Nokia 808 PureView

Nokia 808 PureView

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • pF9
  • 23 Nov 2012

AnonD-78201, 23 Nov 2012Buddy, just download the app from nokia store for free and ... moreyoure right.will have a closer lock at a big screen later to see how the edges looks like.

    • D
    • AnonD-44925
    • NwA
    • 23 Nov 2012

    Hey guys i have nokia belle FP2 , and my social app stopped working when i pressed the exit but from the menu. when i start it, it says 'unable to connect' or to start (its in Portuguese, dont really know the correct translation). I have alredy deleted and reseted my phone and reinstaled my network app, but same problem every time i exit. Anyone knows how to fix it?

      • D
      • AnonD-78963
      • apV
      • 23 Nov 2012

      Carol, 23 Nov 2012Sory buddy, but he is kind of right. 808 was never promoted... moreCarlo hello ! do you know how to setup VPN sitting !
      in iPhone it is so easy only download hotspot but in Nokia Symbian is so hard for me to setup

        • D
        • AnonD-78201
        • tUs
        • 23 Nov 2012

        Carol, 23 Nov 2012Sory buddy, but he is kind of right. 808 was never promoted... morewell i completely agree with Carol. in my office when people see my phone the first thing they ask if it's windows. till now i didn't find even a single person who knows the name of this phone correctly (i am dead serious, not at all blowing out of proportion or exaggerating, it real deal !!). seriously this is what lack of marketing can do. all they know is samsung & samsung or android, nothing else.

        when i tell them that it's symbian, however, few who know about it do mock me, but i pity their ignorance! Funny part is when i take a picture and show them what my phone is capable of doing, they stand dumbstruck, just couldn't believe their eyes.

        however, there's one thing i would like to add though. if for some reason you are not able to take good image by jus 'point' and 'shoot' try to play around with the 'various' option provided. they really help. for eg. while taking close pic, long press on the screen and select close up. likewise there are 'n' numbers of parameters to play with. i am really impressed with the camera interface. it has something for everyone.

        can anyone please help me understand the various camera features in detail, what setting to be used when and what different parameters do??

          • D
          • AnonD-78201
          • tUr
          • 23 Nov 2012

          Anonymous, 23 Nov 2012Read Nokias white paper about the 808 sensor and you see,no... moreBuddy, just download the app from nokia store for free and give it a shot. i have tried and it actually works. i checked the resolution of the captured image. it's 7728x5368 which comes out to be 41.48 MP (approx 41.5 MP) as quoted by Mustafa Al-Azzawy. it's not round either.

          Gr8 app!!

            • D
            • AnonD-3836
            • fjn
            • 23 Nov 2012

            very well said .so glad i stuck with nokia.had a choice between 808,s3,4s and one x. Will always go for nokia

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • gxJ
              • 23 Nov 2012

              AnonD-49266, 23 Nov 2012no man it's possible just download sCam app from nokia stor... moreRead Nokias white paper about the 808 sensor and you see,not possible to shoot 41MP photos Its either 38 or 34MP.Sorry.

                • D
                • AnonD-5041
                • 7X1
                • 23 Nov 2012

                Breaking: Damian Dinning is leaving Nokia!

                Dinning joined Nokia in April 2004 and brought Nokia many years of experience in cameras and photography that included key roles at Minolta UK and Eastman Kodak.

                In a statement released to AP, Nokia UK said: ‘Following the relocation of key strategic roles to Finland, and with great reluctance, Damian Dinning has made a personal decision to leave the company effective 30 November 2012.’ AP understands that Dinning’s decision to leave came as a blow to bosses.

                Dinning was lead program manager for Imaging Experience at Nokia. He was the reponsible man for the revolutionary Nokia 808 PureView with the amazing possibilities of the 41MP sensor.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • s{L
                  • 23 Nov 2012

                  Carol, 23 Nov 2012Sory buddy, but he is kind of right. 808 was never promoted... morei agree with you buddy, lack of advertisement for this great device. no one can beat this smartphone of its camera.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-49266
                    • 6vQ
                    • 23 Nov 2012

                    Anonymous, 23 Nov 2012not possible since the 41MP sensor is round.dou you take ro... moreno man it's possible just download sCam app from nokia store and see :)

                      • C
                      • Carol
                      • L7e
                      • 23 Nov 2012

                      AnonD-79730, 22 Nov 2012sorry friend it is the design and pricing other than u've p... moreSory buddy, but he is kind of right. 808 was never promoted and when is not promoted, people don't know about it. Where i leave there is no808 in any store but one, and that came like only a month ago. No carrier has it. You can see only samdung everywhere and icrap. This means promoting. What people eyes see everyday is what people buy. A good form of manipulating, a good market strategy. You know, like you see apple in every movie know. What you think is that? A innocent appearence?:))

                        • s
                        • sanoski surgara
                        • fuS
                        • 23 Nov 2012

                        it seems prety a gud 4ne en i wld love to get 1 otherwse where i cld possibly find da lowest prices of it

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • gxJ
                          • 23 Nov 2012

                          AnonD-49266, 22 Nov 2012hi guys i just downloaded sCam app then i found this app ca... morenot possible since the 41MP sensor is round.dou you take round picture?,guess not

                            • .
                            • .
                            • iBt
                            • 23 Nov 2012


                              • c
                              • chris
                              • vaP
                              • 23 Nov 2012

                              hey guys have 808 a wik ago and its great i recomend this that android

                                • r
                                • ronkie
                                • NaK
                                • 23 Nov 2012

                                l jus got it & l'm loving it

                                  • b
                                  • bigbite87
                                  • v0q
                                  • 22 Nov 2012

                                  AnonD-79730, 22 Nov 2012sorry friend it is the design and pricing other than u've p... morewhen nokia n8 was released roughly 2years ago, they don't have windows and asha yet.. It is expensive and i could have bought it if it is not because of it's ugly design that i chose c7... There's no other os or type of phones that compete n8 among nokia's lineup of phones during it's released; and there were a lot of posters showcasing n8 was supreme together with e7 and c7..
                                  Nokia did not make an effort to promote it because they are too focused with windows phones and ashas! Don't you get it..? Because of windows phones and ashas.. and what do you mean because of pricing that makes n8 more popular?? Be more specific! Phones are over priced or expensive in their 1st released just like n8 2 years ago.. A lot of network/carriers do not include 808 in their plans and it's not like that before when n8 was released.. The availability of 808 is very limited AGAIN because of the presence of windows phones and ashas! Nokia is showcasing now the windows phones and their low priced ashas.! 808 is far more ignored though it is superior in terms of hardware and software with belle feature pack 2.. I don't care whether it's popular or not.. it is one of a kind and i'm so happy to have it.. ! Now, tell what makes n8 more popular and be more specific my friend.. :)

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-49266
                                    • 6v@
                                    • 22 Nov 2012

                                    hi guys i just downloaded sCam app then i found this app can take photos with 41.5 MP not only 38 or 34 and u can use front facing camera with it too very nice app use it

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-79730
                                      • rAV
                                      • 22 Nov 2012

                                      bigbite87, 22 Nov 2012It is because there's a lot of nokia n8 users and it is one... moresorry friend it is the design and pricing other than u've posted. that makes n8 popular.
                                      what do u mean nokia didn't promote? u know the features of the fone is greater than the n8. then what else a company should do. and belle everyone is known to it.
                                      i don't understand why people run after apps??

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • s{L
                                        • 22 Nov 2012

                                        Mado of Egypt, 20 Nov 2012Symbian OS is really amazing,very simple,very stable and yo... morei agree with you, but i really want to have it. :-) great smartphone, 808