Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 44r
  • 03 Oct 2010

Mark, 03 Oct 2010You are missing the point. You just assume that those devic... moreok thanks for writing a long article n i am a bit too tired to reply it in detail

as far as these phones are concerned its all about customers satisfaction n android does it better than symbian

n about ur post only time will tell the truth

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pde
    • 03 Oct 2010

    Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010n97 fail,n96 fail so i mean their cheap smartphones n other... moreOk, I will give you prediction

    Android 3 will fail
    Iphone 5 will fail


      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 44r
      • 03 Oct 2010

      Mark, 03 Oct 2010Bullshit, Nokia sells as many high end devices as anyone el... moren97 fail,n96 fail so i mean their cheap smartphones n other mobiles are saving them right now

        • M
        • Mark
        • mby
        • 03 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010nope android is not only popular in US but in europe n othe... moreBullshit, Nokia sells as many high end devices as anyone else, but in ADDITION it sells a lot of cheaper smartphones, hence the huge global marketshare. If you want to do this based on price strata, please provide data and we will discuss.

          • M
          • Mark
          • mby
          • 03 Oct 2010

          Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010SE and Samsung gave up Symbian because they could not compe... morePlus one for you sir.

            • M
            • MArk
            • mby
            • 03 Oct 2010

            Mark, 03 Oct 2010You are missing the point. You just assume that those devic... moreAddition:

            Oracle will kill Android because Java is owned by them now.

            Read this:

            Written from an American perspective it explains how the US companies are going to kill itself. The absence of Nokia in here is good news, for people who like Symbian, like me.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 44r
              • 03 Oct 2010

              Wheez, 03 Oct 2010No, I'm not the CEO of either company. Android is popul... morenope android is not only popular in US but in europe n other parts of the world also

              the only reason why nokia has a major share is because of introducing cheap touchscreen smartphones n the market is filled with cheap nokia smartphones using symbion but as far as high end smartphones are concerned android is at the top n u proved my point urself by acknowledging android 2.2 achievments n honestly still i havent shared alot of drawbacks of nokia n8 with the likes of browsing n the resolution of the screen is a problem during browsing

                • s
                • some questions
                • fuX
                • 03 Oct 2010


                Can someone please explain me clearly all informations in camera's characteristic?
                I understand what AF (Auto Focus) and Mega Pixel are for.
                But Focal, sensor, large sensor, mechanical shutter, aperture, variable aperture, ISO...
                And mainly, why the cheapest (real) camera made by Kodak, Cannon or Panasonic... Always take by far best and cleaner picture than the one in phones?
                I'd like to have information too about sound characteristics like decibel, sensiblity...

                I think GSMArena must explain all those 'new' characteristics that are now part of new high.ends phone's features.

                Sorry for my english and thank you for reply.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pde
                  • 03 Oct 2010

                  Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010do u think will i be happy using nokia n8 considering i hav... moreSE and Samsung gave up Symbian because they could not compete with Nokia. Another free source Android just gives them a HOPE. But Symbian will have a long life. I am not surprised that they may jump to the band of Meego soon or even back to Symbian when Symbian 4 is born.

                  Because of the nature of VM architecture, Android is very resource hungry. 3.0 will require even more CPU and RAM, and battery can drain more easily consequently... Now there are many things are still missing in Android, when it can do all that Symbian handle, it will become useless for its resource requirement.

                  Only time will tell.

                    • M
                    • Mark
                    • mby
                    • 03 Oct 2010

                    Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010i know that alot of die hard nokia fanboys are here n i am ... moreYou are missing the point. You just assume that those devices are better, because that is what you think, and you base that on your own needs and assumptions. Every user and use case is different, so trying to generalize your opinion by saying all round is kinda not so smart to be honest. It just does not work that way.

                    Also, discussion here is always too simple. We talk about screen resolution on Android being better, but then it turns out most of those screen actually have a net resolution of about the same as the nHD Symbian uses. Ironic, isnt it.

                    See this link for proof :


                    I also read, why is Samsung leaving Symbian? The reason is simple, it is not their platform, they have no services ecosystem and Nokia is too dominant.

                    Look, Android is nice, but it has a few huge problems.

                    A its dominant party is google
                    B its made with code that belongs to Sun / Oracle.

                    For A, companies like SE and HTC still use it because it is the best they can do. In the long term they will become OEM's and ironic full circle for HTC. This will lead to hardware commoditization like we see in the PC industry. Microsoft makes 60% of all PC related profits. Not Dell. Or Fujitsu. Google wants the same for the mobile space. The companies that push Android the hardest, are the companies that were off the worst, like SE, and Motorola. Samsung on the other hand is large enough to build its own ecosystem, with Bada. They are just using Android with touchwiz, and bada with touchwiz, and hope customers wont notice when they leave Android for Bada. Trust me, this is 100% what Samsung wants to do.
                    Nokia is the only player in this industry that can afford to build their own. Nokia's angle was to get other people to support their platform, and Samsung wisely declined. That would be about as stupid as Nokia using Android right now.

                    For B, the good part is that Nokia is excellently prepared. You see, OPK was a lawyer, not a techy. So while we may not see the flashiest UI on S^3 yet, Symbian is rock solid in a patent fight. And then again, who would they fight since it went Open Source. This is in part why everything has taken so long. All of the proprietary modules needed to be replaced.

                    The end game here is that Oracle is going to kill Android in due course. In the meantime manufacturers are riding the android wave and skinning it to differentiate themselves. Then everything will blow up, Android core needs to be rewritten and SE Motorola and HTC are screwed.

                    Nokia is taking the hard, difficult but eventually better business strategy here. Even though it is costing them some spotlight right now.

                    Anssi was right. Pee in the pants. Feels nice and warm now for Android phone manufacturers, but later on they are screwed. Screwed big time.

                      • s
                      • some questions
                      • fuX
                      • 03 Oct 2010

Can someone please explain me clearly all informations in camera's characteristic?
I understand what AF (Auto Focus) and Mega Pixel are for. 
But Focal, sensor, large sensor, mechanical shutter, aperture, variable aperture, ISO...

And mainly, why the cheapest (real) camera made by Kodak, Cannon or Panasonic... Always take by far best and cleaner picture than the one in phones?

I'd like to have information too about sound characteristics like decibel, sensiblity... 

I think GSMArena must explain all those 'new' characteristics that are now part of new high.ends phone's features. 

Sorry for my english and thank you for reply.

                        • W
                        • Wheez
                        • nSS
                        • 03 Oct 2010

                        Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010do u think will i be happy using nokia n8 considering i hav... moreI honestly can't say, you have to try that yourself. I've never claimed that the N8 works for everyone, that's why I often suggest other phones to people who clearly have more use for some other phone than the N8.

                        N97-era Symbian has just about nothing to do with Symbian^3, Symbian isn't dying anywhere until Nokia stops using it. Mark my words.

                        Could that some tard stop getting all my posts deleted, adults are trying to talk here.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 44r
                          • 03 Oct 2010

                          Wheez, 03 Oct 2010No, in many parts of the world you can try the N8 in shops ... moredo u think will i be happy using nokia n8 considering i have seen htc desire n xperia x10 in my hands? give me a fair answer :)

                          yes its all about opinions n different views but one opinion which is generally believed is that symbian is dying n thats the reason SE n Samsung have dumped it

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nSS
                            • 03 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010do u know why SE and Samsung has dumped symbian?No, I'm not the CEO of either company.

                            Android is popular in the US, Symbian dominates in every other part of the world. SE and Samsung have alot better chance at winning Nokia on the US markets where it's not that popular. Also, it's easier to make phones for just one platform cos Android and Symbian are so different. The N8 wouldn't in its current form be an android phone ever, it would require drastic changes. So you can have the same kind of hardware and put it on all your stuff.

                            Also, Samsung now has it's own Bada OS, I don't think it would be smart to have Symbian, Android and Bada phones on a mobile phone company such as Samsung.

                            Android is extremely good, no one denies that. It still has a way to go before it would ever find it's way to any mobile phone I use though, it lacks the maturity that only comes with time. The issues are being worked out, 2.2. already fixed many of them.

                              • G
                              • Groi
                              • fj6
                              • 03 Oct 2010

                              Thanks goodness I've managed to get rid of my X10. It only had a old android version and I got tired of promisses. Sorryericsson lives on past glory. They have one of the worst android phones out there ! My biggest gripe with android is the poor multitasking. Even my old N95 was better.

                                • W
                                • Wheez
                                • nSS
                                • 03 Oct 2010

                                Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010do u mean that i should buy the phone n use symbion 3 n tha... moreNo, in many parts of the world you can try the N8 in shops etc.

                                How can you know it's inferior to all these when you have never in your life used it? On paper is on paper, you can't rank phones by specsheets alone. Not to mention that the order in whic hyou ranked phones probably works for you. But people value different things. That list does not hold true for me, it's an opinion, not a fact, learn the difference.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 44r
                                  • 03 Oct 2010

                                  Wheez, 03 Oct 2010How much experience you have with Symbian^3?do u know why SE and Samsung has dumped symbian?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 44r
                                    • 03 Oct 2010

                                    Wheez, 03 Oct 2010How much experience you have with Symbian^3?do u mean that i should buy the phone n use symbion 3 n than decide?

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nSS
                                      • 03 Oct 2010

                                      Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010i know that alot of die hard nokia fanboys are here n i am ... moreHow much experience you have with Symbian^3?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 44r
                                        • 03 Oct 2010

                                        Wheez, 03 Oct 2010You still arn't backing that up any ways. Can you explai... morei know that alot of die hard nokia fanboys are here n i am not here to offend anyone n i just want to let everyone know that as a whole package(includes alot of stuff) htc desire,xperia x10,galaxy S,google nexus one are much better than nokia n8

                                        yes there would be features which would be only in nokia n8 n vice versa but unless u find a mobile with good 0S its not much of a big deal