Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • MdN
  • B}Q
  • 12 Oct 2013

Anna, 11 Oct 2013Oh! So since when you are looking at Android phones, huh???... moreI'm looking because there's nothing else to look at. :-) I already have a feature phone so no need to look at those. From what I've heard about WP I can skip that too (Like, if I want to open an eBook I have to upload it to SkyDrive first... Microsoft and NSA can get their own copy of The Hobbit!) and I can stand the iPhone for 10 minutes before I put it down and never look back. Still I can't see myself going Android just yet when my N8 does all I need. It's just "lesser evil" really, nice to know there's some sort of an option "just in case" though I still hope it wouldn't come to that. I normally use phones until they are beyond repair or someone gives me a better (less old) one as present, haha. The only phone I bought since 2001 was the N8 because I wanted it, was able to get it, and I only live once. :-) Still kind of wishing I could get one more as a spare, maybe in another color, but maybe I can just relax and use it as long as it works, knowing there will be some sort of a possible replacement out there (with many features missing but usable anyway). Tough one.

Ah, backpacks, no thanks. I like my ringtone to be just audible enough, and I can feel the vibration too, but if the phone was in a backpack it would have to be louder and taking a loud ringing phone out would make me feel like, well, those people with loud phones. Which annoy me.

I'm almost always looking around for scenes to capture, just a habit I guess. There's not that much happening where I live so if I see something interesting, or an interesting scene, I'll take a photo to save a memory. Actually ever since I got my dog 8 years ago, and we're outside/outdoors a lot, I think I've seen two people taking a photo with a phone (but just to show something to someone), one person carrying a DSLR camera once after he bought it, one person took a normal camera once to take some photos, and one person with a videocamera once, and that's it. Meanwhile my 100NOKIA folder got a brother called 101NOKIA in just 6 months. :-)

Taking photos does take practice, sometimes I'll just snap around to see what I get and delete it. Birds are really a problem, there's a crow dropping walnuts on the playground to break them but I wasn't able to take a photo yet. Ducks in the river are too far, and I've taken enough photos of swans (hissing at my dog and threatening to attack) by now. Today the swans were sort of framed by the autumn colors above and below and the photo looks nice, however they were so far you can see they're swans, but not much more. Need an 808 for more detail, I guess. :-) But if there's more birds you can get away with them being small.

    • h
    • hareesh
    • rAf
    • 12 Oct 2013

    Dear friends please tell me from where can i get a brand new n8?iam living in Kerala, there any chance for me or am i too late??n8 is available in tradus but no shipping to my it available in UAE?waiting for your reply.thanks.

      • u
      • ugmike
      • MIa
      • 12 Oct 2013

      This is the best cameral phone ever produced by nokia and by any phone company

        • m
        • mytzzu
        • pkZ
        • 12 Oct 2013

        i have acuired recentley one n8-00,my problem is theat orange,vodafone,and rds works and cosmote no does anyone else had this problem?

          • L
          • LUQI
          • nC6
          • 12 Oct 2013

          [deleted post]just update again it will run then

            • A
            • Anna
            • TgY
            • 11 Oct 2013

            MdN, 11 Oct 2013I had a phone overload today!!! :-D Went to the other city ... moreOh! So since when you are looking at Android phones, huh??? Well, the Note II and upward should be pretty OK. But the prices are out of this world. We can't even get a Note II here anymore. Yup! The N8 is all inclusive and it is the best for flexibility and capability. It is a real shame that it was murdered by Nokia. Well, mine is still alive and kicking or is it that it is rocking :-D? Well yes, a belt case is definitely better than a backpack, especially when the backpack forever looks dirty and scruffy and the owner refuses to wash it. How come you are always so lucky to be in the right place to get nice photos, huh? Real strange. I tried taking out a nervous strange blue bird that comes in my yard every afternoon, but had to delete all. I had to search real hard to find the bird in the picture, so I guess I wasted my time. Oh well, one day I'll get around to photography.

              • M
              • MdN
              • akv
              • 11 Oct 2013

              Anonymous, 11 Oct 2013Quite actually, the point I was making was that I would not... moreI had a phone overload today!!! :-D Went to the other city to look for something, dropped by at the phone store where my relative works and spent ages looking around. Twice. Finally I saw a WP8 (Lumia 520) but didn't turn it on, it was in the display cabinet. SGS4 feels good in hand, a really nice phone, I got used to the size fast (although the upper part is a problem for one-handed operation) and don't even mind the plastic. Looks more efficient and less showy. HTC One feels even better (aluminum, and nice edges, slightly bent inwards like the 808, so it's easier to hold and harder to drop) but that one has worse camera, no memory card slot, non removable battery, blah, blah. There were no Notes, only saw a Note 1 display that he had ordered for someone who broke his (Argh, I have heard the price too! More than my N8 just for a display!!!) and I looked a bit at iOS7 on an iPhone 5 (my eyes are still hurting) and some Xperias and LGs. SGS3 Mini looks nice too, smaller display but the camera isn't too special. The only problem is that all the phones I liked run Android, so I guess I'll have to start preparing for that some time in 2015. :-/ Enough for one day anyway. And I got a compliment on my N8 as "it's the best OS out there, can run a bunch of apps at once with just 256 MB RAM and a 600-something MHz processor". Saw some cheap cameras, mostly Olympus. There was one with zoom and Leica lens and I was surprised how it's not too expensive. 5 times cheaper than a GS4. They aren't too big so I suppose I could think about one some day, but the N8 photos are good enough for me - and no need to think about taking it or leaving it, batteries, where to carry it etc. Oh, I got a free coffee too. :-)

              Sounds reasonable, a lot of people still want specialty things, like, a camera for photography, an iPod for music, a laptop for internet etc. I do like having all in one (plus PC at home) in a sort of "Swiss Army Knife" way even though it's not 100% best in everything. But it's always there and ready to use. I was just passing over a bridge on my way and thought I'd take a photo of the river/sky/surroundings. Took my N8 out of the belt case, used QuickCam and turned the camera on in 2 seconds, took one photo, then thought I'd take another in portrait mode... And I caught a flock of birds flying over the river. Picture perfect. There's 11 birds, photo taken on an 11th. I hope they weren't magpies as the magpie song only goes up to 10. :-)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uvF
                • 11 Oct 2013

                hi' i used c6 and n8. Both r good phone. Battery-camera-brousing r very good.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 44r
                  • 11 Oct 2013

                  MdN, 11 Oct 2013Actually there's a sort of a phone chooser on Steve Litchfi... moreQuite actually, the point I was making was that I would not put out a cent on another phone for a long while, not until there is one out there that I am really passionate about, like how I am passionate about my N8. Another relative has been using a Notebook for the past five years through the rigours of a first degree, a masters and now work and the thing just would not die...although he recently had to do some very minor repairs (tg he knows how to do it). He lugs it around everywhere he goes in a backpack and I am sure it gets a bit battered. So, if I had to (and I don't have to) I would buy something like that rather than a phone or an ipad or whatever. If I remember to, I'll ask him about the new phones coming out, although he is more involved in other parts of the industry rather than phones. Actually, he isn't really interested in phones per se. He likes photography and has a camera which frees him up from dependence on a phone camera. For now, I think that is sensible enough. Check out what is available, yes, give advice on your findings, but don't even think about buying until the whole situation runs its course. Shucks, I wonder if I am making any sense :-).

                    • M
                    • MdN
                    • akv
                    • 11 Oct 2013

                    Anonymous, 10 Oct 2013While you are checking out the possibilities, maybe you can... moreActually there's a sort of a phone chooser on Steve Litchfield's page (the AllAboutSymbian guy) here: and according to my criteria I should get a Note II, S4 or 808. The first time I tried this the first three were 808, Note II, N8. Weird! Maybe my criteria changed. I never saw myself as a "Note" type before, though I admit I'm impressed by Note III. I tried S2 (my sister has one) and S3 (shortly) and they are OK, S3 being quite a bit better. Even the haptic feedback that I'm dependant on is done quite well on the S3. I guess I could get used to it but they still cost way too much so I suppose I'll have to hold on to my N8 and wait until Note/S3/S4 prices come down, and in my country it might mean "never" haha. And I don't mind getting an used one, minor repairs I can get for free. But you brought quite a valid point, would I be passionate about it? Maybe, just maybe. My PC and my N8 do all I need right now, thankfully, so I don't have to choose or start saving right away...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 44r
                      • 10 Oct 2013

                      MdN, 10 Oct 2013515 came to my country, still not sure about the price. Som... moreWhile you are checking out the possibilities, maybe you can check out the Galaxy Note line. A relative has the Note II and it is not too bad. I had bought an unlocked simple Ace when I had to travel abroad and I alternate between that and my N8. No problem at all. If I had to put out any money to buy anything new, I would buy an Asus or Lenovo laptop (the small very portable ones ones)that will do almost everything I want and just wait until a phone is released that I am really passionate about. I'll just use my N8 for photography and calls etc.

                        • M
                        • MdN
                        • akv
                        • 10 Oct 2013

                        Anonymous, 10 Oct 2013Samsung galaxy s5 to be released early January next year du... more515 came to my country, still not sure about the price. Somewhere it's higher and somewhere lower than what I paid for my N8. But I guess it shouldn't be too cheap, it's a phone made from good materials and built to last. Still 4-5 times cheaper than those Sirocco/Luna/Arte phones that Nokia used to make. However, if I compare it to my X2-00 (which I was using before the N8) I don't know... Almost the same specs but X2 at least has USB OTG, two speakers and FM radio with built-in antenna. Maybe 515 is faster and with more recent features... Too bad about wifi, really. I also have an E51 which has everything but the camera is awful. Like Nokia can't make a phone that has everything it should have and isn't a flagship. I know a few people who still use the E52 just because there's nothing to replace it.

                        Strange about Samsung but I guess they do it just because they can. Or because others are getting closer and they have to stay on top. I suppose S5 will get 64 bits and OIS, but even S4 is totally enough for a few years from now. And they sold it extremely well. Well, in the meantime my new wrist strap from eBay came this morning and my N8 just got better. :-)

                          • D
                          • AnonD-20890
                          • uuT
                          • 10 Oct 2013

                          Anonymous, 10 Oct 2013Samsung galaxy s5 to be released early January next year du... moreNew model mobile phones keep arriving several times in a month. If you have finalized a model to buy, go ahead and buy. Enjoy it. Do not curse your old mobile because it lacks certain features. Do not keep one leg in the river and another in the shore.

                          The following is a general saying :
                          Whether it is wife or after buying a mobile. We say this in our mind "we would have got a nice model if we have waited little".

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P@1
                            • 10 Oct 2013

                            MdN, 10 Oct 2013Agreed. Strangely, my first computer had 256 MB RAM, 1 GHz ... moreSamsung galaxy s5 to be released early January next year due to "disappointing" S4 sales. Wut?

                            But I'm more worried about Nokia 515 pricing in my country and it's lack of wifi/usb otg/16M color screen and also the lack of a "high-end" Asha.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P@1
                              • 10 Oct 2013

                              Is there anyone who will buy a Symbian-ized Lumia/WP? Nokia Sleeping screen is now available for lumias.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-20890
                                • XuU
                                • 10 Oct 2013

                                [deleted post]Not only this phone. All phones can only play the videos which are of same or lesser than their front camera's maximum supported resolution.

                                This phone can only play videos only upto 1280 x 720 pixel resolution.

                                There is no phone in this world that can play the videos larger than their front camera's maximum supported resolution.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Hkq
                                  • 10 Oct 2013

                                  can N8 play full hd i.e 1080p videos ?? Because i took a video from my friend, But just audio was being played & not the video. But my friend who had N8, said that it plays full HD videos easily. So why is such thing happening ?? I've updated my cell before 3 months.

                                    • M
                                    • MdN
                                    • 6tS
                                    • 10 Oct 2013

                                    Sooraj, 09 Oct 2013Nice phone, good build quality, camera is outstanding. Usin... moreAgreed. Strangely, my first computer had 256 MB RAM, 1 GHz processor, no graphics or sound card. And I was able to run Windows XP, surf the internet, watch DVD, burn CD, mix several .wav files at once, use Photoshop 7, multitask, and all of it in a 1024x768 resolution. It wasn't the fastest but it worked. And now phones have 8 cores and 3 GB RAM and people still complain...

                                      • M
                                      • MdN
                                      • 6tS
                                      • 10 Oct 2013

                                      Anna, 09 Oct 2013See how that Nokia Developer Team was proudly flaunting Ash... moreYeah I saw it. Of course they have to do it, or else! They have to act like it's the newest and best thing ever. And sadly, people believe it, like mobile phones were invented last year. Also, no company will say "Oh, you can't get the features you're used to have but look at how fast it is now!" - it worked for iPhone and Nokia 3310 (I hated that phone) but not exactly for Symbian users. I don't mind Asha phones, they still have the Nokia spirit and are my favorite in feature phones in features vs user-friendliness, and for a lot of people they are all they need. I have an S40 phone and I like it for its "just a phone" easy-going feel. But I think they will get crippled too, for example you can't put a 5 megapixel autofocus camera on an Asha because it would clash with cheapest WP8 phones. So all that will be left are the most basic phones. Some rumors say that Microsoft wants to get rid of all touch-screen Ashas (some have USB on-the-go, file managers, themes support etc which WP8 doesn't) so there will only be entry-level cheapest Ashas left. Also, MS said they plan to implement Office and SkyDrive on Ashas. Say what? People who buy them here don't want data consumption at all, let alone SkyDrive (or whatever it will be called now that MS has to change the name). I don't see many Symbian users "up"grading to WP, most are going elsewhere. I haven't even seen a WP phone in real life yet. But an Asha with wifi and Opera Mini can do quite a lot. And I like doing things the cheap/creative way, even though they "shouldn't" be done that way.

                                      Well, all my apps work fine now, and I'm just using my N8 normally - actually my "UpTime" app says my last reboot was 6 days and 11 hours ago. No need to turn the phone off since then, just updated QuickCam, now it supports both versions of CameraPro. And tried that new "PuzzleStones" game, it's pretty good! However, if something changes about the access points for some websites we won't be able to get updates, for example YouTube downloaders, Skype, RSS readers etc. I guess there will be ways around it, though. Hmmm, I have more than three browsers. :-) Default, Opera, Opera Mini, UC Browser, Opera Mini Next, AnyBrowser, MiniBrowser - just wanted to try them. But I'm using Opera Mini for everything. Though, a couple of times it didn't work for a day or two - according to forums the problem was on Opera's end, and it always gets resolved. But if/when it happens I switch to UC, it's the same type of browser, but with some different features. And some pages aren't rendered too well, but it's alright.

                                      Haha, about my tastes - the older I get the higher my standards are (though a bit weird) and the lower my choices. Stupid small city. :-) Sometimes I think I should accept a compromise but not THAT much. I did manage to get away like a gentleman but still it doesn't feel good, might have been my last chance. I don't like complicated things either, but I don't think things are where they are meant to be. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Anyway, back to (non)reality, last night I finally loaded a selection of Siddharta songs to my N8 and I love the way how they sound through these headphones I got. Time to dream away a little. :-) Cheers!

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • kx%
                                        • 09 Oct 2013

                                        I keep reading complaints how some games run more smoothly on n8/c7 group than the newer nokia 70x group. Is this true and is it limited to games or includes non games softwares as well?