone, it even plays .flv, without rooting.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0a0
            • 18 Oct 2013

            Anonymous, 18 Oct 2013man, I believe common sense is not something that you buy. ... moreYour selective eyesight seems to be working overtime today. He was talking about the devices in the first part of this comment. His reasoning was that the iPhone sells so much because it it the only flagship with a specific OS. Blackberry's case shows this is not the only criteria for success. He switched over to the OS comparison because it was more favorable to his (and seems yours as well) particular bias. You should really upgrade the prescription on those specs of yours. (by "specs" I mean glasses. I feel the need to clarify because you Android fanboys are drunk on and have tunnel vision when it comes to paper specs on phones and think the work "specs" only applies to electronic devices).

              • D
              • AnonD-1034
              • t7J
              • 18 Oct 2013

              Some Guy Abroad, 18 Oct 2013I already know what Apple's most "innovative" fea... moreHaha lolz ! Maybe its true because iphone 5s now has their newest innovation....

              For the first time....

              A dual led flash! Hahahaha

                • #
                • #Androidftw
                • mga
                • 18 Oct 2013

                That title was actually a typing error, it was originally meant to be...

                'Consumer Reports: iPhone no match for Android flagships'

                  • f
                  • far
                  • 6qA
                  • 18 Oct 2013

                  In my opinion
                  The only MAJOR factor for android sales is IT'S CHEAPER PRICE...!
                  It's because an android smartphone only can last for 2 years max!! And after that you WILL (not have to but will!) Change it. That s called TURN OVER.
                  and therefor sales grow ups!!
                  I'm not any of these fan.
                  i have iphone 4 for about 3 years and still working perfect. But alongside this i have bought htc and now samsung s4 octacore but never fill comfortable and will sell it asp!!

                    • S
                    • Some Guy Abroad
                    • uEM
                    • 18 Oct 2013

                    I already know what Apple's most "innovative" feature of next year's iPhone 6 will be...

                    ... are you ready? ....

                    ... a notification light!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • dMX
                      • 18 Oct 2013

                      teo, 18 Oct 2013there is no need for larger screen. apple should keep on de... moreHmm, try resolution on high def

                        • D
                        • AnonD-1034
                        • t7J
                        • 18 Oct 2013

                        Iphone 5s = no OTG, lame camera, no m.card, as usual interface as iphone 4 (2yrs ago), no widget,
                        Camera options was below basic,no option for video,bluetooth for iphone only,, small screen and 1.3gigahertz dual core is obsolete nowadays for a flagship, ! All for almost $800!

                        nothing new. . . Over all
                        Iphone is boring!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 2mA
                          • 18 Oct 2013

                          AnonD-111717, 17 Oct 2013for me, iPhone's dimension(including the screen size) is an... moreJust want to see the reaction of the fans of iphone once Apple brings out 5" Device next year. Probably then 5" will be the perfect size for all Humankind. LOL.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IaH
                            • 18 Oct 2013

                            I noticed samsung fanboys always like to hold on to sony viewing angle and bash it and sony like to bash samsung's oversaturated screen.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • IaH
                              • 18 Oct 2013

                              AnonD-120482, 18 Oct 2013Lol you are definitely a troll. Sony screens do look sharp ... moreEven though technically you are correct, but personally S4 and Note 3 screen color I don't find it nice and I won't but it.

                                • t
                                • teo
                                • L70
                                • 18 Oct 2013

                                there is no need for larger screen. apple should keep on developing and producing practical phones like iphone 4 and 5. to stay in competition they should add a special line, let's say iphone 5g - bigger screen for gamers etc. if they enlarge the phone i'll switch the brand...

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-120482
                                  • 070
                                  • 18 Oct 2013

                                  Anonymous, 18 Oct 2013honestly, i find iPhone 5's screen look nicer than S4 and N... moreLol you are definitely a troll. Sony screens do look sharp and bright with vibrant colors but their viewing angles are the worst. Take the Xperia Z for example. Just from your comment i can tell you have no idea what you are talking about. You are just saying what you like and what you don't like. Seriously iPhone 5S > S4 and Note3? Haha forgive me while i laugh. The 5S isn't even 720p. I'm not going to lie for the size of it the screen does look good but you can't possibly say iPhone 5/5S > S4 Note3. They are on a completely new level when it comes to the display.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-120482
                                    • 070
                                    • 18 Oct 2013

                                    gam30toronto, 17 Oct 2013definition of innovation is very wide ranged. What you call... moreAgreed but why don't you also apply that comment towards Apple since iOS7 brought absolutely nothing innovative to the tech industry.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-192895
                                      • tA$
                                      • 18 Oct 2013

                                      what smart stay is going to do? well, i believe you have no use in your iPhone because their maps sucks like hell. i use the smart stay when i use my gps. the screen won't come off as long as it is looking at my face.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • LEu
                                        • 18 Oct 2013

                                        haha a lot of fanboys of crap android big j.u.n.k craying everywhere! LOL