Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Mark
  • mby
  • 03 Oct 2010

WAYNE ROONEY, 03 Oct 2010My whole family is taking turns at bashing it! Because my b... moreI see, a lack of insight might be a hereditary problem then?

    • W
    • 01H
    • 03 Oct 2010

    Wheez, 03 Oct 2010The CPU has nothing to do with Symbian and is back up by th... moreMy whole family is taking turns at bashing it! Because my bro got one! And now he wants my phone!

    I was cotemplating this phone, but i realized a jailbroken iphone = Android. And android + Iphone = Ridiculous success.

    The only thing iphone sux at is Flash, however, there is an app you can get on cydia that lets you support flash on popular sites. And their are porn sites you can watch.....

      • M
      • Mark
      • mby
      • 03 Oct 2010

      SOFTWARE, 03 Oct 2010At this day and age it is all about SOFTWARE ppl. Symbian i... moreWhat a bunch of fail. Of course were are discussing the software here. You are using a simple bait and switch strawman argument here.

      Like this. "Android kills bunnies, and they dont care about software because they are robots, and they suck. There is not gravity app for Android so it sucks. There is not ovi maps for Android so it sucks. It sucks at battery life, it sucks at bluetooth and best of all, it will not exist in a few years time. Who would want to go for that?"

      But, the funny part is, there is actually some truth in this post, there have been many developers asking if Android is the right way to go, now that Oracle is going for the jugular.

        • m
        • malik149
        • u1t
        • 03 Oct 2010

        N8 is good but not the best. It lacks many features.....not good processor , not supports Xvid/Divx file formate.......big camera but no lense protector.......

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pde
          • 03 Oct 2010

          SOFTWARE, 03 Oct 2010At this day and age it is all about SOFTWARE ppl. Symbian i... more80% Apple Apps are just fart, no value at all. Nokia/Symbian is is open enough and doesn't need fart apps. It has and will have ALL the necessary value apps/games.

            • W
            • Wheez
            • nSS
            • 03 Oct 2010

            SOFTWARE, 03 Oct 2010At this day and age it is all about SOFTWARE ppl. Symbian i... moreThe CPU has nothing to do with Symbian and is back up by the powerful GPU. You can try to make claims all you want, if we want to compare raw power between currently popular phones, the N8 does not shame next to iPhone 4, Galaxy S or EVO 4G for example. Each phone has slightly different emphasis, but overall are pretty even.

            Also, don't try to post negative things with different names, we all see your IP and it's the same with that of the "JJ".

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 44r
              • 03 Oct 2010

              SOFTWARE, 03 Oct 2010At this day and age it is all about SOFTWARE ppl. Symbian i... morehaha nice

              you hit the nail on the head

                • F
                • 01H
                • 03 Oct 2010

                All Nokia does is make phones...they should have made a deal with google android, these phones would be HOT SELLERS. But nokia is greedy and stubborn. Have fun usin the phone for its camera....

                "Greed will imprisson us all"

                  • W
                  • Wheez
                  • nSS
                  • 03 Oct 2010

                  [deleted post]Please elaborate, what was wrong with the phone? I'm absolutely loving mine and wouldn't trade it for any other phone.

                    • S
                    • SOFTWARE
                    • 01H
                    • 03 Oct 2010

                    At this day and age it is all about SOFTWARE ppl. Symbian is garbage software. Nokia is trying to make up for their garbage symbian processor by loading up the phone with crazy specs.

                    This is like having a huge machine guns with killer bullets that you cant aim.

                    Its like havin 20 all-star players on 1 team that dont play as a team. GAME OVER NOKIA

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 44r
                      • 03 Oct 2010

                      Wheez, 03 Oct 2010Highly unlikely. All user reviewers are extremely positive,... moreofcourse nokia n8 will be sold alot n i gave the reason a bit earlier why

                      nokia fanboys are brainwashed just like the iphone fanboys

                      no matter what happens their decision wont change as they are comletely brainwashed

                        • M
                        • Mac
                        • f3j
                        • 03 Oct 2010

                        Mark, 03 Oct 2010You are missing the point. You just assume that those devic... moreGood stuff Mark!! I second you on that. Just what i've been saying all along. Android are pulling the Microsoft playbook here but are most likely to be burnt. Where would that leave the likes of SE, HTC and others? Back to the drawing board i guess. At least they still can jump in bed with WP7! That would also mean that as soon as things go sour then all these manufactures wont even back their own products up that are running android!! What a pity when one tries to monopolise a market. Oh well, at least symbian will be there to catch them when they fall. Then everyone will be praising symbian for their reliability and support. Ironic but it is most likely to happen but i do predict that it would be meego 1st that they would all run to and then back track to symbian for their lower end smartphones. Al la Nokia strategy!! lol

                          • W
                          • Wheez
                          • nSS
                          • 03 Oct 2010

                          Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010You said "n97 fail,n96 fail so i mean their cheap smar... moreHighly unlikely. All user reviewers are extremely positive, media is trying to take down Nokia, but they have been proven wrong by satisfied users(Engadget, Gizmodo to name a few).

                          Nokia made a new record in their preorders from the N8. They have been getting over 200k preorders per week over the duration of like 6 weeks in preorder.

                          Many areas still havn't recieve theirs. Wait and see.

                          In a completely objective view, no matter how you look it, the S^3 is miles better than any Symbian till this day and Symbian alltogether has never been really a failure, seeing from it's marketshare.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • pde
                            • 03 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010who is bashing N8???????????? N8 is a good mobile but jus... moreWhether N8 is good or not IS YOUR OPINION. You have not even used/tested, you have made your judgement and tried your best to sell your judgement to people. How can I believe you are NOT BASHING N8, but something else!?

                            What is your logic then?

                              • F
                              • FENZ
                              • tu7
                              • 03 Oct 2010

                              Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010n8 might be a good mobile n symbion 3 might not hang or lag... moreyep dats true.andr0id lag n drain battery.iph0ne just g0t apps dats all.this is the fact n they cnt accept that.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 44r
                                • 03 Oct 2010

                                Wheez, 03 Oct 2010You once again fall into the same trap of judging Symbian^3... moren8 might be a good mobile n symbion 3 might not hang or lag this time around but its still ugly n not user friendly as compared to android

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • pde
                                  • 03 Oct 2010

                                  Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010who is bashing N8???????????? N8 is a good mobile but jus... moreYou said "n97 fail,n96 fail so i mean their cheap smartphones n other mobiles are saving them right now"

                                  Can I translate what you mean? n97 fail, n96 fail, N8 WILL FAIL, so I mean their cheap smartphones n other mobiles are saving them right now".

                                  You want to see N8, N whatever should fail. Nothing can save Nokia. This is your wish, right?

                                    • M
                                    • Mark
                                    • mby
                                    • 03 Oct 2010

                                    Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010n97 fail,n96 fail so i mean their cheap smartphones n other... moreThey sold a lot of those, and that is what we were talking about.

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nSS
                                      • 03 Oct 2010

                                      Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010ok thanks for writing a long article n i am a bit too tired... moreYou once again fall into the same trap of judging Symbian^3 cos of its earlier worse versions.

                                      Windows 7 is not crap cos Windows Vista was crap. This is the exact same thing.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 44r
                                        • 03 Oct 2010

                                        Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010Ok, I will give you prediction Android 3 will fail Ipho... morewho is bashing N8????????????
                                        N8 is a good mobile but just in comparison to some other mobiles its not that good