Nokia 6630

Nokia 6630

User opinions and reviews

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  • e
  • evilgirl
  • P@1
  • 29 Dec 2004

damn fugly phone.

    • v
    • viewer
    • 29 Dec 2004

    hi, mrdjape, right, they should give 60 or 128 mb of free memory space... i just look the the papers toady. Motorola E680 is cheaper than 6630. plus comes with free 512MB of memory. Intel 300 MHz processor, stereo speaker with 3D surround sound.... i was tempted. I was a nokia phone user usually, dunno how E680 is like....

      • m
      • mrdjape
      • 28 Dec 2004

      Unfortunatlly making quality means less production, many of these phones would be much better. For this stadium of technology development n6630 with 220 mhz processor should have office implanted, 60 or 128 mb of free memory space, something like PDA with intel scale processor 255,
      body made from alu-magnezium-plastic, with no squiking (at least we deserve this for 400 $). I can Buy p3 1700mhz with TFT and DVD player for this kind of money. New HP 4450 PDA with WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, and SIM GSM ability costs 480 Euros. 400 Mhz processor, 128 Mb, SD-MMC, 240x320 Touchscreen 65K. These phones don't deserve to cost more than 200 Evros top.
      They are selling fog to us. I feel disapointed with this stopping of techology developments. Globalizm. More fogs for more slaves. Two jobs for one phone.

        • t
        • tai an
        • 28 Dec 2004

        well said customer i kno what you mean. we all want to be astisfied with what we buy using top dollar.there shall be no defect for it cost that expensive nokia should have at least checkd for this n repaired it before releasing the product. cunsumers like me are as if cheated !!! we want phones that does not have a defect!!!

          • C
          • Customer
          • 28 Dec 2004

          From a customer point of view, watever fault, it must b solved as much as possible. If we dun complain, how are u going to see more quality and reliabile phone out there. Look, we are paying $, we expect products that are good. We move n improve everyday, If there's a problem, n no one bother to solve, is this justifiable? We cannot simple let these vendors go easily, after all, they are earning much money from us. ehsan, maybe u are born a vendor, not a customer.

            • e
            • ehsan
            • 28 Dec 2004

            recently i seeing a lot of posts regarding the restarting problem. by the way did you know a lot of phones have this problem. se k700 just resarts. se p800 you need to hold the button for 30 sec when it freezes. i think the restarting problem is normal and ppl should just get used to it. as the phones become more advanced software problem arises. if you want a perfect phone which does not restart, then you need to buy phones made 10 years ago. by the way i am still not getting hold of the phone. the nokia priority dealer still has no stock, he says its selling like hot cake. maybe i need reserve the phone.

              • s
              • simpleboyz
              • 28 Dec 2004

              i want to buy this handset tomorrow.....

              ok....u understand what i means

                • m
                • mrdjape
                • 27 Dec 2004

                From my personal expirience, I had 3 Symbian
                phones so far n7650, n6600, siemens SX1, and
                rebooting of theese phones are so regular things, especially if you put some incompatible 3rd party software... So if you want stable systems, especially on newer Symbian's ver 1.1, 1.2, etc. you have to install one additional app. then test it for few days to see it's compatibility. I sopose thet software bugs will surelly be fixed with new firmware, but only problem is that Nokia isn't that quick response able, differ from Siemens which new FW 15 correct all problems in their SX1. New buyers, wait for new release of 6630 with improved hardware!

                  • b
                  • butzu(ro)
                  • 27 Dec 2004

                  Problem : WHO HAS THE BEST CAMERA?(don't say par example 6630 because u have one,straight to the point,please)

                    • m
                    • moment
                    • 27 Dec 2004

                    DOES N6630 support mp3 ringtones?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 27 Dec 2004

                      tata nokia

                        • w
                        • wonder
                        • 27 Dec 2004

                        I thought most of these bugs should b fixed or tested many times before a product is being released ESPECIALLY when this phone is not cheap...

                          • t
                          • thinker
                          • 27 Dec 2004

                          seems like a lot of people are paying money for NOKIA bug .....

                            • R
                            • Ramesh
                            • 27 Dec 2004

                            Just bought this set 2 days ago. So far no problems. Firmware revision is 2.39.15 11-11-04 RM-1. When the screen saver comes on, you won't see any new message icon. You will only see missed calls. This is probably another bug.

                              • t
                              • teddy
                              • 26 Dec 2004

                              Is this auto reboot for 6630 a common problem? any other defects for this phone? can any one tell me,is there any major defects for this 6630? coz i wanna buy one n this costs a shit load of money it want to know about its performance !!! anyone who own this phone plz give their email,i want ask u a lot,will be a great help for me.How much its gonna cost in india?my email is

                                • f
                                • firmwarer
                                • 26 Dec 2004

                                yo .. plwh888, for your information, there is no firmware as v 3.45.110 02-12-04 RM-1 .... but 2.39.15

                                  • p
                                  • plwh888
                                  • 26 Dec 2004

                                  I've got my 6630 last nite after much hesitation (damn, i should have hesitate much further !) .

                                  Well, it have problem to sync with Outlook 2003, i have to downgrade to Outlook 2002 to get it to work !!! Aaargh...

                                  I'm using MP3 as a ringtone, gosh, it should so horri-chee-ble ! almost like a VCR (Very Cheap Radio), totally hollow sounding.

                                  The camera is excellent though and the video is passable.

                                  The theme is buggy, after Preview a theme, it get hang for a second or 2 and then revert back to theme list.

                                  my firmware is v 3.45.110 02-12-04 RM-1

                                  I'm returning it . . . or anyone want to buy 2nd hand from me in Singapore ! hahaha.

                                    • 3
                                    • 3guser
                                    • 26 Dec 2004

                                    Yo, Alvin, i guess u have to bring the stand... well nokia wll b releasing a new 3G phone with 2 cameras in 2005... 6630 is a cock up

                                      • A
                                      • Alvin
                                      • 26 Dec 2004

                                      Correct me if i am wrong. Nokia 6630 is a 3G phone right? This means that it should be able to perform Video Calls over the phone.

                                      However i noticed that the phone has only 1 camera which is at the back. So other than using the Nokia Video Stand to make a video Call. Are we supposed to bring the stand wherever we go just to make video calls or is there a hidden video camera in front of the phone.

                                      Please Advise.

                                        • m
                                        • midiuser
                                        • 26 Dec 2004

                                        hi there, i've got a problem, so I've put in many midi (ringtones) to my 6630, and last night i wanted to transfer some of them to my friend's phone via bluetooth, but when i did that, it didn't let me saying that "can't send protected files".

                                        I've tried all of the midi, and all of them are the same, I couldn't send.
                                        So then I tried all other files (like images, mp3s, videos), all worked. So now only the midis that I couldn't transfer.

                                        why is this? Is there any way that I can make it to work? Thanks a lot =)