Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Aj
- 28 Oct 2009
plz do sumthing i bought sep 2009 mob tv out nt workng nokia nt do this 2 me i think all people take a suitable action
- B
- Bijoy
- wdP
- 28 Oct 2009
Hi guys. I bought the sept. 2009 edition & with "tv out will not work" sticker. but there is a option in >settings>accessories>tv out. So can any1 tell that does it work or not?
- s
- swapnil
- upf
- 28 Oct 2009
this is the best mobile that i ever have.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG0
- 28 Oct 2009
If there is a sticker at the back - Tv out will not work.
Who ever affected should blasth Nokia customer care for a replacement.
They are selling both the units at the same price.
Ok if it is software thing to enable tv out , they should tell the firmware. Nokia is playing a game they dont want to tell that they have removed hardware bcos they sold it for same price and they will have to replace it back in such case
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG0
- 28 Oct 2009
Hi 'TV-out not working '
I bought it on sep 2009 , with 'tv out not supported sticker - tv out is not working for me - Red color.
Ganze, Whats your set color ? Oct 2009 manufactured black pieces got tv out .
- M
- M1n0r
- 0Vq
- 27 Oct 2009
ganze, 27 Oct 2009hey i purchase 5800 in oct it wasnt written on box tv out p... morewell i dont know..but all the 5800 xm packets come the same in all the contrys..mine didnt had the tv-out cable..but i have one from my previeus phone N95 and its working perfect
- k
- kalel
- 9Cj
- 27 Oct 2009
I think this phone will ROCK more, if it has kinetic scroll :)
- M
- M1n0r
- 0Vq
- 27 Oct 2009
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, 27 Oct 2009anyone experiencing problems with bluetooth and radio failu... moreMy friend...try to go to nokia service shop and resoft the phone..i have the 5800 Xm in blue for half a 100% no problems no bugs;)
- M
- M1n0r
- 0Vq
- 27 Oct 2009
I dont know what phone did u bought...many of you people..allready hacked the phone..i didnt.Mine works very 100% good worth the money I payed for it . i didnt experienced any problems whit it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3GA
- 27 Oct 2009
This phone is terrible, never had a phone with so much problems and switches itself of min 15 times a days! Well done Nokia!
- z
- zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- N7D
- 27 Oct 2009
anyone experiencing problems with bluetooth and radio failure on nokia 5800?my phone is nokia 5800 on v30 ,however recently am not able to turn on the bluetooth neither am i am to use the radio...any solutions guyz..??????
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Aj
- 27 Oct 2009
people do sumthing u all of them is nt a fool keep presure of them then they giving tv out feature sep mobile is nt gud at ol do sumthing of u r a man ?
- T
- TV-out not working
- vG0
- 27 Oct 2009
When I contacted nokia , they said it is the software required for tv-out and not the hardware.
Also there no hardware required for the tv-out. Dono how much true is it.
How many tried to connect with the tv-out cable and didn work. just reply to my post.
- D
- Don PQ
- 4TI
- 27 Oct 2009
does anyone have any problem's with there internet not lauching,cause as of yesterday i can't open it at all
- g
- ganze
- 27 Oct 2009
hey i purchase 5800 in oct it wasnt written on box tv out put is removed but still i didnt got tv out cable in box...but when i connect n82 tv out put wire i cant c anything on tv i dnt knw how u guyz able to watch it on tv....does it depend upon firmware or wt i m hving v21
- c
- capricorn
- L3F
- 27 Oct 2009
looks like n97 just got their FW update. Kinetic scrolling and all.I just hope we are next in lina....
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG0
- 27 Oct 2009
Do not BUY SEP 2009 manufactured sets with the sticker, TV OUT hardware removed , Nokia Made big money out of it , saved lot of money . Ideally they should have reduced the cost but made a false propaganda as if model is going to get shut down and no tv out in future nothing is true, Nokia want to celebrate Diwali out of people's HARD EARNED MONEY AND IT ACHEIVED IT, They are living by cheating people. - AFFECTED 5 PEOPLE
- C
- Cheated By Nokia
- vG0
- 27 Oct 2009
Iam from chennai , i got a Nokia 5800 sep 2009 with sticker Tv out not supported.
- Third Rated Cheap Nokia Customer care confirmed its removed and will not be available in future , after that only i purchased.
But Tv out is available in Oct 2009 pieces, silently introduced with the Same Price.
THIRD RATED NOKIA , Made HUGE Profit by removing the hardware in the month of Sep 2009 .
Not only that company spreaded rumours that Model will be shut down, no tv out will be available .
NOKIA made huge profit out of Peoples hard earned money.
IF nokia is a good company it should replace the affected pieces, but it wont because they want to kill people to survive.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2S}
- 27 Oct 2009
ceejay, 27 Oct 2009hey guys, parents just bought this phone as... morein meter of can not play video and song, u need to ragester it and u need to unlock it. same problem was in my N-85. by d way i am going to purchase this 5800 xpress music
- n
- naman
- utq
- 27 Oct 2009
no tv cable is not available in oct 2009 edition