Nokia N8
- p
- paragon
- uKb
- 07 Oct 2010
in which way.
im merely leaving my hands-on opinion for others to help them make an informed decision.
as i mentioned i only had around 10 mins with it, and would like to have a more extensive look at the features.
have you actually used one yet?
- p
- paragon
- uKb
- 07 Oct 2010
Played with one of these yesterday as i work for a telco (australia)
only got to play for around 10 mins but have just a few observations.
+ strong and sturdy
+ bright screen
+ fairly light considering the body
- screen was a little unresponsive but overall pretty good
- screen resolution doesnt do the camera justice
- 3.5'' screen (could have squeezed a 3.75 in there)
- unfortunatly nokia dont do android (my prefereance)
i was waiting to buy one of these before my galaxy s, and still would if not for being inpatient.
will keep an eye out for what they end up replacing this with.
- a
- ahmad
- S9e
- 07 Oct 2010
listen i think iphone 4 is the best but it doesnt let u make vedio call without wirless connection this is bad and i think sony is good samsung wave not that much they dotn care about memory < but for me i trust nokia more than any company
- f
- frank
- PWa
- 07 Oct 2010
this is the best nokia can do? U never learn do u? U should learn what customers want. Look. Why people crazy about iphone? Coz apple give the best phone so we give the best price . Bye nokia
- A
- Android17
- QMn
- 07 Oct 2010
Can't see any uniqueness, I'd rather buy Sony Ericsson Experia X10.
- k
- kuljit
- s8i
- 07 Oct 2010
Thanks GSMARENA for doing a blind test on nokia n8. The ratings of n8 became 8.5 from 7.8 within 24hrs. I hope this enough to keep some crapy n8 heaters' mouth shut. If its not enough, you guys can check nokia n8's review(until GSMARENA publish its full blown review). They have clearly said n8 is the best camera and multimedia phone in the market. Its even better than some midrange digicam. Congrats nokia. Long live the king.
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010Oops, i guess i'm the one you're talking about. that wasn't... moreThen the same IP makes sense, nevermind then
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mty
- 07 Oct 2010
Wheez, 07 Oct 2010Sorry, but the N8s first officially released pieces hit the... moreOops, i guess i'm the one you're talking about. that wasn't me. I use a cgi proxy server, so anyone can share my ip. I'm also "r 3 b 3 l"
- v
- velu
- vGt
- 07 Oct 2010
Stp, 07 Oct 2010Is this convergence?This is the column of comments on n8,bu... moreha ha..
it shows N8 is the benchmark for all the smartphones ;)
- S
- Stp
- kUW
- 07 Oct 2010
Is this convergence?This is the column of comments on n8,but features of all phones are posted here...
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 07 Oct 2010
[deleted post]Sorry, but the N8s first officially released pieces hit the market last thursday, a week ago. So you didn't buy it 2 weeks ago, sorry.
I've seen your IP here before, but usually you commented positive stuff about the N8 if I recall correctly. THat's why your post leaves me wondering, are you sarcastic, trolling, what? Especially when everybody knows it wasnt available 2 weeks ago.
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 07 Oct 2010
I may be "shooting myself to the leg" here, but to show that I'm not a blind fanboy, here are the problems and things I and other people would like to see changed in the N8. Mainly just my thoughts there so far, as I just started it. The phone isnt that widely available yet either, so that does something too.
Nothing very major, mostly quality of life things.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 07 Oct 2010
Wheez, 07 Oct 2010I read this comment earlier today or yesterday and I don't ... moreSorry, when the demo was made, asphalt was not available yet. It seems it just released it as I checked it before N8 was released.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Ex
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010Video comp N8 vs. Iphone 4 moreto be honest I no care much about Camera on Phone. That is why called a Phone and not a Camera. I use my Sony TX7.
I need my Phone for Call, Video Calling, many Applications, and easy use. I have my iPhone 4 for 4 months and not even take one video with it.On other hand can not compare the 5MP to 12 MP camera too.
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010asphalt is not officially released yet and the optimization... moreI read this comment earlier today or yesterday and I don't quite get it. When I search for "asphalt" on my N8 in the OVI Store, it offers me Asphalt 5 HD for the price of 3 euros.
To me that sounds pretty official?
But truth be told, it should be pulled out of there till it runs like it should.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s0M
- 07 Oct 2010
Wheez, 07 Oct 2010That's most likely not cos of the low CPU as it is (or ok, ... moreyes, but also note that the n8 resolution is 40% less than on the wave and that the 680mhz can easily be overclocked to 1ghz
also, the gpu is one of the best, which means the same performance with less battery usage
the screen resolution is lower, but a normal user will not know the difference
numbers are not everything
if n8 did have a 1ghz cpu, it would easily be the fastest phone by far
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 07 Oct 2010
Partha, 07 Oct 2010Thnx a lot.i basically use opera 10 as my browser in my N79... moreThe N8 has a VERY powerful antenna, but I'm pretty sure the iPhone has a sufficient one too, if you don't death grip it in which case it drops signal all together (you can google for "iphone death grip"). Reports say that newer batches of the phone wouldnt have those problems to the same extent as the first ones, but can't confirm that myself
I'd say iPhones camera might win that competition, it has been very well tuned and the pictures come out very nice, but the colors are ALWAYS off. In many cases the picture looks good but you cant get natural skin color with the iPhone, really. It's either red skin or yellow skin. The earlier Nokias would probably produce more natural colors. Side to side many might vote the iPhone as winner though. The N8s camera though wipes the floor with iPhones cos of just more natural colors and alot better picture, but if we'd simply compare 5mpix cameras.
The N8 has very good battery and if you run it in battery saving mode (like 2 taps after you've unlocked, very easy and handy), it could probably go on for 3 days on average use. Naturally the battery saving mode turns down performance and the little eyecandy the Symbian has, but in cases where ur battery is running dry, the battery saving mode will most likely easily make it till you get home to charge it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010yeah, it has more then 10 apps open and it uses 26% of the ... moreasphalt is not officially released yet and the optimization was not done properly. When it is officially released, you can judge it.
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010yeah, it has more then 10 apps open and it uses 26% of the ... moreThat's most likely not cos of the low CPU as it is (or ok, it is cos it has been optimized for faster CPUs), but in theory im 99% sure it could run just as well as on any other machine if it took proper use out of the GPU. We've seen games that don't shame in visual looks to the Asphalt, but still run shitloads better.
Other devices have stronger CPU - weaker GPU. N8 has decent CPU - decent/good GPU. In real life and benchmarks those end up very even, but since Asphalt has been made for the strong CPU devices first, if they try to lazily port it over without reoptimizing, it's not gonna run well. Given, that can be seen as a downside for the N8: porting games from other platforms is not so easy.