Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • MdN
  • p41
  • 27 Aug 2013

Rishi , 27 Aug 2013My phone keep showing No mobile connection check your data ... moreYou can try a few things... Restart your phone. Install App Stop from Nokia Store and see if any hidden apps are still running. Log out from Social. Do you use WhatsApp or Viber, or your email client checks for new emails? Are you using any widgets that need internet connection such as Weather?

    • b
    • bilal
    • KIB
    • 27 Aug 2013

    hi! im using Nokia N8 since last facing one problem that is, it notify me again and again that phone memory is low and delete or move some data from phone memory......In phone memory there is 99MB contatins of sis files (is there any importance of sis files??) and 135MB cotains others files.. can any one please tell me how i remove other files and sis file from my phone to regain some massive free memory.

      • b
      • bilal
      • KIB
      • 27 Aug 2013

      hi! im using Nokia N8 since last facing one problem that is, it notify me again and again that phone memory is low and delete or move some data from phone memory......In phone memory there is 99MB contatins of sis files (is there any importance of sis files??) and 135MB cotains others files.. can any one please tell me how i remove other files and sis file from my phone to regain some massive free memory.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • L7e
        • 27 Aug 2013

        MdN, 27 Aug 2013Thanks for the report! Always good to read it from someone ... more:)). Yeah, i like the device though. Is great and that screen has allot of brightness power. The colors are not that vivid as with amoled but you can pass this very easy, cause compensates when you use it in sunlight without problems (even at a low screen brightness). Still, looks girly in front of n8:))

          • R
          • Rishi
          • rK%
          • 27 Aug 2013

          My phone keep showing No mobile connection check your data connection.
          In the background no software is opened even i uninstalled all the apps,still it keep showing it many times.

            • a
            • ala
            • 9CC
            • 27 Aug 2013

            Nice one yarrrrrrrrr

              Legendary phone

                • M
                • MdN
                • p41
                • 27 Aug 2013

                Carol, 26 Aug 2013Hey, first of: thank you. Second, the phone was not for me.... moreThanks for the report! Always good to read it from someone who used it for a while, not a reviewer who had it for 3 days. :-) And yes, I agree. My friend's wife has a C7 and I can't really imagine it as a man's phone. Just too soft, rounded, like a fashion thing. 701 is almost the same, small design changes. OK, some said it looks like a "photon torpedo" but if I had it I'd put a case on it, and probably I would buy one of those "off-road" cases that look like 4x4 car tires. Just to make it look more serious, like a tool. :-) Even in a see-through TPU case with some sort of a hexagon-diamond pattern on the back my N8 still looks like it's meant to do serious business. Which it does. :-)

                  • C
                  • Carol
                  • L7e
                  • 26 Aug 2013

                  AnonD-133243, 26 Aug 2013Thanks for your advice Carol, however my N8 in a few days i... more:0, yeah, that's something else. But wp still did not convinced me... I like the ui, but there are to many stuff missing (unfortunately), anyways, good luck with your 1020, and don't forget to stop by and tell us your experience...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-133243
                    • 3TL
                    • 26 Aug 2013

                    Carol, 26 Aug 2013Hey, nope, Nokia does not take down the latest firmwares, w... moreThanks for your advice Carol, however my N8 in a few days is passing to my collection shelf, cause my yellow Lumia 1020 comes to replace it :)
                    Painful separation, you know, after all that time with Symbian and S60, (although last years i'm using androids as well), however no place for sentimentalism here, it comes a time to move on. Regards!

                      • C
                      • Carol
                      • L7e
                      • 26 Aug 2013

                      MdN, 26 Aug 2013Actually I converted an old fridge into a storage unit for ... moreHey, first of: thank you. Second, the phone was not for me. Is for my lovely... When you hold the device it feels great and strong. Is faster then N8, camera is weaker(but that's normal, no?). The only problem it has is that, in front of n8, is just a girly device. N8 looks like a tank in front of it. And that doesn't bother me:)). Compared as proccesing, 701 is faster, quite more. Camera, n8 is the winner. Fp 2 in front of refresh? Has some great stuff, but refresh is a mix between symbian and belle fp2. Fp 2 is just fp 2. Allot of sparkling effects, but some simple things missing from it. Things that are not that simple for me. As of device manner? N8 is for Man, 701 is for girls (no offence for those who have it or have the c7). It is just true. N8 is like the bull for the 701..:)). That's about it.

                        • S
                        • Stupid me
                        • N@Q
                        • 26 Aug 2013

                        MdN, 26 Aug 2013Actually I converted an old fridge into a storage unit for ... moreYes, I do see here, peoples' passion for phones and a great love for the N8. I suspect I have reached my limit as to what I will do with mine because I hardly think I will hack and have the need to use Phoenix etc. My only regret is that I could not bring myself to do the Belle upgrade. Maybe some day - and if it comes, I have all the info in my file plus a hard copy. I think if I had a printer, I would have done it at the peak of my interest & enthusiasm when I was actually backing up my stuff. But not getting the hard copy at that particular point put a damper on things. I think momentum was lost. But I do appreciate all the efforts and help I received from you and Carol.

                        It was also great to see the daily interest move from 11% to, well, 28% today. It means that people are getting something out of visiting this site (following the soap opera is just a bonus :-))). Keep dispensing the information because there may be more people out there who need guidance than you think - and I mean guidance in things you pros take for granted too, not only the advanced things.

                        I KNEW you would not be offended :-) and we are even :-)! Music is about taste and what you feel inside, I think. To each his own! And yes, I know about the war, not everything but enough, but don't dwell on that, its gone. There may be a bigger one coming elsewhere and we'll face that if or when it comes. Meanwhile, life goes on.

                          • M
                          • MdN
                          • p41
                          • 26 Aug 2013

                          Okay, here's some news that will make some people happy:
                          INSTAGRAM for Symbian!
                          Now there's an unofficial Instagram app for Symbian called Instagraph Uploader. I'll maybe try it tonight to see what it is about. You can get it through Nokia Store:

                            • M
                            • MdN
                            • p41
                            • 26 Aug 2013

                            Actually I converted an old fridge into a storage unit for smelly old magazines and CDs. CDR will deteriorate because of heat, sunlight, humidity, scratches, whatnot. Also never burn them at speeds above 8x. As long as they are in a dark dry place they should be OK. I find the cloud services useful for sending things that are worthless to anyone else. Like, if I send a guitar track to another band member, what will the spies do with it? Record their own blastbeats to it? Mix and master it for free? I don't think so. :-)

                            Oh wow, she doesn't believe me? And I don't like fish so we're even. :-) I was in a war because two countries "believe" in different things so no, I'm not offended and this isn't a place for such things anyway. I do all sorts of things to keep my mind off where I'm living, and this is a relaxing place where I can learn and talk about phones. Yay!

                            Funny news today... There's an app called Gotya which you can use to convert a Symbian phone into a security camera. To each his own... I like mine in my pocket, thank you.

                            Hey Carol, congrats on the 701! What do you think about it compared to the N8? It was my second choice but there weren't any near where I live. Also I'm wondering - does it have any kind of a clock screensaver like phones with AMOLED displays?

                              • C
                              • Carol
                              • L7e
                              • 26 Aug 2013

                              AnonD-133243, 26 Aug 2013Thanks Carol. I'd like to avoid those Phoenix things, anywa... moreHey, nope, Nokia does not take down the latest firmwares, what would be the point?:). I had mine reflashed just some time ago, cause of to much crapp instalations. Shelf product is a product that nokia delivers special for testing purpose in stores. Those products many times don't upgrade to latest firmwares and also can happen what happened to you. I also bought a 701 and tried to install belle fp2 via ota. It had fp1. It installed something but after the install was finished. It was freezing. I restarted it and did a factory reset, after that the firmware went al the way back to the first belle release, the one you just mentioned. Strange stuff going on with this products. Tried to upgrade cause i tought something went wrong, but no new updates were showing. I searched navifirm to see if the product code matches the general products that get all the updates, and it didn't. Only the first version was present on nokia serves under that product code. So i downloaded an official fp2 firmware and installed with phoenix. Since then, all updates come and install normaly no issues. Now it acts like a normal 701:). I bought that device off the shelf, from (a crapp store i call it, cause the mobile sellers there are: besides the fact that they have no clue what they are talking about, they are arogant to) mediamarkt. Phoenix is a flashing program that Nokia uses to upgrade our devices. It is not a fake software or something that others did. Is an official nokia flashing software, just more advanced and with way more capabilityes. It can even bring your phone to life if some upgrade went wrong. This is used mostly in nokia care centers. P.s it is not about your region, it is about your product code. Verythin is connected to your product code. Your product code does not tell where you are or what time it is. Just tells to nokia servers what product it is. That's about it. If the folders from that product code are heaving latest updates, then you get them to, if not, you don't. With this product codes, sometimes is like searching with proper tools in wrong folders... So my advice to you is to install an official n8 firmware and you will be getting any new updates. But this is your choice...

                                • D
                                • AnonD-133243
                                • 0ZJ
                                • 26 Aug 2013

                                Carol, 25 Aug 2013Hey, sorry for the late answer. What happened to your mobil... moreThanks Carol. I'd like to avoid those Phoenix things, anyway this 111.030.0609 version is good for me, i just miss that data widget that Refresh has natively. I don't know what you mean by 'shelf' product, but i'm explaining in details if you don't mind. I bought my N8 in US 2.5 years ago and it says 'made in Mexico', it had all warranty etc, so it's ok. I updated it to Anna ota when it was launched, then to Belle (curiously this could be done only on a PC with genuine Windows via PC suite) as soon as it was launched too. I updated to Refresh ota when it was launched and had no problems with that. But i had to reinstall it again after some abusing experiments and nearly bricked it up. PC suite required an update before it could be used and after it my phone was back to previous version. However as 'Stupid me' hinted, Nokia has made some restrictions since January in order not to have firmware leaks (like those Phoenix things) and maybe a nokia online account would help.
                                I'm curious if someone else trying to get Belle Refresh doesn't find it also. Or maybe it's a regional issue (i'm in east europe btw).
                                However i'm pretty sure this is somehow connected to Nokia, they are gradually getting rid of Symbian things.

                                  • C
                                  • Carol
                                  • L7e
                                  • 25 Aug 2013

                                  AnonD-133243, 21 Aug 2013i tried all, the result is 'refresh' has been withdrawn fro... moreHey, sorry for the late answer. What happened to your mobile is not normal (quite at all). So, you maybe having a "shelf" product.
                                  First of all... you can do any kind of format and will not go back to first edition of belle if refresh is Good installed. So, strange things happened to your device. Are you shore you had belle refresh? Anyways, you can flash it with phoenix. This could be the only solution you have. So, do you know anything about phoenix? here is a How To explanation. here is a video: Ignore the first minutes where he downloads a custom firmware. Also, here are 2 more videos to get more info from the method: There are two ways of upgrading. in dead flash mode or in normal mode. Either way, there is no problem. If you are a beginner, you should go for the normal way. I've done it many times and is a low risk if you know what you are doing, if not, then.... just learn:)). Here you have official belle refresh files without branding: . BUT, it is a western European firmware and has German language as standard. Also includes: Dutch, English, French, Italian and Turkish. Sorry, i do not have other language files. Navifirm was down, now is up but they ask for money to use it...

                                    • S
                                    • Stupid me
                                    • 44r
                                    • 25 Aug 2013

                                    MdN, 25 Aug 2013Yeah, surprised you're saving it, but why not. At least I k... moreStore CD's in a fridge??? No wonder mine deteriorate - too hot and humid, I suppose. Maybe I'll try the fridge for a few cherished ones. So that is what Cloud is about! OK. It's not for me. In any case, I really don't need it. Anyway, I know you won't be offended if I tell you this, but I don't believe you one bit about black metal. I think you were fishing. That's OK. I am into Praise and Worship music - nice simple melodies, simple chords and very uplifting. I like Hillsong so I can now download my favourites and I'll check out "The Illusionist".

                                    Yes, 6 hours of viewing time per GB does make sense to me. Quantifying it another way can help especially if it is an abstract entity in your mind. We do learn by association too.

                                      • M
                                      • MdN
                                      • akv
                                      • 25 Aug 2013

                                      Stupid me, 25 Aug 2013To Carol & MdN I think carrying the conversation on ... moreYeah, surprised you're saving it, but why not. At least I know someone is reading (...and the 27% daily interest people who come to read this soap opera - I'm more famous now than with my music and writings, haha).

                                      Yes, 1GB is around 6 hours in 360p quality (resolution of this phone) but of course some movies in higher quality are up to 700MB (1 CD) or more so it depends on where you want to watch them. Having movies on the phone is good for people who travel to work/school, people who don't have internet or wifi everywhere, and for people who want to see the movie in some other room where there's no computer but there is a better sofa. :-) Also if I want to see 5-6 of my favorite music videos one by one it's faster than searching for them on YouTube.

                                      I store my photos on my PC and on my phone so they are in two places. And when there's enough I burn it on a CD and store it in a safe place (which means, fridge, haha). I don't trust clouds too much, first the privacy issues, then the idea of having my data stored on someone else's territory, just doesn't feel right - and I don't even mean storing illegal things. Other stuff is here and there, but I make a point in keeping the things I create myself, while the things others created can go if I need more space. If you're going to keep things in a cloud there's a free Symbian app called FilesPlus - I might try it some day, but my upload speeds aren't too great. Supports Box, Google Drive, Skydrive, Dropbox, FTP, WebDAV... Whatever that means. :-)

                                      I think you're doing fine. I had to learn it all by myself, by trial and error and by searching on Google. The other day I found that, when I type *#0000* my phone will create a 20MB file called "reserved" in C/private/102072c4 and it can be safely deleted. Off it goes!

                                      Oh, and the best movie you can see on YouTube is "The Illusionist" ;-)

                                        • S
                                        • Stupid me
                                        • 44r
                                        • 25 Aug 2013

                                        [deleted post]Quite preachy this morning, huh :-)). Just came from one sermon and I'm getting another one :-)). In 10 yrs I'll get it??? Oh! But that requires so much tenacity! By that time I may be in the line trying to make my way through the tiny door! But don't you fret, I am totally comfortable with the way that God made me and the best part is that I can laugh about my limitations. I know my strong points too and I can say that the guy upstairs doesn't make rubbish. Everyone is gifted some way or other and we are called to use those gifts - which you are doing even here. I use mine in a different way. So, sorry I disconcerted you with my frankness.

                                        I'll concede one thing. Maybe I talk too much because you're not the first to tell me that. So maybe I should button up. Actually, I like my pseudonym and won't change it for the world. I probably would not have chosen that, except that I did something "stupid" when I first got my phone and came here in panic for help. So, there is a story (for me) behind that name. I may be slow in electronics, dear, but I am not stupid.

                                        But Carol, I do appreciate the time you took to lecture me because it showed that you are either a caring person or a damn irritated one (maybe a bit of both). So, I'll seriously reflect on what you've said. Let me reiterate that I really appreciated your comprehensive explanation about memory cards slowing down phones and the kinds we can buy. I will definitely take your advice.