Nokia 6500 slide
- O
- 4xb
- 24 Sep 2007
Gman, are you sure this phone is available in black as well? I'd absolutely go for the black one.
Do you have photos of this black version anywhere?
- M
- Marvin
- pyI
- 23 Sep 2007
Hey Andy Burgin !
U said in ur message that there are 2 weeks to go before this phone comes out!!
Are you sure about it?
and if u are, is this phone also coming out in france in 2 weeks please??
answer please
- a
- andy burgin
- pTC
- 23 Sep 2007
just been reading the reviews about the the 6500 slider an it doesn"t seem to beat the N73 in the camera section but not bothered about that its the size an quality that impresses me so much an hope Nokia do release a Black one to make it look more classy an only 2 week to go befor it becomes available
- G
- Gman
- n59
- 22 Sep 2007
Just for info this phone will also be available in all Black despite ill informed claims to the contrary. I know as I have had a play with one in that colour.
It's pretty good in black as it still has the steel construction but looks far classier.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ijv
- 22 Sep 2007
See it everywhere as "coming soon". How soon is soon for Nokia ?
- m
- muriel
- fuV
- 21 Sep 2007
This is one of the hotest fone on earth................try it
- s
- silfuric
- ibg
- 21 Sep 2007
this hot phone will be released on October in Malaysia. cant wait for it ...
- k
- kong
- wr6
- 21 Sep 2007
haha its gettin hotter here:)
c'mon guys, we believe that its a nice fon.
- p
- patrick
- PxA
- 21 Sep 2007
mirror - you're funny haha!
stop dreaming man. you can't get anything in one phone.
- L
- Lucky
- 21 Sep 2007
HSDPA? So does 6301... thus my speculation.
- R
- RP
- 5gS
- 20 Sep 2007
To Miror!
Are you out of the loop here? this is a s40 phone. of course it isnt going to have all those things you listed. go buy the n95 if you want that. wifi? umm, hello! it doesnt even have HSDPA! the purpose of this phone is to be a rock solid, yet simple long lasting nokia slider phone. not a fully loaded feature phone like the n95. do you go to the McDonalds and complain because they dont have sushi?!?! DUH!
- M
- Marvin
- py3
- 20 Sep 2007
So, it's coming out on the market in November, for sure?
And you do think that they are making its release so long because the are adding features at this phone? ...
I don't know but i can't wait, it's too long now!
ok they want ppl to want it, but we're not robots.. like doing what ppl want us to do!
Nokia is making a mistake making it too much long!
they should hurry up!!!!
- L
- Lucky
- 20 Sep 2007
I dont think it's design fault ooby, the surprising announcement of 6301 an updated 6300 seems to send some trend in the market. Lets make a speculation here, from N800 tablet nokia has learned that with wifi they can incorporate voip features on their phone. This trend has been gathering momentum of late, i.e inclusion of wifi b/g to phones in the Nseries, Eseries and the shocker 6301 which is in the "classic" section... Now wouldn't you speculate that they are trying to include some new feature in this phone? Nokia is having trick up their sleeves...? Hahaha...
- o
- ooby
- mqn
- 20 Sep 2007
Just been into a carphone warehouse where the guy told me that this is now expected late November! "Just in time for Christmas" he added cheerily. I really like the look of this phone but something doesn't feel right about the delays. Design fault?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Sep 2007
Harsh it may sound on what you wrote regarding this unit...It was very useful. Hopefully what you wrote is all correct coz it answered a lot of questions. tnx!
- P
- Paid for by Nokia
- 4SU
- 20 Sep 2007
Cool specs, but the Samsung G600 is available now... think I'm gonna jump on that cause I can't wait any longer LOL.
- L
- Lovely
- PWb
- 20 Sep 2007
And you forgot also
- no ABS
- no TV
- no DVD player
- no frigde
- no double injection twin head cam
- no 20 inches tyres
- ...
- A
- 0Uv
- 20 Sep 2007
Miror, you forgot:
21) No NFC/RFID chip
22) No UPnP connectivity
23) No Evolved HSPA
24) No Fuelcell battery
hehe :)
- M
- MobileSLider
- 42p
- 19 Sep 2007
Then don't buy it.
I could sit here and pick apart ANY phone on here. I ask you though, name ONE phone that has this quality of build.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nm5
- 19 Sep 2007
What else we will see here?