Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Carry yokie
  • v0X
  • 13 Oct 2010

Is there any other phone that support subtitles?

    • v
    • velu
    • sST
    • 13 Oct 2010

    [deleted post]I am sure you are a nokia hater from korea;).

    All your queries about N8 is replied,
    but none of the queries to you about your samsung and its galaxy is not replied by you.

    And another thing please stop blabbering about N8 and your galaxy comparison.

    If i am not bothered about galaxy i never go to galaxy forum.
    But if you are not bothered about N8 then what else you are doing it in N8 forum ??
    It gives a hint that how much you give importance to N8.

    You are just reminding me of how sasmung was caught in India for its online LED TV marketing campaign.
    ( They paid guys to post about their LED TVs in popular forums , and they ask a query and reply themselves )..


      • x
      • xitam
      • utx
      • 13 Oct 2010

      Anonymous, 13 Oct 2010you are contradicting your favorite company ;). Samsung to... morewell said....!

        • A
        • AMANITA
        • s86
        • 13 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 13 Oct 2010Why people mention about galaxy here perasonally, i hate... moreBecause they cant read ,they r blind ! Their forums r empty & silent ! Nobody to discuss with them on their forums :D

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t7w
          • 13 Oct 2010

          I have a queation about the review

          is nokia n8 loudspeaker better than x6?
          Better quality via earphone than x6?

          What is d class loudspeaker in n8?

            • K
            • KM
            • 2@k
            • 13 Oct 2010

            Thanks for the review GSM arena team. I had my eyes set on this phone, I guess I have changed my mind now. I have been using the Nokia 5800 for the past 2 years and have suffered enough. I understand that the camera is undoubtedly the best in N8, but his time I understand the importance of the other features.
            Thanks again GSM Arena Team!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • t7w
              • 13 Oct 2010

              Why people mention about galaxy here

              perasonally, i hate its samsung made phones, thrie buildquality, their after sale service, their ugly design,
              samsung is only good in other industry not in mobile phones

              what i really care about is the phone made by nokia, it is only apple that can put threat to nokia, nokia is not sleeping, they are working on symbian 4 and meego

              in my opnion, n8 is a phone nokia want to keep their customers from jumping ship,and later on fight back heavily with n9 and first symbian 4 phone early next year, what i wish to see from nokia is

              can we have touch and type for s60v3?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • wf5
                • 13 Oct 2010

                "Thanks for the review, GSMArena. I've made a decision based on the reviews so far, and finally including this one, that I am not buying the N8.

                Symbian has a long long way to go, and the inability to play HD videos more than 2GB is just one of the bigger stumblings that I thought they wouldn't have a problem with. (The interface issues obviously number 1 reason.) The weaker flash seems to hurt it as well so I might just stick to my N82 for camera purposes while I use an Android for everything else.

                Unfortunately Nokia is showing no signs of accelerating their OS development or even moving into Meego anytime soon. Even if they come out with a Meego in a year, imagine what iOS and Android looks like then? Imagine their App stores as well. Sadly, time to move on for me."

                "Meego is Nokia's only saving grace for touchscreen devices. They should leave Symbian to non-touch. Sad to say, but only the camera was N8's selling point and not enough reason to lure me getting this phone. Next...."

                2 user comments left here....this is what nokia needs to read!!!!
                18mths ago this phone would have killed it, everyone wanted to have the best camera phone possible.. camera quality on 5mp shooters and higher for the majority is more than acceptable as technology improves

                people want nice UI's, high res large touchscreens, quick cpu's, apps and the ability to customize which nokia refuses to budge on. the whole camera race has come and gone... maybe nokia will learn with this one..

                  • G
                  • Galaxy Sun
                  • SvB
                  • 13 Oct 2010

                  kmmbd, 13 Oct 2010That's funny. I've seen all the N8 promo videos, they all r... moreWhen you postpone the launch date many times then people expect you are making the final adjustments to a amazing device! And in the end... A phone with a sensational camera but only some improvements in other aspects and a couple of extras like USB-OTG. That's not enought for a phone that was expected that long and can't compete on equal terms with Android and IoS. Nokia hopes remain with Meego....

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 2SQ
                    • 13 Oct 2010

                    shivam, 13 Oct 2010nokia n8 dealer price is 22641 its true not fake the retail... morethis week its only for class people ***********

                      • L
                      • Lenn
                      • P$u
                      • 13 Oct 2010

                      HX Customer Roms Are Really keen in taken up the fight against Andriod Phones..Keep Up The Good Work HX............ I have i8910,,,,,,Waiting for latest October Rom 2010 for I8910,,

                        • S
                        • SB
                        • 2SQ
                        • 13 Oct 2010

                        mR. k, 12 Oct 2010can ne N8 owner plz help me wid few questions...??? more256 mb

                          • s
                          • shivam
                          • utT
                          • 13 Oct 2010

                          nokia n8 dealer price is 22641 its true not fake the retailers after 7 dayz from now will sell it around 22800 tax paid i bought it today 25000 rs from nokia priority and came to know after purchasing that price is gonna drop 2500 rs so guys who can wait wait for 7 dayz.

                            • G
                            • Galaxy Sun
                            • SvB
                            • 13 Oct 2010

                            D_x6, 13 Oct 2010I think galaxy is a gud phone but cant compete wid n8.i kno... moreNo,Nokia have lost the smartphone segment starting with the n96 period. They still managed to hold one to first place thanks to a very good marketing strategy regarding the lower to middle end phones where they lead the table. Since there are many poor countryes especially in Africa and some parts of Asia and Europe where many people can't afford a Galaxy,Desire or N8 but they do afford a 3720 or 6303. Smartphone selles acound for only a procentage of total selles numbers. The legendary 1100 is the best solled phone until today. If they will will continue to dominate this niche of market Nokia will retain the top spot even if they don't regain the smartphone segment. Even if the N8 is inferior in most aspects to Galaxy,Desire, despite that Nokia will still earn the best profits.

                              • s
                              • syok
                              • K1x
                              • 13 Oct 2010

                              Good bye Symbian, you are left behind. Wish to buy Android or Iphone. But Iphone is too expensive. Yep android is my choice.Phone OS for future.

                                • D
                                • D_x6
                                • wdM
                                • 13 Oct 2010

                                Galaxy Sun, 13 Oct 2010It's another ball game with n9...When it's out it will have... moreI think galaxy is a gud phone but cant compete wid n8.i know there are several advantages n disadvantages over one another but now its a time for some change from java to s60 to android to symbian^3.but in popular growing mobile industry in countries like china and india there is a blind faith in nokia before purchasing any phones our parents say "only nokia and nothing else".i know nokia is new in smartphone market but it will soon make his reputation like it made with n series and e series.we never remember any phone model no. Except nokia so dats the reason why nokia is mobile leader and other mobile companies are trying to reach to that position and even nokia wid smart lets see

                                  • s
                                  • skt_khulna
                                  • uNV
                                  • 13 Oct 2010

                                  nokia moto: connecting people..
                                  apple : entertaining people
                                  google: follow Moore's law.... (poor battery manufacturers ha ha ha)

                                    • k
                                    • kmmbd
                                    • vQ1
                                    • 13 Oct 2010

                                    Galaxy Sun, 13 Oct 2010It's another ball game with n9...When it's out it will have... moreThat's funny. I've seen all the N8 promo videos, they all revolve around the camera, USB OTG, HDMI port and Bluetooth keyboard and mouse compatibility. I haven't seen them bragging about the appstore, neither did they say it's the fastest phone on the planet. I guess some people do expect a lot from these phones.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • sST
                                      • 13 Oct 2010

                                      Galaxy Sun, 13 Oct 2010It's another ball game with n9...When it's out it will have... more@Galaxy sun

                                      I am sure you still didnt go through the N8 specs.

                                      Probably i dont think anything special in Galaxy other than its SAMOLED ( i really doubt is it better than Retina
                                      or how it is betetr than AMOLED ).

                                      Please dont brag about 1GHz processor which is discussed here N number of times.
                                      Only thing in Galaxys favour is its Poor mans iPhone clone.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Kec
                                        • 13 Oct 2010

                                        The best thing of n8 is not camera, it is the price that kill its peers.

                                        The disavanages gsmarena list are not the real disavantages, all of them are just softwares that very likely to be fixed by firmware update including new ovimaps with pinch to zoom, ovi browser, swype and nokia interne radio,

                                        video recording is overrated, itake still photo most of the time, battrey life is not bad,