Nokia 6630
- r
- robpe
- m9F
- 02 May 2005
I shall be gettinmg 3.45 installed next week. I believe it will give me the option to sw off 3g & stop the loss of reception & battery drain problem. I'm amazed Nokia expect their customers to have to sort out problems with their product. I've had to do a lot of research & chasing up to find out what I have so far. I'm really ***sed off with Nokia :-(
As regards the photo cell.. it's supposed to turn down the backlight in bright light situations so as to save the battery. I've never noticed it works on mine !
- h
- han from malaysia
- ijq
- 02 May 2005
can somebody tell me wat is the light sensor for? thank you
- h
- han from malaysia
- ijq
- 02 May 2005
to robpe:
I'm just bought a 6630, and i encountered a lot of problem, and the version is 3.45.113, is there any bug in this version?
thanks for ur advise
- j
- jma
- PVh
- 02 May 2005
hello!...I'm from the Philippines and I have this phone right and so far, there are no problems that occured...about the 3G stuff, the network operator where i got this phone configured the settings for 3G so no problem was encountered...
- r
- robpe
- m9F
- 30 Apr 2005
2What's wrong with this phone ?"
Lots of things. My advice.. don't a Nokia unless it's been on the market for at least 6 months. Nokia are notorious for releasing things too soon before problems ironed out. They have an arrogant attitude.. a bit like Microsoft.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Apr 2005
is your version 3.45?
that is a bug from that version
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 30 Apr 2005
wat's wrong with my phone???how come the call duration time and the call number overlaps with each other???is it caused my virus???!!!i jus bought it!!!
- S
- Staggie
- Ghc
- 29 Apr 2005
It's the best fone around in SA. It works on vodacom and Telkom. I could copy dvd's with it. I went to the cinema and recorded a whol movie and it fitted.
- r
- robpe
- ixr
- 29 Apr 2005
You say "pls dont discourage ppl to choose 6630 bcoz this is excellent phone ever made!!"
But why should people have to spend hours researching to find stuff then trying it out on a their new phone to solve a problem that shouldn't be there in the 1st place ?
That's Nokia's job isn't it ?
Most people buy a phone then expect it to work OK from the start without loads of hassle !
It's a disgrace that Nokia released the 6630 with this problem. Go read
Everyone else is disgusted with nokia's 6630 losing network & chewing up the battery !
- J
- 29 Apr 2005
dear to all readers.....would you send me an original backup file (juz setting only)
- r
- robpe
- m9F
- 29 Apr 2005
OK thanks but I've taken the phone back & swopped it now for a 3230.
I would be prepared to get the 6630 back as it's higher spec phone & try net monitor but will it work with Vodaphone version of 6630 firmware ?
Does net monitor cost anything ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- M{3
- 28 Apr 2005
as i told u before that download and install "net monitor' for 6630 and u can totally 'SWITCH OFF' 3G so it will stop looking for 3g connection! in the internet and u will find lots of user solved thier 3G problm! and pls dont discourage ppl to choose 6630 bcoz this is excellent phone ever made!!...
- r
- robpe
- m9F
- 28 Apr 2005
After one day of owning a 3230 I can't believe how long the battery lasts. Been used all day & the battery strength bar is still showing full battery charge.
The 6630 was a nightmare battery barely lasted a day !
That along with losing network coverage all the time with the 6630.
- U
- User
- C{x
- 28 Apr 2005
This fone is a brick!!!!!!!!
Heavy but can be improved.
Only a brick would buy it!!!!!
- D
- DiNeR
- mAT
- 28 Apr 2005
You want a camera phone? In 3 mounths will come Samsung P860 what is haveing a 5 MEXAPIXEL camera!!!!!
- c
- claReNcE
- F4p
- 28 Apr 2005
i bought it recently and i used it, it's not as great as it was advertised. somehow i still find that 6680 is much better? the 6630 camera of mine dosen't even looks clear compare to my friend's 7610
- r
- robpe
- ixr
- 28 Apr 2005
Beware whilst some seem happy with 6630 I had severe network probs & losing network signal somehow due to it dithering between 3G & GSM. The Nokia shop said can't switch off 3G so in the end I had to swop the 6630 for a 3230 & now no network signal problem with that.
So it's a lottery. If you buy a 6630 you risk this problem for which it seems there is no cure.
I don't really see a need for 3G anyway.
- S
- Spyder
- mAM
- 28 Apr 2005
Thanks for your reply! In the 4 months that you had the phone any problems with it? Signal, resets, crashes or errors, etc? I am will pay around 400 euros on the phone so I wanna be sure. Thanks alot.
- A
- AnDY
- 28 Apr 2005
I bought nokia 6630 4 months ago and i can say that is the best phone ever nokia made.You shoyld buy it!
- S
- Spyder
- mAM
- 28 Apr 2005
GUYS!! Please help me out, I wanted to buy a Nokia 6630 so I first searched for reviews on the model, and now I'm not sure what to get... people complain alot about the Nokia 6630 (that it crashes, has a weak signal and so forth). I'm really not sure what to get, I am now thinking of going and buying a Nokia 7610 (it has great reviews everywhere). What do you guys suggest I do? go for the new 6630 or get the 7610???? Please reply. Thanks!