Nokia 6610
- d
- dinesh-VAS.HTMT.CHN
- PTn
- 15 Nov 2006
if u r a gprs lover
dont use this handset
[its use a random gprs technique!!!!]
it will work at sometime randomly
but not always.................
- h
- honey
- Rxj
- 11 Nov 2006
ive been using this phone for two years and six months now to be exact...the word to describe this phone...The BEST!one of the best mms phone from nokia... :) love it!
- d
- dune
- PNt
- 11 Nov 2006
I've had this phone for two years and it has not failed me yet. I've been looking to upgrade for many months, but cannot find a phone more reliable or user friendly. When did the market turn from phones like this to plastic-ey, overcomplicated phones with finnicy features i ask you - give me a 6610 with a 2mp camera any day! lol
- a
- apurva
- 2@q
- 03 Nov 2006
6110i. Been using it for a year and a half. changed the panel and it looks new again. Q: how many lives does it have. fell down from the bus. drove the car over it, still works. Dont feel like parting even though market is flooding with new technology and designs. there are some things u cant beat. its like a trustworthy partner u can always rely on.
- d
- delgado
- y@i
- 27 Sep 2006
It is a nice phone, but the sound quality is poor. If the sound quality was superb then this phone would be great. The FM radio is a big plus of course.
- J
- PTn
- 23 Sep 2006
its a good looking phone last year i gifted to my wife and its look like the same sweet small phone
- s
- sean dmello
- Uq9
- 18 Sep 2006
i had got this phone justafter my board exams
it works superb only problem memory space should have been more and its really easy to handle and also the best phone in messging
y there is no BLUETOOTH y y y y y y y y y
- g
- gagoako
- R2L
- 14 Sep 2006
one of the forefathers of colored phones! i still had this unit until know. pawned it several times but my conscience always bothered me. nway, great phone! thanks nokia..
- M
- Madhu
- in}
- 14 Sep 2006
My phone has become paralytic after 2 yrs of usage.The left side of my key pad is simply not responding to my keying.
- r
- reluctant phone sear
- U2U
- 06 Sep 2006
all i can say is dont put it in the washing machine, other then that a great phone, served me well...
- _
- _nicolE
- Rxn
- 03 Sep 2006
my dad got me a 6610 when i was a senior in high school and it worked great. im a hardcore SMS-er and the letters on the keypad never faded no matter how much i pounded on it. the user interface is easy to understand (i got it in like 5 minutes) and depending on your network, downloading wallpaper is uber easy i run out of prepaid credits in mere hours.
im not much of a gamer so it didnt bother me that it only had two games.
doest get hot on your ear right away (great :)) and SMS-ing is just FANTASTIC.
overall, 9/10
- a
- azree
- iba
- 14 Aug 2006
this phone is great.. use it more than 2 yrs already and got no problems whatsoever, only the infrared sometimes cannot use.. accidentally drop many times but still functioning great.. superb for the basic phone/sms user...
- F
- Firemode
- m25
- 04 Aug 2006
6610 has 750kb memory while 6610i has 4mb. Memory shouldnt be a concern as u cant play music or have a camera. Upload stuff from a pc using a dku-5 cable. Using the computers Infra-red would be cheaper as the cable costs a lot.
- A
- Arnab
- 03 Aug 2006
iwant to share ringtones from my computer which data cable should i use?
plz reply sharp?
- b
- burlington
- 31 Jul 2006
well i have this phone for almost 2 years and i love it,not only with its design but also in its features its so cool...but the problem is i cant use the infrared for transferring files from my phone to one another,it falls 6 times but its still alive,i accedentaly piss on it while im pissing one morning coz im holding it while pissing that time it turns itsefl off,but when turn it on seem like nothing i recommind this phone to everyone whos looking for the best phone....thanks nokia i love this phone..have more power!!!
- v
- versacchi
- F4p
- 28 Jul 2006
anybody know how much phone memory U hv in this phone. dont seem to get it from the features. As for 7250/7250i , its stated as 4MB. How does shared mem works ?
- k
- kiran
- j9x
- 25 Jul 2006
its one of the best phone i ever seen from NOKIA. its a friendly user phone. iam using it from past 3 yrs. the performance is very good and worth for the money you pay.......
- v
- versacchi
- Ui}
- 15 Jul 2006
Can someone help me in this on this 6610.
I bot this HP as 2nd hand , and the previous owner has changed the default securitycode. How do I reset the securitycode to default 12345. Has PC suite ver has utility inside to do the resetting, or must I bring the HP to Nokia svc ctr to do it. I dread going to NoK svc ctr 'cos the svc there is sucks !!
Thanks ...
- R
- Rendy
- 13 Jul 2006
This phone was my first phone. Everything just fine,no bug no flaw.
One day my 6610 gone weird, I can turn it on. at first I tought the battery was run out. But after 1 day charging, I know something wrong. So I take this to hp rapair, and it said it IC was burned and I have to pay almost like paying full price of this phone. So I decide to buy new cellphone instead. AND IT'S motorola ROKR e1. And I'm happy with it.
- T
- Tony
- imp
- 07 Jul 2006
I have the nokia 6610 for 5 yrs and it never breaks i really like this phone.its one of the best phone i i have the samsung Z510 but i think the 6610 is way better.You got to buy this phone to believe how good it is.