Nokia 808 PureView
- D
- AnonD-570
- sUw
- 16 Oct 2012
Carol, 16 Oct 2012How you've updated? This doesn't sound like it's the phone ... morethanks for the advice carol.....but i hve already done that ....m no new bee to smartphones....i hv only used high end phones.(no arrogance intended)
i hd done the hard reset before updating....i did ota update not through pc suite.
And regarding apps...i dnt install any...since on symbian there ain't any !!!! :p
well as u said...i will again try through pc suite....i hope it will work....really don't want to give up on this phone...fingers crossed....and thanks again....really appreciate :)
- C
- Carol
- L7g
- 16 Oct 2012
AnonD-570, 16 Oct 2012updated to fp2. anybody is facing - light sensor iss... moreHow you've updated? This doesn't sound like it's the phone to blame, but more the software. Did you had this problems befor update? Do you have allot of softwares installed in mass memory? Did you had softwares in phone memory before update? Now, to say that your phone was updated without formatting first i will say it again. You people need to format before doing this major updates. If you install windows 7 over vista is most likely not gonna run like if you install it on a clean hard drive, or? Ok, now let's start over:). Copy all your multimedia files from mass storage into pc ( keep in mind, only your stuff like, pictures, music, videos) now format mass memory. Now save your contacts (messages to, if you want to) and format phone memory to -> Just hit *#7370# , give your security code if you have one and hit ok, your phone will restart and the formatting might take from 5 to 10 minutes, so don't freaq out. If you did the update via pc you need to delete the files that nokia suite saved doring the update. This files are in fac the firmware located in windows 7 ultimate in: programdata (this is a hidden folder)/nokia/nokia suite/NOSSU2/variants/products/ delete the folder with your product code. Now plug the phone and hit reinstall firmware. Lt's see what happens.
- D
- AnonD-570
- sUw
- 16 Oct 2012
updated to fp2.
anybody is facing -
light sensor issue ??? inspite of keeping the brightness to the lowest screen is increasing its brightness to the full most often.
volume control issue ??? my volume always stays at 50%(scroll stays in the middle) no matter how many times i keep it on full.
gmail settings issue ??? incoming mail frequency kept going on auto retrive no matter how many times i keep iy on manual.
sudden battery lose ??? full battery came at the lowest level in 10mints time(no middle level shown)
PS : i dont use any fb/mail auto synching tag is off in camera settings,i use only offline mode for maps.
i really love my 808 to the core....but seems like i have to sell it now :'( :@
*no resell for this phone in Mumbai...god knows Y !!! nobody is ready to buy either... :( *
Y Nokia Y.............. :'( :'( :'(
my last me if possible....
- D
- AnonD-7455
- 0gL
- 16 Oct 2012
AnonD-27390, 15 Oct 2012who has the best picture n8 or Nokia 808 , i see some site ... moreI have both N8 and 808. N8 is very good phone, but using 808 I never looked back its better. 808 camera looks amazing. With FP2 update, the 808 is very smooth and even more improved. Don't hesitate, go for 808.
- C
- Carol
- L7g
- 16 Oct 2012
808 PV, 16 Oct 2012Any advice on how to set up phone before updating to Belle ... moreif you update via OTA you will not lose anything, but you may find some bugs. So, it is recommanded to format your phone, entirely, bring back all to factory, then update via nokia suite.
- g
- george_k
- M}J
- 16 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 15 Oct 2012where can i find made in finland 808 pureview.In India it s... moreI dont think that exists 808PV made in Finland. I advise you (always, for any brand and for any device)to take a look at "GSMArena unboxing" and to watch carefully the fotos of the box, device (on the back) etc...and you will see written made in China. I am telling this because the devices tested from gsmarena are 110% official and original, so you can not be confused. As i know, N9, N8, E7, E6 are made in Finland.
- g
- george_k
- M}J
- 16 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 15 Oct 2012where can i find made in finland 808 pureview.In India it s... moreI dont think that exists 808PV made in Finland. I advise you (always, for any brand and for any device)to take a look at "GSMArena unboxing" and
- D
- AnonD-75470
- 16 Oct 2012
power of symbian. app loads faster on nokia 808 than nokia lumia 900.
- D
- AnonD-75470
- 16 Oct 2012
808 PV, 16 Oct 2012Any advice on how to set up phone before updating to Belle ... moreanything can happen dude. this is nokia- symbian phone and mr.Elop(nokia'a ceo) want to kill symbian as quick as possible and the only way to kill symbian is by killing the faith of symbian fans. thats why nokia providing buggy update and removing features and support for some high quality apps cleaverly like nokia city lens with their update.
- D
- AnonD-75470
- 16 Oct 2012
2013 going to be the most eventful year in mobile industry because wp8 will unable to get significant market share resulting very small amount of nokia lumia sale. in 2013 nokia will going to have two options 1st - rebuilt symbian/ meego and 2nd - escape from mobile market.
- 8
- 808 PV
- vx7
- 16 Oct 2012
Any advice on how to set up phone before updating to Belle FP2 to experience a trouble free update? What happens to all the apps downloaded to the phone? Will they all be erased or is there a way to save them to some file? Please help, am about to update my 808 PV.
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 16 Oct 2012
arun, 28 Feb 2012Its a pitty people are fooled by the same trick used by cam... more
Sensor size is mentioned in the specs. Read again before you say something. If you don't like this phone and prefer the DSLR's, then buy the DSLR and don't buy this phone. No one is forcing you. You have a free will to buy what you think is better.
What is important is the customer satisfaction and the after sales service of a product. I'm very satisfied with this phone and the after sales service is better than I thought.
By the way, where have you been all these years? Seems like you are stuck in the 1990's when camera sensor sizes are bigger than today.
Wake up, dude!
- D
- AnonD-75470
- YT8
- 16 Oct 2012
nokia 808 is the last symbian device and bellefp.2 is last update for symbian devices. nokia announced to discontinue by saying symbian is not a capable os and picked up wp os. lets compare capabilities of wp8 and symbian.
1) connectivity and sharing- wp8 supports wifi with dlna, hotspot, bluetooth- onty supports steareo/mono headset/ speaker but no file transfer. nfc, wp8 web based sharing like facebook, flikr, twitter and more. wp8 supports cloud based sharing like sky drive.
symbian supports all the sharing option what wp8 has with bluetooth file / data transfer , fm- transmitter, ptt(push to talk),hdmi/tv- output,usb on the go.
connectivity round goes to symbian.
2)Interface - symbian has fully customisable ui with multiple home screens, widgets, shortcuts, themes esjetc, while wp8 has very easy all in one place live tile ui with a little customisation.
its a tie because it comes to only personel preference.
3)multitasking- wp8 supppts limited multitasking with capability to run only 8 apps in background on the other hand symbian has best mutitasking capabilities even better than android.
thus multitasking gives another win for symbian.
4) web browser and ui smoothness- wp8 has one of the best browsers on mobile market but lacks some features like flash, and also dindnt have inbuilt downloaoder. wp8 has smoothest ui on mobile market with no lag. but web browser on symbian is just ok but has some good features like flash lite4, and inbuilt diwnloader. in terms of ui symbian is smooth but not as smooth as wp8.
so here the first win for wp8.
5)multimedia and camera- wp8 has zune which looks great but lacks features as music and video has to converter via zune and in camera nokia is giving some huge camera uplift for wp8 but the os lacks here as well has very limited upto 20 mp support. but symbian suppots almost every audio / video format directly upto 1080p. in camera symbian is best and nokia 808 pureviews shows all i want to say.
so another win for symbian.
here the winner is syyyyyyyyymbian.
- j
- jan
- 3Tf
- 15 Oct 2012
AnonD-27390, 15 Oct 2012who has the best picture n8 or Nokia 808 , i see some site ... more i have nokia n8 and nokia 808, nokia 808 is mutch better, camera is perfect
- ?
- Anonymous
- ajN
- 15 Oct 2012
AnonD-27390, 15 Oct 2012who has the best picture n8 or Nokia 808 , i see some site ... moreMate it is only up to you whether you are satisfied with the N8 or you want to step further at 808. I am not sure N8 can produce better pictures than 808 because at least 2 reasons, like smaller image sensor and older concept. N8 is still better in terms of still images than any competitor out there but 808 IMHO it is superior to N8 in both still and motion pictures. 808 it is better than N8 also in terms of hardware which doubled in CPU power as well as in RAM memory. The fact that one is made in Finland and the other in China is irrelevant since most phones are made in elsewhere than their own countries.
- D
- AnonD-27390
- xpA
- 15 Oct 2012
who has the best picture n8 or Nokia 808 , i see some site set n8 as better than Nokia 808 in many scene , any one has Nokia 808 tell us whose the best Nokia 808 or n8 ,in addition of that my Nokia n8 is made in Finland where Nokia 808 is made in china .
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaK
- 15 Oct 2012
AnonD-27390, 15 Oct 2012tomorrow i will buy a new phone and i am confused to buy S3... moreWhy do you want a new phone? If it is for the apps then go sgs but if you want reliable, and camera oriented phone, then go for the 808 pureview.
- S
- Supersesa
- 8T8
- 15 Oct 2012
I also has N8, and Im in the same doubt of you.
I think 808 take MUCH better pictures than N8, has better audio output, and has the best audio recording of the market.
The screen is a bit bigger and the symbian run faster on 808.
Im a bit worried in taking an android phone and get regretted.
- i
- icecube
- pVM
- 15 Oct 2012
AnonD-27390, 15 Oct 2012tomorrow i will buy a new phone and i am confused to buy S3... morein my opinion buy the nokia 808. the nokia belle fp2(new keyboard with language key, new music player, lots of usefull widgets, new lock screen, very much faster and more...) is the best os for you since you have nokia n8. and use opera mobile browser v.12, now has full flash suport.
- D
- AnonD-2665
- tY@
- 15 Oct 2012
AnonD-27390, 15 Oct 2012tomorrow i will buy a new phone and i am confused to buy S3... moreIf u have N8 then buy s3 or Note2