Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • M@T
  • 04 Oct 2008

Anonymous, 04 Oct 2008To power7. My gosh. Are you serious in saying that MMS ... moreHow many people actually communicate with 50 people at a go? Not everyone communicates with a dozen people at a go. Furthermore e-mail is only good for regions with internet. Many places still do not have access to internet (sounds shocking, but is true). Thats why calling and Messaging are more popular.
And about the phone cameras, some of them are so good they have actually challenged some digital cameras. Check the n95 review on this site.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • NHU
    • 04 Oct 2008

    Anonymous, 01 Jan 19704 ya info dats hw i type in short

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Ydk
      • 04 Oct 2008

      Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Target price is 279 euros for the EU release, will likely be around $200-$250 when it hits the US.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • NHU
        • 04 Oct 2008

        Anonymous, 04 Oct 2008Phone cameras are getting better and better all the time, I... moren so is digital cameras getn beta n beta

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • NHU
          • 04 Oct 2008

          i need 2 hav dis fone right now!!!!!!!!!!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Ydk
            • 04 Oct 2008

            Anonymous, 04 Oct 2008even if they hav 20mp on a fone it stil wont b beta then a ... morePhone cameras are getting better and better all the time, I don't see why you are saying they suck so much. The camera quality of the N95 rivals that of equally specced cameras.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • M@T
              • 04 Oct 2008

              Anonymous, 04 Oct 2008All phones get some upgrades. I know that. But it is not ... moreDude, i dont know if you know this, but 5800xm supports e-mail as well. Your in US? Well, if you were to look at countries outside your region, they use mms and bluetooth more than 3g or wi-fi. 5800xm has all these communication options. Furthermore, people use bt mostly to share files amongst themselves and this alone has gained some serious popularity. Most people dont go the extra step to buy BT headsets. And about firmware upgrades, all symbian phones after the n78 come with an over the air firmware update option already embedded in the phone. The 5800xm is just the same. Its just a click away and theres no need to go to a web site or customer care centre. It doesnt get any simpler than that, does it?

                • j
                • jaggy
                • fuL
                • 04 Oct 2008

                its a nice phone.. sexy look i will buy it when its released.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • NHU
                  • 04 Oct 2008

                  even if they hav 20mp on a fone it stil wont b beta then a digital cam. lol 3mp is gud enough on a fone bt if u realy lyk takin fotos lol for god sake buy digital cam.

                    • a
                    • arun
                    • 2@r
                    • 04 Oct 2008

                    i m happy with my O2 XDA Atom Life.... it rocks... the performance is outstanding...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • fwM
                      • 04 Oct 2008

                      I'm actually using and HTC k-jam and i have never use before Nokia because they don't have touch screen but this phone here is fully satisfying my wills.
                      I wish i could get it soon even though it is not sold everywhere ,i guess only in the US for now.
                      I prefer it to iphone,has much more function than iphone.
                      Long life for this phone.So Nokia promote it well all comes with much advertizings .

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4TA
                        • 04 Oct 2008

                        Power7, 04 Oct 2008to the person who's saying that email is more important the... moreTo power7.

                        My gosh. Are you serious in saying that MMS is more important and helpful than email? How long does it take you to MMS 20 files to 50 people in 10 different countries? Also how much would that cost you? An office can survice without MMS, but it cannot without email. Email is still the standard media in sending files. So I don't know where you got your facts from, lol.

                        You may also want to think again of what Apple's next move will be =) They started this trend and leading it. I don't think they'll just sit there and do nothing while these wannabes are trying so hard to chase the after them.

                          • L
                          • LOL people
                          • PSk
                          • 04 Oct 2008

                          why mess up fighting about phones?,, better read first the phones' specifications and features before talking blablabla.. all phones nowadays is great.. as long as it's original and not made in CHINA!! ahahha..

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4TA
                            • 04 Oct 2008

                            Anonymous, 04 Oct 2008What do you mean nokia doesnt give firmware upgrades? Are y... moreAll phones get some upgrades. I know that. But it is not as organized, systematic and as easy as the iphone's. Some phones get its updates from developers from who knows where. Sometimes they would have to hunt those updates down by visiting several websites, unlike Apple that all you have to do is hook it up to itunes. Well here in the US, BT on phones is mostly used in making phone calls and not so much for file sharing, although some people do. It is against the law to drive and be on a phone unless you are using a hands free device. So yes, BT headsets are very popular here in the US. Email is more prominent and more useful globally, especially in business, and especially here in the US. I don't know which remote area of the globe you are from, but as for me, I never had a problem sending an email to any of my friends here in the US and in Asia. Let me ask you this, if you were to chose which feature you would sacrifice and not to use ever again, which one would be it? Email? or BT/MMS? LOL. I hope you choose to sacrifice email, LOL. And let's see how you would BT a file to someone farther than 10 feet from you, LOL. With email, you can be right next to the person, or in a different country, and you can still send the file. BT file transfer is also slow, especially on bigger files. With email, you can send 10 files at the same time, and it's instant. You can email 10 files to 20 people at the same time in different cities. Can your BT do that? So now tell me, which is more important and prominent in sending files? Email or BT/MMS? I will be waiting for your answer.

                            So there. You admit that camera phones are not as good as digital cameras, so there is no reason why people should make a big deal of the iphones 2mp camera =)

                              • f
                              • fanny
                              • PBR
                              • 04 Oct 2008

                              I wait the bigger processor speed at list 600 mhz

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • jQY
                                • 04 Oct 2008

                                i currently am using a n95 8gb but if i buy this phone it will be a total downgrade.
                                i hope the nseries will come out with a new phone.
                                this phone will only go for about $350 US dollars but thats to cheap so i won't buy it.

                                  • T
                                  • Ting Tong
                                  • pyM
                                  • 04 Oct 2008

                                  They could have used a 5 Mpx camera instead of 3 Mpx, i guess the price difference would have been small. But then nobody would have bought the more expensive other touch screen phones Nokia is preparing !

                                    • g
                                    • geek
                                    • 319
                                    • 04 Oct 2008

                                    Iphone has released 2 phones. And look at nokia's count still #1 at the market ;)

                                      • P
                                      • Power7
                                      • MsN
                                      • 04 Oct 2008

                                      to the person who's saying that email is more important then MMS is very very wrong, most of the people in the world use MMS more then email and thats a fact. the only people that use email are the ones who have blackberry's and thats because they are communicated for business use.

                                      Also to the person who said iphone is not at the same level as the Nokia 5800, i would tell him to think again. This is just the first test phone from nokia that includes a touch screen. If this already is better then iphone, then what will the successor of the 5800 be like? a monster! just wait and see.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4TA
                                        • 04 Oct 2008

                                        mindzap, 04 Oct 2008my friend.. don't go ballistic on people not liking iphone.... moreBallistic? Nah. I was simply replying to a Nokia fan who was dissing the iphone =)

                                        What you like or dislike on a phone will not change the fact that the iphone is the best =) Even Nokia is imitating it.

                                        Did I ever say that the iphone is perfect? Nope. So please get it right and don't put words in my mouth =) On 3g, Apple did not throw that feature in just so it can look good on the iphone's specs. Apple made sure that when you sign up through its official carrier, you get to use that feature. Does other phonemakers take that initiative? Nope.

                                        Of course BT is a handy feature, but it's not everything either. I don't need itunes to send a file with my iphone. I could simply email it. You obviously do not have an iphone, lol. Actually, to appreciate the iphone, you need to activate it through its official carrier, so again, you are wrong. The predictive text is 99% accurate and is very helpful. So as you can see, the iphone is the best, that is why all these other phonemakers like Nokia are following its trend =)