Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- J
- Jaay
- uWB
- 21 Jul 2010
My 5800xm's LCD fades when I use it in any cool atmosphere....I sit in my office with full AC and then i have to put my set in my pocket for about 2,3 minutes then screen fonts and icons etc apear again... PLZ plz any expert here tell me how i can slove this problem....
- s
- sendhil
- vGj
- 21 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Mamya now the price was Rs.13000( including Vat) dont forget to get free gift
- v
- vinodh
- 959
- 21 Jul 2010
video editor download from and
- P
- Pankazz
- upa
- 21 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Hey Manya, its still a good buy than x6 and c6 in my opinion. It will cost Rs. 13500 at nokia priority dealer and others can give at 13000 or less. But dont forget to get the free senneisser headphone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Jul 2010
I love this phone but i'm so annoyed again and again by the music library refresh problem. Only after a week of formatting phone and memory card, the problem reappears. Music refresh problem and photo editing are interrelated. Neither works. Looking forward to buying a new phone, probably N8
- R
- Rohit
- i4d
- 20 Jul 2010
Is it better than X6 16GB???
- ?
- Anonymous
- YT8
- 20 Jul 2010
Well dude...its a very good phone...s.e phones are good...this phone is jack of all trades...great music,great surfing,great gps,good camera for day,qwerty keypad,great software, walkman phones had been on my list prior to this...but if u see the full package no one is close to nokia...and hum......great price....cheers to nokia
- m
- mat jawa
- veT
- 20 Jul 2010
Landero, 20 Jul 2010Hey Jawa is free sof... moreanyway thanks 4 dis info..exactly i want to install dis software(video editor) in my phone not 2 pc or desktop...i try search in but cannot install in my fon coz there use how any sunggesstion?
- a
- asdfgh
- 20 Jul 2010
hey all !!!
till now nokia trying to play with their users becoz till now no balanced mobile from them i think it's business...,
e71&72 fullfilled internet needs but it got failed in multimedia side and 5800xm too good for audio but it not well for messaging and emailing that's why am saying they playing with us they do not make balanced mobile ...,
that's business stupid business from nokiaaaaaa
my advice to all new mobile buyers please buy a mobile within 1500rs and buy a ipad and camera thats smart way for our needs if u want all in one meanse plz try sony or someother brands then nokia..,
- L
- Landero
- mwY
- 20 Jul 2010
mat jawa, 20 Jul 2010nave any1 know where i can get free video editor for dis phone?tqHey Jawa is free software and it runs like a charm.
Here: you can find a howto :)
- k
- khiaa
- vGM
- 20 Jul 2010
zharia, 20 Jul 2010how to change the cover of nokia 5800 xpressmusicdont try and change the cover. it causes loads of problems.. first u literally haver to open the handset up to do it.. plus if by mistake u cut the strip connecting the touchscreen of the phone to the the main phone u will be with a spoilt touchscreen.if u still want to change only buy the body of a 5800 which has 3 colors red,blue and black. if ur wanting other colors like grey and all dont buy them cause they are for the 5230 and dont fit properly!! hope this helpt
- m
- mat jawa
- veT
- 20 Jul 2010
nave any1 know where i can get free video editor for dis phone?tq
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVt
- 20 Jul 2010
no gateway reply..
plz help..
- c
- chrisian
- t7$
- 20 Jul 2010
is the music of this phone is nice.??
- z
- zharia
- uSS
- 20 Jul 2010
how to change the cover of nokia 5800 xpressmusic
- a
- amru
- IP5
- 20 Jul 2010
azm, 18 Jul 2010yes its okay....
i experienced it too when i updated to v... morethanks a lot buddy... u r d one who always help me out...
- P
- Parth
- v}Q
- 20 Jul 2010
Whoever thinks that the camera of 5800 s*cks please see the pictures in this link.
The phone has v50. firmware and no editing has been done.
- I
- I reply.
- p7g
- 19 Jul 2010
Bharath, 19 Jul 2010Guys please let me know hw to extend the battery ... moreThe problem can be also in your battery. But if it is quite the normal compared to the informations i tell you this next. Change the 2 type conection (3G and GSM) from the phone into just gsm conection. It makes the batterylife longer. I do it in my everyphone. Then you can't do videocalls but you can still use wifi. It should make the phones talking time about 2 hours longer and also make the other things too.
- L
- Landero
- mwt
- 19 Jul 2010
VJ, 19 Jul 2010i m using nokia 5800,having firmware V50.0.005 dated 23-03-... moreHowdie VJ, have u already tried a a hard or/and soft reset? Because that might solve your problem. It is indeed true that there is no office reader (as this is only included in some country specific firmaware versions) and also no pdf reader. I had a pdf reader at the time of v20 but afterwards it was gone with the wind.
But it is still a nice phone. And I am not sure but maybe there are free pdf readers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Jul 2010
yeah,u all r right.. Nokia offered a better after-sales-service than other mobile companies..
eg. firmware update,ovi store,FREE lifetime GPS..
tats the attraction n why im a NOKIA fan here..
Nokia rockzz, so r the fans.. cheers..