Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • f
  • father of all
  • fn8
  • 01 Oct 2010

from father of all to all pepole
n8 is good set
olso n8 is better than other set
but and but not the best phone
1- the screen only 3.5 inches and we need 4 inches

2- the reseluosion only 360 x 640 pixels and we need 600 x 800

3- the screen AMOLED and we need { led with 3 dimanation without glasess )

4- the set with touchscreen and we need set with both keys and touchscreen

5-inernal memory only 16 GB but we need moor for hd videos at lest 80 GB like video cam

6-microSD, up to 32GB only but we need more and more 160 GB like video cam

7- GPRS not like google earth with 3 dimanations we need gprs with 3 dimanations

8- wlan wi-fi this for ony 50 metters but we need wi- max for 10000 metters

9- the camera 12 mp we need 24 mp

10- the camera digetal zoom but we need at least 3 optical zoom

11- the video 720 p @ 25fps we need full hd 1080 @ 30 fps

12- the battery 1200 mAh but if it 2400 mAh

this is the best
is the best
is the best
from father of all to all pepole

    • b
    • brynn
    • nGv
    • 01 Oct 2010

    To be honest i have been back here a few times today and expected a huge surge in votes and hits but nothing much..maybe people dont know still??

      • b
      • brynn
      • nGv
      • 01 Oct 2010

      Stuntman, 01 Oct 2010I find this, for the most part, a pretty good in-depth revi... moreI agree about folder system and used it since n3650,i create an Unused or Junk folder & put all the stuff i dont use in their so its still there if neded and NOT deleted..Everyone will be different in what they use most but i often make a new media folder and shove all media stuff in that,,i then do an office one and sort that out better.Symbian often uses these folders but i make new ones to suite as ofen the office is under apps and you cannot move to root.

      I love symbian and tried others and perhaps odd in that i dont mind windows either,these Android things are just not techy just lovely little icons.There is nothing better than searching for and app and downloading it to find out you have to roll back time to install it,you feel as if you done something..

        • S
        • Stuntman
        • NGf
        • 01 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 30 Sep 2010I just read a review of N8 @ moreI find this, for the most part, a pretty good in-depth review of the N8. It told me what I wanted to know about the N8 and Symbian^3.

        I think the reviewer is carrying some baggage from older Symbian phones. The organisation of the apps in multi-level folders is not an issue to me. I find that I reorganise everything in folders in a way that I prefer anyway. I have tried an iPhone before and they have everything scattered everywhere on the home screen. Just my personal preference to put things in folders. An extra level of folders help reduce the sheer number of apps in one screen.

        The reviewer also said, "What's weird is there's nothing disastrously wrong with the Nokia N8." I think everyone still remember the N97. I guess Nokia can take this as a compliment, but it sounds like an insult as well.

        The only thing I don't understand is his criticism about the volume buttons. "There's also a volume key with raised buttons, although these are fairly far away from each other, so can be hard to hit when you're not looking." Like what's that about?

          • R
          • Robert
          • N7D
          • 01 Oct 2010

          A well balanced phone
          I had hopes the RAM memory was greater
          Great device

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2mj
            • 01 Oct 2010

            I pre-ordered in USA and the "black" N8 was my only option, color wise :O(

            N8's started shipping today, but USA will not get ours until end of October! Booooooooooooo NOKIA!

            This sucks!

              • T
              • The_guy
              • f4I
              • 01 Oct 2010

              Anonymous, 30 Sep 2010it is not slow mo. it is faster framrate. it is vga@60 or 1... moreSeems like you're the one who needs education dude! Do you even know what 'slow motion' is? Ofcourse videos shot at 120fps are slow motion as the video is slower when played back. And in case you don't know, phone manufactures (LG and Samsung) have only provided 120fps videos in QVGA resolution not VGA! Get your facts straight before replying to something you know less about!

                • 1
                • 16.4
                • vb$
                • 30 Sep 2010

                Wheez, 30 Sep 2010I did, but it's so hard without a good camera with a tripod... morehey wheez

                the firmware should start as pr1 or pr1.1. could u please confirm coz the prototypes provided to many websites were on pr1?

                  • S
                  • SHAZ
                  • PxW
                  • 30 Sep 2010

                  Wheez, 30 Sep 2010I did, but it's so hard without a good camera with a tripod... moreHey thanks 4 the information....iam a littile dissapointed with the headset,but no probs i hav a better Sennheisser headset to come over that drawback.
                  battery back up in the sense the battery the battery getting empty soon wen u use the apps or wen u take snaps or videos?like wen i had the n82 with xenon flash,it only gav me a battery life to take a maximum of 20 snaps.

                    • A
                    • Abro
                    • uW}
                    • 30 Sep 2010

                    N8 is on pre order in Pakistan ... great news for Pakistanis out there ... for pre order and info go to

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • qRK
                      • 30 Sep 2010

                      Here is a video of New N8. Nokia fans
                      Thank for six month delay. nokia

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • qRK
                        • 30 Sep 2010

                        I just read a review of N8 @
                        Yes Nokia have ship the phone for pre-order, Plus these guy are news (blog) they get at first hand too.

                          • 1
                          • 16.4
                          • vb$
                          • 30 Sep 2010

                          Wheez, 30 Sep 2010I did, but it's so hard without a good camera with a tripod... morethe firmware should start as pr1 or pr1.1. could u please confirm coz the prototypes provided to many websites were on pr1?

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nSR
                            • 30 Sep 2010

                            Jimmy, 30 Sep 2010Wheez, can u do a video review for N8? Incase u have done i... moreI did, but it's so hard without a good camera with a tripod. It became very very crappy. And it wasnt really a review, mainly showing the features and the OS, but so many features I couldn't fit into it.

                            I'll try uploading it tomorrow, it's so slow and havnt had the time to do that yet.

                            For the poster after that: What do you mean with battery back up? There is no "normal TV" output, so HDMI is the only option, there may be HDMI-"normal TV output (is it AV or something)" adapter for sale, but at least not included in the box.

                            The headset is WH-701

                              • E
                              • Emix
                              • S7x
                              • 30 Sep 2010

                              Wheez, 30 Sep 2010The phone with battery inside USB-mini USB cable (PC to ph... moreThank you! I would love to get HDMI cable!
                              And about color...i agree with you.
                              When i was buying 5230 half year ago i was searching whole town to find white with blue back cover. I dont like black or silver phones.
                              But i must admit N8 looks great in every color.
                              But personaly i would get green it looks kinda odd, then blue and then orange. Black is ok and silver is...ugh don't really like it!

                                • s
                                • shaZ
                                • PxW
                                • 30 Sep 2010

                                Wheez, 30 Sep 2010Anything specific you would like to know?what about the battery back up?...and can u pls let me knw the model number of the ear phone the gave you with the phone.?
                                are they providing a hdmi to video/av cable by which we can view the contents of the phone on the normal television?

                                  • J
                                  • Jimmy
                                  • u{J
                                  • 30 Sep 2010

                                  Wheez, can u do a video review for N8? Incase u have done it already, do post a video link.

                                    • W
                                    • Wheez
                                    • nSR
                                    • 30 Sep 2010

                                    Emix, 30 Sep 2010Wheez Can you please tell me what exactly did you get in th... moreThe phone with battery inside
                                    USB-mini USB cable (PC to phone, for example)
                                    USB OnTheGo adapter
                                    MiniHDMI to HDMI adapter
                                    Charger (can also be charged via a computer with the MiniUSB-USB cable)
                                    Earplug headset 3,5mm

                                    As said it depends on where you buy it. Same places get stylus, some places get HDMI cable, some places some bluetooth headset, etc.

                                    Seems that we finns only got it first :D

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nSR
                                      • 30 Sep 2010

                                      16.4, 30 Sep 2010one last question. i am caught in two minds between the b... morePersonally I went for blue, since I've always had like black phones, so I wanted something different. Not to mention that all the colors look REALLY good. Orange is abit radical, but looks still very good live.

                                      Everybody has a black or white phone. One reason I decided to get the N8 in the first place.

                                        • E
                                        • Emix
                                        • S7x
                                        • 30 Sep 2010

                                        Wheez, 30 Sep 20101) did u get a silicon cover in the box. coz russions are g... moreWheez Can you please tell me what exactly did you get in the box? Thanks