Nokia 6500 slide
- S
- Surferguy
- wgN
- 27 Sep 2007
Yeah im sick of waiting for this phone too. I found a new love with the n95... Has everything in one tight package :)
So there u have it.. No more 6500 slide for me.
pEace out yo :)
- M
- Marvin
- Mxe
- 27 Sep 2007
reviews say that this damn celll got problems and why should we wait for a cell that has problems, expensiv??
i'm switching on a new phone: the e65.. wich is , in my opinion, much better than this one!
it has wlan and everything u can ask for!
sorry to let you down right now guys!
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 27 Sep 2007
Excellent ponts den...
It was a piss poor review.
- i
- immobile
- FYk
- 27 Sep 2007
guys, it seems that the wait is not worth, the reviews are not that good, and i heard that it wil be too expensive...more than 13,000 why wait? i am switching on to other alternate..
- r
- right_now
- PVi
- 27 Sep 2007
Officially available in Thailand today!!!
only 13,700 Bht or ~290EUR
- d
- den
- w0Q
- 27 Sep 2007
yes the review from mobile burn is not very detailed, and they did not even test the radio, TV-OUt function, camera interface, photo comparison.. anyway, i'd like to see the review on GSMarena's or the final review on Mobile-review. =)
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 26 Sep 2007
C'mon you guys....
don't let ONE review sway you in buying this phone. It also got a GREAT review from
It is a nice phone. They didn't test it well enough. They said it dropped calls, but they ONLY used T-Mobile's Network that doesn't have the 850 MHZ band. They shoulda used AT&T's network since it has 850 & 1900 bands.
It is after all a QUAD band phone. It is a great phone...
- L
- Lucky
- 26 Sep 2007
Haha... so if its not a nice phone, dealers sholdnt charge premium for it right. If not they cannot sell. Hahaha... Nway...about the review, why is there no pic of the phone on an hand or something... just want to see the comparison when holding it.
- S
- Sno
- 26 Sep 2007
ya dude that review makes me feel i dun wanna buy this phone anymore
- B
- Baby Boy
- ijv
- 26 Sep 2007
According to the review, the phone is not so good... Waiting so long for so little. Disappointed
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 26 Sep 2007
Well....the review of the Slide was just posted today on
Here is the link:
If they have a consumer unit, it means that the release is right around the corner.
Just hold'll be here~!!!!
- A
- Adil
- Uq4
- 26 Sep 2007
Well it seems to be a great phone for those who want an elegant phone with some extra function. Well according to it's specification looks like Nokia has taken nice step. Because it's stylish, elegant, solid looking and have some cool features like 3.15MP camera which is more than usual guy's need. If you're talking about N95...well thats pretty heavy and goes a bit towards business class. But hey! can anyone tell me it's price in UK?
- S
- Sno
- 26 Sep 2007
dude that link says available stock is on 28/9 cmon guyz we can still hold on right?
- ?
- Anonymous
- nmC
- 25 Sep 2007
Come on people!!! We are waiting for about 4 months. There are some days left. Be patient.
- W
- Wesker
- n1g
- 25 Sep 2007
Well I too am going to get another phone, as with other people, I'm sick of waiting.
- M
- Marvin
- px}
- 25 Sep 2007
Well Guys ....
it's hard to say that but ...
I think i'm going to get an other cell ...
I've been waiting for too long and it's not coming, i can't wait anylonger!
The E65 seems to be great, it has more features except that it has 2 Megapixel camra instead of 3.2 for the 6500 slide and it doesn't have radio, contrary as the 6500 slide!
I'm sure it's a great phone, but it's not coming and i need to get a phone quickly!
i wanted to wait until i could see both of them but i begin falling for the E65!
Do you think it's a good decision ?
... Mobile Slider ? answer me and tell me if it's good or not, and if the E 65 is Great or not!
thank you!
- r
- renejens
- Srx
- 25 Sep 2007
I have just spoken to O2 in the UK. The Phone will be launchend on the 8th of October 07 and will be avalible in 3 colors like the 6500. So it wil be avalible in the goldish, black and pictured color.
Hope that helps,
- ?
- Anonymous
- mCi
- 25 Sep 2007
Don't want it any more.waited long for it but I'm getting another phone
- A
- AVEnger
- mMG
- 25 Sep 2007
Is this phone have something like "flight mode" in SE, how do You think? It is a very useful option.