Nokia 6500 slide
- G
- Gil
- ijv
- 05 Sep 2007
6500 slider was announced 31 may. Usually it takes Nokia at least 3 months 1/2 to lauch a phone after the announce. That is mid september. So up to now nothing wrong here. Should be here by end of september...
- M
- Mike
- nDU
- 05 Sep 2007
They are just making us want this phone MORE and MORE ... and when they'll release's going to make HUGE profits. This phone is going to be 'best deal'.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4}9
- 05 Sep 2007
man whn the heck is this phone going to get released. its been forever since nokia announced it. i really want this phone because it is packed with great features.
- h
- horse eater
- 05 Sep 2007
come on mad fone
- ?
- Anonymous
- xnV
- 03 Sep 2007
or maybe their just building anticipation?? haha..
So when the phone does hit the market. BOOM! if you catch my
- O
- jRu
- 03 Sep 2007
One reason behind the long delay I can think of is that Nokia might be having technical difficulties with this phone and they're trying to solve it. That's why it has taken so looooooong. But that's a good thing; fixing it now rather than let us live with the defects :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- nm8
- 03 Sep 2007
The year has 4 quarters and each one has 3 months. OK? When NOKIA says 3d quarter it's between July and September. So, we expect it till 28th September.
- S
- Sno
- 02 Sep 2007
aii 6120 already released but 6500.........
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2SQ
- 02 Sep 2007
I am in love with this phone
- J
- Jérôme
- m8m
- 02 Sep 2007
If his slide is as solid as which of the E65, the 6500 ought to be one the best phone ever made.
I think I'll wait for his arrival before buying my new cellphone.
- S
- Surferguy
- wgN
- 02 Sep 2007
october and december??
umm i thought it was 3rd quater of 2007? 3rd quater is from is from june to oct...??
either way im sure it will be out very soon :)
- K
- Kozo
- mrx
- 02 Sep 2007
in Poland this phone will be for ~430 euro - this is reliable information from our distributor, maybe tomorrow I will be know when :)
- M
- Marvin
- px}
- 02 Sep 2007
we can't get a concreete reale date because the only thing we know is that it's between september and december...
some things let us think that it could come out soon... like in september or october!
Nothing is sure!
We only have to wait until it's realeased!
- A
- Andy Burgin
- pTC
- 01 Sep 2007
Just got the Orange monthly magazine an the 6500 slider is in there so it won"t be long before its out for release,the 6500 slider facies competition from the N81 but lets wait until a full review about the N81 before its worth getting instead of the 6500 slider but the Slider to me is the next mobile i can"t wait to see an use as it looks brilliant to me,an like everybody is wondering how good is the slider this time from Nokia as they make slider phones but after a bit they become lose an wobbly
- M
- MArvin
- pyn
- 01 Sep 2007
i don't know when the official last day of Q3 is.... Sorry!
i saw the N81 ... there are better phones ... like this one :d !
I really can't wait to get it!
700$ ... Wow!
Here, when it will be out, i can get it for 180 Euros thank to credit!
Anyway ....
this beauty will soon be mine :d
- M
- MobileSlider
- 42p
- 30 Aug 2007
OK.....this is official.
It looks like the Slide starts shipping September 4th!!!
I will wait a couple weeks after release to avoid paying close to $700.00US.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0gJ
- 30 Aug 2007
when is the offical last day of q3?
- j
- jess
- RKp
- 30 Aug 2007
6500 is my best phone coz so nice cute and so fantastic...i really like it.
- M
- Marvin
- py3
- 30 Aug 2007
Thank u Very much Surferguy!
- t
- t-pain
- a2t
- 30 Aug 2007
it's awesome>>>!!!!!!!!!!!