Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- N
- R5i
- 09 Jul 2010
anonymous, 08 Jul 2010Guys V60 is here.check it yourself .its the greatest firmwa... moreThis guy is jus bogus. Nokia has not even released any particulars of v60 n he noes all the details. he's jus pullin our legs..
- N
- PA8
- 09 Jul 2010
me, 08 Jul 2010is this phone worth buying? Is it a reliable phone?Hye,
The phone in general is very good. of course if u look at the opinions, yes, it does hand quite a bit, but hey, no ones perfect rite? Nokia is updating their firmware and making it more n more reliable, v50 is the most stable as of now. In my opinion, its still the best phone in its class (price range and features) n i would say that its better than iphones. i do not know why ppl r so crazy bout iphone, the phone by itself is rubbish, n d only gd thing bout it is its appz. ppls r paying premium jus for the appz, n nearly 95% of the ppl do not actually use these appz.
so it is really up to u, go with the crowd n be blinded n pay thru ur noses or be different n stand out fr the crowd n buy there wonderful, magnificent phone.
Hope tis helps:-)
- A
- Ahmed
- fvJ
- 09 Jul 2010
plz tell me about camera ????????
- S
- Shaan
- utv
- 09 Jul 2010
anonymous, 08 Jul 2010guys.ver 60 is here.i live in sumoa islands.believe me .its... moreHow Can nokia Release V60...
Without Any Anouncement??
Guys..It's A Prank...
Someone's Playing A Good Joke On us...
No Offence!!!
- E
- Ectoplasm
- utt
- 08 Jul 2010
People buying Nokia Phones in India..
1.Do always check the specifications on the nokia India website.
2. The phone you are buying would most probably a watered down version of the phone available else where.
(a) For example the 5800 XM in India looses its TV out..(NO Video Cable Nokia CA-75U)
(b) 5235 looses its 512mb NAND memory and gets replaced by a 256mb NAND, so you would have 71mb in the c/: opposed to the 320mb available to people world wide.
3. The specs you read about in most sites are not always true about local versions of cell phone models.
Nokia has changed OK! It is not the same thing any more, don't just trust some brand blindly and give them all your money... there could be better alternatives. at least check them up.
- v
- vishnu
- up1
- 08 Jul 2010
Prince, 08 Jul 2010I got this gem 2 months back...i use opera for browsing..c... moreenter in your mobile browser >follow the instructions
- a
- anonymous
- 2@f
- 08 Jul 2010
guys.ver 60 is here.i live in sumoa islands.believe me .its the greatest gift nokia has ever given to 5800.
- R
- Richard
- fsx
- 08 Jul 2010
me, 08 Jul 2010is this phone worth buying? Is it a reliable phone?yes Nokia 5800 Xpress music is worth buying because it has almost all the qualities that Nokia N97 has. i love the phone but we still need more advance softwares to it.. like microsoft excel and access.
- P
- Prince
- 08 Jul 2010
I got this gem 2 months back...i use opera for browsing..cause the home browser gets on ur nerves sice it takes ages to foward or go backwards..even with opera one cant open multiple pages..does anyone known wer can we download opera5.1 which has been launched recently....and for those who want to buy this set...jus close ur eyes n go for it..u aint gonna get such features with this price tag..this phone has almost everything...m glad i bought this
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 08 Jul 2010
Moon, 08 Jul 2010Can anybody plzzzz tell me whether this phone(Nokia 5800 Xp... moreTo play FLV videos u hav to dowload a 3rd party software,just google and see!! : )
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 08 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010Don't worry, even without V60 this phone has much more feat... moreI agree bro, nokia ru'lz. Hope they'll add some more cool games via the update, coz i've played all the built in games!!! :p
- M
- Moon
- TL5
- 08 Jul 2010
Can anybody plzzzz tell me whether this phone(Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic)can play videos with .flv format or else can i download the REAL VIDEO PLAYER/FLASH PLAYER???? Plzzz anybody help me out! I shall b grateful.. :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PU7
- 08 Jul 2010
Nader, 08 Jul 2010I'm gonna love v60 firmware, Divx support?? Awsome, even ip... moreDon't worry, even without V60 this phone has much more features than the Iphone...
Bluetooth file transfers for one....
And it can make calls unlike the new Iphone 4
- N
- Nader
- teu
- 08 Jul 2010
I'm gonna love v60 firmware, Divx support?? Awsome, even iphone doesnt have divx!!!!! :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 08 Jul 2010
The n900 has a newer version of Bounce. Can we get it for 5800????? Someone please comment!
- ?
- Anonymous
- teu
- 08 Jul 2010
I'm proud of my 5800, i am a very rough touchscreen user/gamer still this baby is holding on, even though its made in 2008!!!!! Absolutely love it =))))))))))))
- X
- Xuhaib
- PAm
- 08 Jul 2010
Love this love,since i bought.only lacks is the Poor quality camera,as its predecessor Nokia 5530 Camera lacks Carl Ziess but still its new firmware made lot improvement with gr8 camera quality.So 5800 needs to get new firmware with gr8 camera output in 3.2 MP
- ?
- Anonymous
- J54
- 08 Jul 2010
Sungod, 08 Jul 2010Hey if u want to compare the phone compare with a touch pho... morehey another person thinking I am dis-respecting the Nokia 5800, I am not, i actually like the phone. If this was meant to be just an entertainment phone they could have got away with just Sybian 40 software but they havent they have used S60 (ok S60 ver 5) whereas all the E series phones previous (like E52) had S60 (ver 3) so e52 was a great phone and the specs/usability of the menu's features were good. maybe if they would have applied the same features of E52 to this Nokia 5800 (I know it might be incompatible with touchscreen) but if they did keep the features of the E52 (such as the phonebook and the active screen to name a couple)then this phone would have been better - What do you mean it is an entertainment phone? - it has a lot of business features too especially in the way of good calendar, to do list and converter and world clock and ability to load office programs so its not just aimed at music listeners!
- d
- danz
- sEB
- 08 Jul 2010
hi bro,,
i got good news for this tube..
nokia will release new firmware with biggest faetures...
please wait for this....
nokia will optimal ability this tube....
the homescreen like n97 maybe not include on this firm,...
i proud use nokia....
- A
- Andyr12345
- J54
- 08 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010You are wasting your time talking rubbish about this phone ... moreyou mis-understand I was not dis-respecting the phone or its features, I actually like the phone and think it has lots of good features. I only listed (personally for me) where I think Nokia could have improved on this phone and hopefully help people decide when wanting to buy one with detailed specifications/using details but you have took it wrong way.