Nokia N8
- t
- thanse
- pF3
- 02 Nov 2010
i am very pleased by my nokia n8 i have had it for a
month now i was one of the first to get it in norway
there has been no re start and no lag at realy
is worth the price i payd for it it was 5000nok at my
local phone pusher he is a friend from my school days
back in the 80s.i find it realy funny that all the negative posts are made from the same person:(anonymus).and all the positive posts are made by:(name).if you are going to inform us abobout the n8 try to get a name first,the n8 is not progress it is realy a qantum leap when it comes to pocket computers.the symbian 3 is realy a new os but it is based in what we is familiar with so the nokia users will feel that they know it and it realy is impressive
what they have managed to come up with.
keep on rocking nokia.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fjj
- 02 Nov 2010
Nokia never ever expected to have a couple of fairly hi end devices which sell extremely well. The 'demand' list in Espoo is at a all time high. Of course we are all waiting for some device from Nokia. And the christmas orders are not even in full swing. While Nokia and the share holders make a killing, the man in the streed is left empty handed once again - literarely. How sad.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7D
- 02 Nov 2010
ash, 01 Nov 2010hi, i'm wondering which phone is better and worth to buy? ... moren8 :)))
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 02 Nov 2010
Now I think official release is supposed to 4th Nov. But Nokia clearly print on their website that it is exclusivley available from them 1 week before the shops etc.
I have already terminated my contract with my network provider & their isn't long before I'm without a network & a phone.
I am not prepared to be paying for what I am not using either. On the website I find I am clearly being *Mislead* with false information. This is just not on at all. I should just aswell cancel my order.
Then try something other than Nokia or just not bother at all. Besides as if the technology is really worth the price you pay for it. For it to be built you would be surprised how much you are being ripped off by any cooperate entity.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 02 Nov 2010
I ordered my C7 on Sat 30th from airtime shop. The device was advertised as In Stock. Next day free delivery.
Today I check the stock status on the airtime shop for the device in the Mocha colour. I now have to wait 14 measly upsetting days.
Nokia should not have released the device to make people wait forever to get it. They should have been prepared & ready ahead of time.
Then they go & say in small print that they reserve the right to withdraw any advertised, device, plan etc.. etc.. information. Screams coorperate bullyish people who think they can mess people around.
If Nokia continue to annoy & make people wait they should just as well teach Nokia a lesson. They need to plan out their strategies for market release a little better, they are already late with the N8 for example.
But still things are not ready properly & availability is driving people up the wall. Sometimes the people have the power to demand what they have payed for that they get it on time & see to it that Nokia do not employ false advertising rubbish on their websites.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nEv
- 02 Nov 2010
N, 02 Nov 2010dolby surround sound is on the i8910hd too. :)i used i8910 they said doolby digital in i8910 but u cant feel that saround sound means sound efect in i8910 and i used sennheisser hd 515 head set and i thing u know what is sennheiser hd 515.and now i m using nokia n8 .yes i accept n8 havnt got doolby digital in jack. its got via hdmi.but still music clearity better then i8190.
- S
- Stelios
- Sjt
- 02 Nov 2010
for those who accuse this site for being in favor of nokia i want to say a few things. i have been following gsm arena for many years helped me deside for many purchases i made.i believe they are doing a very very good job to deserve the stupid comments from people who do not know how to even write their names correctly.they have the right to like more some brand but have never tried to change our opinions.i am personaly changing from htc hd2 to the nokia n8 in 2 days.i am sure that i might face some problems in the beginning like with all the phones i had until now, but i am sure that nokia will give the solutions in future updates. i will give my comments on the n8 in a few days.
there is no perfect phone in the market. every company is targeting to different people to sell their products. thats how you should make your decissions.
ps. i know nobody at gsm arena and i am not profesionaly dealing with phones in any way
- ?
- Anonymous
- JBg
- 02 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2010European Union is going to invest 22 million euro in Symbia... more
- ?
- Anonymous
- naW
- 02 Nov 2010
European Union is going to invest 22 million euro in Symbian Foundation, who said Symbian is dead ?
- D
- Danveer
- wiT
- 02 Nov 2010
0v0, 02 Nov 2010it is very nice to see aome honest people like u here.
Als... moreyou here, so i think you really are going to change from n900 to n8 or e7...:)
even i am confused which one to buy, n8 or n900..
what are your opinions
- n
- n8
- t}g
- 02 Nov 2010
Tried N8 at nokia priority Hyderabad today....seems alrite but I was disappointed with the document viewer.opened an attachment on gmail and they were losing all formatting....pdf as well as word and excel files.Also browser is disappointing.tabs open but no option to close single tabs.close down the entire browser.Not sure if this is really the case or I could not find a way. rest everything is awesome.vid playback and camera no issues.I definitely need a document viewer.not sure how much it costs.
- S
- Selva
- uCs
- 02 Nov 2010
Tanvir_666, 02 Nov 2010To all N8 users - Guyz I'm going to buy an N8 within a few ... moreHi Tanvir.. I have bought this phone on 25th Oct. Am much happy with the phone. Its amazing and really good. I recommed this phone to all. But its completely based on user requirements. If u need a good multimedia phone then only N8 can be solution. If want speed and attractive UI then go for samsung galaxy or iphone(N8 is also having good speed and UI and not bad as said by Nokia haters).
To know the complete experiance of my Phone refer to the link and read the post submited by me. My post will be written with name 'Selva'.
- f
- falak
- U3x
- 02 Nov 2010
naveen , 01 Nov 2010hey friends i'm naveen .. i want to buy a new phone i can k... moreNokia 5530, its better than others in this range or y not buy iphone 3g, u can have good one in this range...
- G
- Gitty
- 02 Nov 2010
Wasim khan, 02 Nov 2010Dear All users new OS Symbion (3) no support third part... moreR u sleeping ? I supports s60 v5 content ! If u dont know then dont post ! I have downloaded xplore and signsis app.s of N97 on my N8 ,it supports it ! Check ovi for my app.s
- ?
- Anonymous
- QsY
- 02 Nov 2010
Does this phone have stereo loudspeaker?
- T
- Tanvir_666
- uNV
- 02 Nov 2010
To all N8 users - Guyz I'm going to buy an N8 within a few days.... But now I'm getting too much worried & tensed as I am hearing that this phone hangs/auto-restarts??? Is this true??? Plz tell me the truth, don't be biased,plz.... I really need your help on this,so anyone out there to tell the truth plz ???
- y
- yao ming
- 3AW
- 02 Nov 2010
king of the phones. N8 and galaxy? Like mercedes and opel. I am proud owner
- P
- Prashant
- vbM
- 02 Nov 2010
Best phone i ever used it like i know the phone since nokia uses symbain simplest OS according to me.
I recommend this to phone all its value for money.
It is also rumered that n8 can also be runned on meego so wait for it :)
Best phone :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- t4n
- 02 Nov 2010
nokia is still sticking with outdated n bulky os..already thr r better phones..i know nokia phones r nokia make a phone like galaxy s or htc hd etc with a new os(it can b ne thng even a new os frm nokia) n then u will b on the top again..bcz other phones doesnt provide the reliability of pls give us somethng new n fresh..n8 is not a new innovation..only usb on the go,fm transmittr,hdmi will not help u to win the race..
- W
- Wasim khan
- vGy
- 02 Nov 2010
All users new OS Symbion (3) no support third party software call recorder & any other application but ANDROID free download any application Install.
nice OS Android 2.1
Wasim khan