Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- G
- Graham
- 3Jc
- 17 Sep 2009
Forgot to mention the W995 can also charge from USB, the 5800 can't.
But the 5800 can handle more apps :P
- G
- Graham
- 3Jc
- 17 Sep 2009
I own a SE W995 and Nokia 5800...although the W995 is non touch I'll post advantages of both:
5800 pros:
Screen size is giant, with awesome quality
Stereo speakers are pretty good in sound
Video player is good with fullscreen and great quality video
Homescreen isn't crowded with text, unlike on W995, and is much more customisable
Much nicer looking FM radio
Better GPS sensitivity than W995
Better network reception than W995, does not drop internet when switching between 3G/2G
Better video recording than W995
Nicer web browser which handles most pages fine
W995 pros:
Walkman player beats the Nokia one easily
Music keys on side make for easy control
Better Wifi implementation, good sensitivity
I prefer the Sony Ericsson status icons much more than the tiny Nokia ones, and they are much more informative
No annoying red light flash when taking photos, tiny red light when recording videos unlike 5800's distracting one
W995 Camera quality is millions of times better, no matter the resolution...5800's camera is BAD!
Stereo speakers are superior in sound
Battery life is a LOT better than 5800- I have to charge 5800 more than once a day often
Menu is easy and fast to find items, unlike 5800
I really don't know which one to use more :(
- H
- Hassan
- uNV
- 17 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970yeah..buddy..sure!!
- j
- jason
- w0Q
- 17 Sep 2009
we're so eager to voice out our problems ang suggestions for nokia but i doubt it if they can hear us.
- j
- jason
- w0Q
- 17 Sep 2009
help! i accidentally downloaded map ver 2, how can i gat back to ver 3.0, i cant find anywhere to dload it help
- p
- pogi
- uS$
- 17 Sep 2009
to all filipino 5800 users, may i request you all to write to nokia in the support page on their web page asking when will they release the new firmware here. I did already.. This is for all of us pinoys. Tnx..
- C
- Chris_Skylock
- t7G
- 17 Sep 2009
When will Nokia Philippines to release the latest firmware? C'mon Nokia Philippines!! we're waiting!!
Almost all FIlipinos have NOkia 5800 XpressMusic
- S
- Someone
- fw0
- 17 Sep 2009
The nokia 5800 is a great phone. And Nokia is the top sellphones you get. It's opperating system is better then any other brand. But the decision is still yours.
- A
- Anonomous
- fw0
- 17 Sep 2009
The phone has a very poor camera, but it's still a awesome phone.
- K
- KaRaN
- utp
- 17 Sep 2009
Hey Friends.. I have visited the Nokia store today & what I came to know that Nokia 5800XM is now just in 13K... ...not in 16K.
- e
- ex 5800 owner
- 2FY
- 17 Sep 2009
there is only one way to fix this poor excuse of a phone. Smash it ,,and get a nother one.i did,and i havent looked back...nokias are behind the 8 ball compared to samsung,,lg,,even motorolla are making a phones at present are of very poor build,,being made as cheap as possible, and it really shows...but hey,,if you like constant problems and the need for a thousand upgrades ,in an attempt to fix them,,,buy a 5800,,,and you too can be one of the million or so nokia stawllwarts ,who will spend countless hours typing #ooo*#*#000*#00000***#in an attemped to update,,,or taking of the back cover to remove the battery because its frozen,,or whats even more fun,,spending time at a nokia care centre,,again and again and again+1 more again,,,i loved doing that
- L
- Lomba
- p7J
- 17 Sep 2009
I am interested in buying this phone, so I ask people who already have it..How good is the battery life? I am a normal user, mainly only use sms & phone calling. I might be inclined to chose an Lg, but their battery life is usually very poor. Also, how good to pics look on this phone? I'd like to hear a good review from someone who already has it.Thanks.
- C
- Carlo
- 17 Sep 2009
Guys I cannot update my office applications! Can anyone help may? it always fails and I cannot open the one i currently have.. I nneded that SO badly. it says purchase license available/purchase
- C
- Charlene Erasmus
- C{}
- 17 Sep 2009
I do not like my phone at all!! Much TOO difficult!! Anyone want to swop?
- A
- Acronymous
- upa
- 17 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970With the new firmware the processor has been reclocked to 434Mhz from 369Mhz of the old firmware. But the sad and rather embarrassing truth is that is runs only at 192Mhz. This is very strange because technically at 192Mhz it's supposed to be fairly slow which it isn't. Nokia must must explain this whether it actually runs at 192Mhz or at the claimed speed of 434Mhz.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@c
- 17 Sep 2009
mine got 140.5 mb version 31.0.008. not yet reset..
- P
- vwc
- 17 Sep 2009
I've just got to know that current models dose not have the TV-OUT function any more.
I've confirmed it from NOKIA CALL CENTER in INDIA.
- m
- m
- 2Ap
- 17 Sep 2009
in terms of new version software,the philippines is always been the last to have it.but in terms of sales,the philippines' always updated and most filipinos appreciate it.perhaps there's need not to trust it if they continue doing phils. pls take action on this.thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- N94
- 17 Sep 2009
rishi pherwani, 16 Sep 2009this phone really sucks its qute slow,only its music qualit... morei think its the best mobile nokia has ever made,its all in 1 and yet you can enjoy your surround soudu as well and the speakers re really loud
- r
- rm
- 9x6
- 17 Sep 2009
VMS, 16 Sep 2009Nokia is cheating this time(Nokia5800)- 1. picture quality... moreVMS, what the F*** are you using your phone for? are you a photographer? are you in a band? did you buy this phone for the games? get a grip man... this phone is awesome and i think you should just use the phone as intended not as a playstation/digital camera??? come on!