Nokia 6600
- c
- chaith
- P$5
- 06 Jul 2005
hi,can any1 tell me about mp3 playback quality of nokia 6600 and does the phone really slows down if add 512mb card to it for my mp3 usage?????please help bcoz i am planning 2 buy this phone tomorrow?????
- d
- dat
- Fw7
- 06 Jul 2005
this phone is so good to me. But i've just explored some of it. Pls, give me more..
(softwares, apps,etc)Thxxx
- l
- lou
- 06 Jul 2005
anyone knows how to upload mp3 as ringtone on my 6600?
pl help.
- v
- varun
- 05 Jul 2005
hi i have nokia 660, how can i download camcorder pro and mp3 software on my cell from websites??? plz advice
- p
- previous nokia fan(n
- PEn
- 05 Jul 2005
i have used this phone about 8 month the phone is better than my previous phone moto E365
actually this phone feature and performance can be extended by certain software and application EXP:
1)extent the video recording by philip cam corder
2)u can set digital sound as ringtone by using oggplay and u can play as random each time you receive a call u will hear different sound but unfortunatly ultramp3 cant set as ringtone
3)u cant see better movie quality with full screen with smartmovie
3)u can play most of the n-gage games with this phone
4)this phone memory card can extent to 1gb but the phone will lag
5)better screen server with the WOWscreen server
and ETC but all this software is not important to me now coz it is boring.
and the big problem is you have to find put the software by yourself in internet and u have to maintance and risk in virus
and recently the nokia has only develop very less software
so in my opinion is u all better dont buy symbian phone better buy serious 40 phone like sonyerricson K750 coz it will not infected by virus and no need to maintenence
thrus me nothing special in symbian
- M
- Mat
- 04 Jul 2005
if u hav the ultra mp3 player how can u use the mp3's as ringtones???thnx alot!!
- G
- George
- ncN
- 04 Jul 2005
I've had this phone for a year now and the video recording time is a real let down it can only record about 9 seconds of video which isnt much use
- m
- matt
- 04 Jul 2005
how do u use mp3's as ringtones???thnx
- G
- George
- ncN
- 04 Jul 2005
I've had this phone for a year now and the video recording time is a real let down it can only record about 9 seconds of video which isnt much use
- ?
- Anonymous
- 42U
- 04 Jul 2005
hi does anybody know if it is possible to put a cingular sim card on a unlocked tmobile 6600 i really need info on that
because i hear that cingular cards only work with cingular devices
- g
- govind goyal
- 04 Jul 2005
can anyone send me nokia 6600 software.if anyone send i will give him also some software
- o
- onins
- P%3
- 04 Jul 2005
Thanks julian.... any other cool applications that can be downloaded from the net that works well on Nokia 6600?
- J
- Julian
- 4tp
- 04 Jul 2005
yes u can use MP3 as a ringtone
- A
- Alex
- P5m
- 03 Jul 2005
hey thanks alot amol. will check out the freebies available on the net...
- o
- onins
- P%3
- 03 Jul 2005
hi everyone!
Can i use the mp3's as ringtone or something if i have mp3 player installed? thanks a lot!
- a
- amol
- U2H
- 03 Jul 2005
the picture and video quality is quite good though not in same league as newer 6680 and 7610 or 6630,but at this throwaway price u cannot get any better.remember dat its one of the most popular smart phones not for nothing.
- a
- amol
- U2H
- 03 Jul 2005
to alex:
sandisk card for digital camera wont work most'll need mmc card.
the applications are actually not free and the mobile shops wud charge u greatly,but if u search net carefully then u will defi.get sum free stuff.some of the sites u can check out are -- and
- A
- Alex
- P5m
- 03 Jul 2005
Hey guys im not much of a phone geek and i would really really appreciate any input on a few basic questions i have about this phone...
1.would a sandisk memory card be compatible with this? or is it the same as the MMC? u know the normal mem cards that come with digi cams? i've got an extra 256MB sandisk mem card that came with my digi cam would that be compatible with this phone?
2. are all these 3rd party app free? can u simply download them on to your PC and then transfer them to your phone?
3. could anyone kind of give a short list of some of the app available for the phone? are the pic quality and the video quality of the cam? and how long is voice recording?
sorry guys i knwo these are very basic questions. but i would really really appreciate any help...
- H
- HElp
- 03 Jul 2005
hello every body,how can i get those softwears except i download from those hands phones shop dat charge very expensive...
- 6
- 6-6-0-0
- 03 Jul 2005
My 6600 Review:
Unit: the 6600 is a bit heavy and a bit bulky
Features: with a lot of 3rd party applications available the 6600 can also do other stuffs that the latest symbian phones does.
Sounds: Mono but with UltraMp3 the sound is just pretty damn fine.
Camera and video: cameraXpro and camcorder gets the job done.
Memory Card: MMC and RS-MMC up to 512mb works just fine. the unit will slow down if you put something in the phone memory.
Battery: great! it can last a full day at least.
Display: bright, crisp, excellent display. not the best 65k display but it is still very good
Overall: the 6600 is a very good symbian phone. it is not expensive anymore and it is a very tough mobile phone. i definitely recommend this phone to anyone who is low in budget or a beginner in nokia or symbian phones. if you have extra cash then it would be better to go for 6630 because of its added great features. i would give this 6600 a grade of 85%