Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • John
  • fuN
  • 25 Jan 2010

Afif Danial, 25 Jan 2010Trully anyone who want to buy this phone pls dont wait, buy... moreFor those who ave already purchase d phone...pls which accessores do u get wit it when u bought it pls..i want to buy it and here they do remove most of the accessores pls tel me

    • A
    • Afif Danial
    • tV3
    • 25 Jan 2010

    Trully anyone who want to buy this phone pls dont wait, buy it now, but check for the latest firmware V40. it had many upgrading done.
    i myself just upgrade my version to v40. This is my best phone now, 2nd would be my previous N95-8GB.
    Cheers.. :)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • wHS
      • 25 Jan 2010

      to increase the phone battery life,change your network configuration from dual to gsm cause not all of us using 3g or video call. your battery will last for 2 to 3 day defend on the the step
      setting>connectivity>network>network mode

        • s
        • sriram
        • PEm
        • 25 Jan 2010

        forget others...
        fully loaded u cant even think of others..
        good looks..
        very sensitive touch screen .. great os speed
        fun motion gaming ... really good music play back n good camera quality with dual led flash..
        stunning resolution for video playback..
        3g n wifi support..
        some minor flaws include no torch n a bit less sound compared to sonyericsson w595 instead clarity is too good

          • J
          • Jagdish
          • iwq
          • 25 Jan 2010

          alaa, 24 Jan 2010l wanna know if there is another prog that can open farmvil... moreCould i know, more about GPS ? Is GPRS required for tracking oruts/ maps ?

            • X
            • Xpertriate
            • fuN
            • 25 Jan 2010

            SachBro, 24 Jan 2010Wassup everyone, I have been using this phone for quite som... moreHi guys..for does who ave d phone which accessories do u get wiv d phone from purchase???

              • c
              • ced
              • uSS
              • 25 Jan 2010

              Nokia will officially launch their new batch of their phones on January 26, the day before the expected arrival of Apple iTablet and the new OS iPhone 4.0. Reportedly, the Nokia C3 (code-named C3-00 or RM-614) is characterized by compatibility with quad-band GSM networks and the presence of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

                • m
                • mini
                • vj1
                • 25 Jan 2010

                Sandipan, 24 Jan 2010Let me tell you people , who are still thinking about "... moreit wont really play HD videos because it can only play 640x360 resolution with 30 frame per seconds. if you want to play HD videos on your phone i suggest you should upgrade to Omnia HD.

                  • A
                  • Abhi
                  • 2SZ
                  • 25 Jan 2010

                  varun, 25 Jan 2010should we hack the phone during the warrenty time. does ha... moreNo, hacking doesn't voids the warranty...
                  Proceed with it :)

                    • G
                    • Gamer
                    • srp
                    • 25 Jan 2010

                    AMAZING VIDEO!
                    Play Quake 3 over W-Lan!!!
                    (Support phones, Satio, Omnia HD, N97, XpressMusic 5800)

                      • v
                      • varun
                      • wiT
                      • 25 Jan 2010

                      should we hack the phone during the warrenty time. does hacking makes any problem?

                        • V
                        • Venus-Bangalore
                        • ut9
                        • 25 Jan 2010

                        Hi, I am about to buy this phone in a couple of days. Not bothered by all -ve reviews n complaints. Now, its very much clear to me that all the people who are complaining are using the phone with old firmware (factory loaded) which is buggy, and they either do not know that they have to get the f/w updated OR they like to spend their valuable life just for complaining about it!. what else can say!? :-).
                        I definitely hope that the people updated the new f/w are really enjoying with the phone.
                        All the best people...

                          • a
                          • agusforthebest
                          • uEx
                          • 25 Jan 2010

                          Anonymous, 01 Jan 19705800 forget the others

                            • j
                            • jt
                            • PUp
                            • 25 Jan 2010

                            Sandipan, 24 Jan 2010Let me tell you people , who are still thinking about "... morehei sandipan,
                            that's sure of a powerful comment there huh! i have been planning to buying this phone since 2009. well money matters for me and for some specific reason i am cannot have this phone yet. i just wonder if i could get your personal email/messenger ID so we could have a little chat regarding this phone and all the infos you mentioned in your posted comment.
                            when i gt my phone i want to install different applications that will add some spice to it, and of course to make it very useful and entertaining in so many ways. thanks.

                              • S
                              • Sofia
                              • upH
                              • 25 Jan 2010

                              Anonymous, 24 Jan 2010my comment is not about the phone.the phone is good. but i ... moreIt's really sad that Nokia care@dwarka stole your memory card from the phone.
                              I was at Nokia care@lajpat the other day and they were charging me 1400 bucks for extended warranty.

                                • A
                                • Abhi
                                • 2SZ
                                • 25 Jan 2010

                                Reuben, 24 Jan 2010yeah bro did u try it?? cuz i read about this, and it is qu... moreDear Reuben,

                                Nokia Care people will not do it for you as the process voids your warranty.

                                Yes, finally I have changed my product code and v40 is really nice.

                                If you want your warranty not to be voided, just change your product code back to the Original Code before taking to Nokia Care for any defect(if occurs) using JAF.

                                Yes I'm from India.

                                Here is the link for JAF:


                                  • S
                                  • Sparklers
                                  • vaQ
                                  • 25 Jan 2010

                                  im from the philippines , upgraded my phone to v40 its cool but the battery drains faster ! i change back to v31 ! by the way i change my product code so i can upgrade to v40 !

                                    • a
                                    • ayumi
                                    • PxF
                                    • 25 Jan 2010

                                    i absolutely agree with u sandipan.. ^^

                                      • a
                                      • alaa
                                      • fvZ
                                      • 24 Jan 2010

                                      l wanna know if there is another prog that can open farmville game on my nokia 5800 becoze when i use skyfire it reload the page for each movement i plzzz

                                        • S
                                        • Sandipan
                                        • utB
                                        • 24 Jan 2010

                                        Let me tell you people , who are still thinking about "Buying this phone" , my part of the story.
                                        Since June 2009 , I had been a fan of Nokia E63 . It's prowess and discrete design seemed to have blinded me. Truly even in literal senses it had blinded me of thoughts of buying a different mobile. I planned to buy one on Christmas. In the first week of December , I saw this Phone (The Controversial Nokia 5800) . I went through the first 73 or so pages of reviews and comments , 90% of them stated that this particular handset had frequent and several recurrent problems. (Just like a post below stating that GPS doesn't seem to work). I bought my Nokia 5800 in December , despite of the comments I saw. I installed all the apps. I have a cracked version of Quick Office6 running , have all sort of hacks that could have been done . An Antivirus (Kaspersky). Adobe pdf reader . All cracked and working , and believe me my baby still runs awesome ( even though my piece was "made in China" and some people claim that those are worthless) ! With the new firmware and the Ovi maps3.1 update , I have only 44.8 mb left in my phone memory , but still, it is running sweet and smooth.
                                        If , my friend ,you are looking at the negative comments , I would rather ask you not to take a hint from them.I have it and I have done what ever possible with it ( other than damaging the phone itself), still no creaks no crashes !
                                        And about the hanging problem of the set,it happened once with me, but just that once ,and it was when i tried to open a 2.4GB HD Avatar video on my phone. I found out later that the video had a codec error.
                                        If you have the money to buy this handset , buy one .You won't regret.
                                        And the most important thing,you will never get bored with this phone . You will run out of space but not of apps . :)
                                        And then about the battery problem . (Some people complain about the phone , that it needs to be charged every day or every alternate days). My question to those people is - Have they ever used a high end device before? A 1320mAH , does what it is supposed to do. I had Nokia N72 ( the base N series phone) and Nokia N73 ( a slightly upgraded version to N72) both needed to be charged on a daily basis (as per my usage) , and Nokia 5800 is a giant compared to these phones. 434Mhz processor and 128 Mb RAM , my dear complainers , my first PC had a similar configuration ( I had a 536 MHz processor) ! So what are you people complaining about? THIS PHONE HAS TO BE A POWER HUNGRY DEVICE ! There should be NO ISSUES WITH THAT ! It is simple logic - Larger the Horse Power of an Engine , Lesser the Mileage ! Do you want an UPS to be connected to tube all the time or do you want your phone to continue working without consuming any energy , defying all the basic laws of science! Literate yourself and you will find your problems resolved !
                                        Sometimes you need something more than to be using a handset these days. You need to have a PASSION to use it .
                                        Take Care my friends. I do not regret having bought this device , I would rather say , it is an UNDERRATED device . You get to know it's power only when you know how to use it.
                                        Have a nice time !