Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- r
- rigin
- n{k
- 20 Jan 2010
Please help. The Telephone key pad and phone book at the bootom of my main screen wont work and the shortcuts bar isn't showing even though I set it to show.
- F
- Fan
- fXB
- 20 Jan 2010
5730 or 5800
5730 seems to have a better camera and I am concerned with the camera thing(have N73 ME)
i am confused pls help
- i
- iCruze
- pIV
- 20 Jan 2010
Yes the 5800XM has WiFi. Well ive had the phone for 6-7 months and what has been replaced so far: back lid ( 2 times ) because the stylus holding pin just breaks off and got the phone back yesterday from the repair service. They replaced my screen, cause it would randomly get stripy and that was quite annoying ( like so stripy that u couldnt understand absolutely ANYTHING that was happening there ) and it seems that the phone is gonna go back for an hour or two as they replace my speaker ( the ear one ) because right after i got the phone back from them the speaker started making human sounds into robot ones :D But apart from those minor bugs. I can actually say im happy with the phone. Have tested both the N97 and the N900 and still sticking to the 5800XM. The only phone that currently seems to maybe be the one thats gonna exchange my 5800XM is the Motorola Milestone so i gotta give that a try and then post back here wether i switched over or if the 5800XM was even better than that for me.
Cheers, iCruze :]
- T
- Tito
- fXx
- 20 Jan 2010
I will go 4 a xM and i have 3 choices ,could anyone state the differences and recommend any my choices are 5730,5800, 5630.
Thanks in advance
- ?
- Anonymous
- nmh
- 20 Jan 2010
i finally upgraded to v40,today,it just came out, (rm 356-black)
- V
- Vishal
- sBR
- 20 Jan 2010
AntonSoft, 20 Jan 2010Hi, After upgrading from v31.0.101 to v40.0.005, the tim... moreu fool...jus slide in d direction indicated by stop and snooze icon...
- V
- Venus-Bangalore
- 20 Jan 2010
Hi everyone, I want to buy Sams Jet or Nokia 5800xm. After much of market analysis, i found Jet is Rs.4k more than 5800 in Bangalore. I am trying to find the worth of that 4k difference.
Improved&far better 5Mp camera+DivX,XVid plaer, better&bigger touchUI, better browzer, FMrecording etc. are the few value additions i found. However one major drawback is - Jet cant tranfer every content to TV (on tv out) its used only for Vid/Audio, (not even for photos?), but 5800 does show any screen on TV.
And JET -NO stereo speakers, 5800-has very good stereo speakers.
Guys, Please help me find in depth technical differences. Only some really really technical comparizon will help. Mobile phone/apps developers? please .... [i know many websites compare physical appearance & features overview, but tough to get hardware capabilities, features&apps for the future & all]
Mobile phone/apps developers? please .... Any websites having this kind of info??? Please let me know...
Thanks a bunch!!! in advance.
- W
- Waz
- ncP
- 20 Jan 2010
I'm having trouble reading text messages, white on black not v easy. can't find anywhere to change, Help.
- v
- varun
- wiT
- 20 Jan 2010
no alarm problem after updating....but it is hanging now
- v
- vy
- TL5
- 20 Jan 2010
sam, 20 Jan 2010my mailbox constantly flashes which indicates that the sim ... morejust go to msgs>options>sim msgs>and delete all those msgs.........btw i updtd to v40.....mine is rm356...and i am frm india,kerala....via ota.......
- ?
- Anonymous
- pw6
- 20 Jan 2010
do nokia 5800 has wifi
- D
- uCr
- 20 Jan 2010
Valerio, 20 Jan 2010Hi all. Has anyone here had trouble using the FM Radio ... moreme to having tha same problem
- I
- Irfan KK
- uWA
- 20 Jan 2010
AntonSoft, 20 Jan 2010Hi, After upgrading from v31.0.101 to v40.0.005, the tim... moreI Updated mine to v40.00.005 but no alarm Problem like u said.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Jan 2010
Anonymous, 01 Jan 197012850 in noida.
- M
- Mark03
- w0Q
- 20 Jan 2010
PhP, 19 Jan 2010yes the v.40 is availableThank you v. Much for the info. Finally i can buy this phone can't wait!
- r
- rigimen
- n{k
- 20 Jan 2010
i have some problems with my phone.i cant type a phone number on screen because i cant press the shorcut thats appear number and i cant press the shortcut thats appear contacts...any suggestion??
- T
- Tito
- fXB
- 20 Jan 2010
I will go 4 a xM and i have 3 choices ,could anyone state the differences and recommend any my choices are 5730,5800, 5630.
Thanks in advance
- R
- Roar...
- i8w
- 20 Jan 2010
Anyone knows what is the function of Python
optional application I found in the software
update v40? Thanks!
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 20 Jan 2010
shuvm, 20 Jan supports with adobe flash.but u may need to upgrade... morehw do u upgrade
- P
- Parth
- v{U
- 20 Jan 2010
Prince78, 19 Jan 2010guys i'm from india and my 5800's product code is 0575590. ... moreDude i have the same product code and v30 firmware. i think we will have to wait some more days since nokia might be updating all product codes for v40. so keep checking for new firmware eveyday like i do. :-) eagerly waiting for v40. Come On Nokia.