Nokia N8
- u
- uk27
- 2SR
- 19 Oct 2010
Ali Abdulla, 19 Oct 2010powermp3: i dont own an N8 yet :(.. its supposed to work, b... moreHello Ali,
No. I don't mean 'slideshow', which my Nokia 5235 already has, which also many cameraphones have. What is mean is, when I create various folders (e.g,on a MicroSD card) to categorize photos, it is not possible to view folder-wise. The trouble is the built-in gallery shows all photos in one place, including interfaces of installed programs.
I have tried Nokia's 'photo browser'too. It too does not have that option.
I would have bought N8 without hesitation if I don't have my Canon S90. Still I might consider N8 if it has that option, because of portability as you said.
- S
- vGm
- 19 Oct 2010
it is good mobile
- ?
- Anonymous
- YTx
- 19 Oct 2010
Perfect phone for half the price of iphone 4
- A
- Aaron
- R3@
- 19 Oct 2010
I'm so in love with this phone. I can't wait to buy it in January. It will be the worthy replacement to my ever trusted and reliable Nokia N82. I'm so excited already. :-D
- a
- arun
- utw
- 19 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 18 Oct 2010Hi Praveen, where are you and where did you get it from???i think at all places it costs only 23000
- m
- mikel
- 19 Oct 2010
can anyone tell me why my N8 write default enchancement use phone microphone whenever i plug in my handfree into my N8 ??
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 19 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 19 Oct 2010will the symbian^4 be available for nokia n8 (update/ chang... moreOfficially? I doubt it. But, as with the 5800XM there will be custom roms from the mod scene. So, ether way I think we'll be getting ^4 unless there are some hardware implications I'm not aware of? Anyone?
- m
- mikel
- 19 Oct 2010
why does my N8 write default enchanment use phone microphone when i plug in my earphone ??
anyone knows why ???
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7x
- 19 Oct 2010
will the symbian^4 be available for nokia n8 (update/ change software/ whatever you call it)
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 19 Oct 2010
And here are some codes for all you newcomers :). enjoy
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 19 Oct 2010
Rachel, 19 Oct 2010Hi thank for link provided and go as demonstration but mind... moreAre you sure you have a Nate(N8^_^)? Don't know whats your angle here as it really can't be easier. If you have no option as in the video I posted try updating your firmware. If not then go to your Nokia service center and demand a replacement!
- C
- Cool
- ijN
- 19 Oct 2010
Joe, 19 Oct 2010M using this phone from last 5 days and had great experienc... moreHi Nice to hear.. Am also interested buying Nokia N8. Which Country u r from?. Is urs is China Make or Finland Make? Thanks in advance..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9LB
- 19 Oct 2010
ZEEZ, 19 Oct 2010Question for N8 user,please tell me is it worth to sell 580... moreI also had a 5800 XM and got the N8. I am loving it. Its really worth it. It is decently fast and does multitasking. Browser is not very good. But anyhow opera mobile is available. OVI Browser is on its way soon.
- R
- Rachel
- sAI
- 19 Oct 2010
Nameless, 19 Oct 2010FM transimtter: moreHi thank for link provided and go as demonstration but mind still deosn't have FM TRANSMIT.... Is it some n8 device come without FM TRANSMITT? ...
- j
- john
- fmW
- 19 Oct 2010
what is the pitfall of this fone? everything can't be perfect with it
- C
- Cedd
- t7U
- 19 Oct 2010
for those who are not satisfied with lag between homescreens.
this what you'll need to do:
here's the video:
Hope it helps FOlks :)
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 19 Oct 2010
Rachel, 19 Oct 2010Dear Phong
Thank for advise but mind in tool deosn't see ... moreFM transimtter:
Start watching at 1:58.
Hope it helps Rachel.
- a
- anonymous
- 2@c
- 19 Oct 2010
the specifications say active noise canceling for nokia n8
can any one tell me if the noise canceling works while listening to music also ( like those high end sony walkmans )
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 19 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 19 Oct 2010The N8 IS a high end phone! What's wrong with you? It's pro... moreOke, don't see the point in your reply...I followed this device across the web for months and know pretty much everything there is to know about it, but, you didn't know that so I'll let it slide. For a user like me there is no other device that can satisfy all my needs. My only problem with it is that its not mine yet, I'm broke as a joke, cant afford a cup of coffee let alone this baby. And if you examine my last post closely you will maybe find deeper meaning, along a few grammatical errors^_^. Hope the information here will have reduced your entropy a little and that my irony had not eluded you :). Cheers!
- s
- snonre
- tV0
- 19 Oct 2010
Sanesh, 19 Oct 2010My nokia N8 battery is not so good, i have to charge it twi... moreDid you charge it for 8 hours at the first time? If yes, then i recommend that you shud change your battery or return ur phone in exchange of a new unit. Hope this helps