Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • 1
  • 16.4
  • vb$
  • 30 Sep 2010

Wheez, 30 Sep 20101) did u get a silicon cover in the box. coz russions are g... moreone last question.
i am caught in two minds between the black or blue.
which color did u choose. i am told the blue looks cool however the black looks cooler.

    • W
    • Wheez
    • nS$
    • 30 Sep 2010

    16.4, 30 Sep 2010hi wheez, i do have a few questions, 1) did u get a s... more1) did u get a silicon cover in the box. coz russions are getting a silicon cover as package contents. if yes cud u pls telll me if the color of the silicon is the same as ur handset color?

    Finns do not get a silicon cover, these special offerings vary between countries. UK customers get a free real HDMI cable for example

    2) does the it play xvid,divx,avi files?


    3) does it have clear black display?

    4) does it lag?

    No, see my earlier post below

    5) did u get the capacitive touchscreen stylus in the box?

    No, sadly, considering that Finnish weather definitely isn't the warmest :/

    6) on what firmware is the fone on?

    I'm not sure if this is the same as firmware, but I think:

    7) how much did u pay for it?

    499 euros

    8) which country are u from?


      • 1
      • 16.4
      • vb$
      • 30 Sep 2010

      Wheez, 30 Sep 2010Anything specific you would like to know?hi wheez,

      i do have a few questions,

      1) did u get a silicon cover in the box. coz russions are getting a silicon cover as package contents. if yes cud u pls telll me if the color of the silicon is the same as ur handset color?

      2) does the it play xvid,divx,avi files?
      3) does it have clear black display?
      4) does it lag?
      5) did u get the capacitive touchscreen stylus in the box?
      6) on what firmware is the fone on?
      7) how much did u pay for it?
      8) which country are u from?

        • W
        • Wheez
        • nS$
        • 30 Sep 2010

        Anonymous, 30 Sep 2010pls tell abt the loud speaker sound as well as headset sound..I usually listen to music with default laptop speakers so please understand that my understanding of sound quality is nonexistant. It's perfectly fine for me in both cases, you have to try that yourself to say for sure though.

        The phone is not laggy. It doesnt seem as fast as, say, the iPhone 4 but that's mainly cos it doesnt use that much transition effects, it doesnt use "sleight of hands" effects (like showing a picture of the app before its actually usable) and in the browsers case with flash enabled it is slower than the iphone, but the biggest reason for that is cos the iPhone has that one feature less. Personally though I turned off flash in my N8 cos all it made me see "more" was the adds that I dont wanna see in the first place. It's good to have though, so if u end up really needing it, you can turn it on. In normal browsing for me it only slowed it down for no benefit at all.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • utW
          • 30 Sep 2010

          Wheez, 30 Sep 2010Anything specific you would like to know?pls tell abt the loud speaker sound as well as headset sound..

            • j
            • john
            • 49B
            • 30 Sep 2010

            Wheez, 30 Sep 2010Anything specific you would like to know?i wanna know if its laggy?

              • J
              • Jejo2009
              • L83
              • 30 Sep 2010

              Hi people i´m argentinian nokia users this mobile win the smartphone test.The prestations of mobile is amazing the design,features and perfomance are optimals sorry for my english is very bad but some things to remark
              1)covert lens
              2)other O.S
              3)Better Xenon Flash
              But within this its the perfect mobile .I cant wait to come to my country to buy it enjoy this page and nokia rules forever.
              In spanish Saludos Desde Argentina

                • W
                • Wheez
                • nS$
                • 30 Sep 2010

                Alvy, 30 Sep 2010We want a review guys.plz hurry gsmarena.Anything specific you would like to know?

                  • A
                  • Alvy
                  • Pxx
                  • 30 Sep 2010

                  We want a review guys.plz hurry gsmarena.

                    • W
                    • Wheez
                    • nS$
                    • 30 Sep 2010

                    Also, sorry guys for the video. I managed to edit and all, and started to upload it to youtube but I had to leave and with this net that I'm on now its nearly impossible to upload anything. I gotta see if i can get it done tomorrow.

                    But it became really crappy cos of the camera and cos it was so hard to use it while videotaping it. Couldn't really show as much as I wanted to :(

                      • W
                      • Wheez
                      • nS$
                      • 30 Sep 2010

                      [deleted post]What are you talking about? Many people got theirs today already. I've been using mine for over 10 hours now :D

                      Nothing phantom about it anymore, it's out there and rocking.

                      Worth every penny!

                        • d
                        • daniel
                        • 3J9
                        • 30 Sep 2010

                        [deleted post]symbian is touch optimised and is also not outdated at all. and nope in europe symbian has the biggest market share out of all the operating systems with 46.7 against the second most popular os blackberry with 19.7

                          • P
                          • Peter
                          • iFs
                          • 30 Sep 2010

                          Don't worry guys, The real "AMANITA" posts from the address "up6J", and if it changes it usually begins with letters "up".

                          We're all respect Amanita and consider her "The Lady of Nokia" for her positive posts history beginning from the day the N8 announced.

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nxQ
                            • 30 Sep 2010

                            I'm sorry the video took this long and it still pretty much sucks. The camera i was shooting it with was crap and it was very hard to use the phone whilehaving the camera in one hand. In the last solution I got both hands on the device but the position was very unnatural. It took me this long to get something doable videod and now I'll quickly try to edit it together.

                              • &
                              • ا&#158
                              • uWC
                              • 30 Sep 2010

                              Finally its in my hand really Super Dopuer Set ever USE in Smart Phones , i get it from some official Nokia person about 550$

                                • X
                                • Xtc
                                • kUW
                                • 30 Sep 2010

                                I'll buy this phone for sure,and when iphone5 is out i'll buy it..when first winmo7 phone is out i'll buy it..and when n9 is out i'll buy it..:p

                                  • S
                                  • Stuntman
                                  • NGf
                                  • 30 Sep 2010

                                  Sean, 30 Sep 2010Symbian 3 is like Windows 7 from Microsoft. If you conside... moreI haven't tried Windows 7 yet. Still on Vista.

                                  I currently am using the N97 which is rather sluggish. I have gotten used to it and have been able to configure it to a point where it is pretty stable. Any minor glitches, I know the workarounds.

                                  I'm contemplating upgrading to an E7 (because of the keyboard). If S^3 is only a slight improvement, then it may not be worth my money and I'll hang onto my N97 for a while longer (or upgrade to a different brand).

                                    • A
                                    • AMANITA
                                    • up6
                                    • 30 Sep 2010

                                    Anonymous, 30 Sep 2010Google Symbian 4 , its realising early next year. And then ... moreNokia already announced that they will produce many phones using symbian^3 ! N8 is very well balanced phone and itz also cheaper than nokia's other high end phones ! Try to know abt itz features,itz great ! 12mp with xenon Usb otg,hdmi,al casing,fm transmitter,web tv,flashlite4 ,beautiful colors...may b they wont offer the same again ! We have already waited too much,cant wait anymore :)

                                      • M
                                      • Mac
                                      • NH}
                                      • 30 Sep 2010

                                      Sean, 30 Sep 2010Rich guy!! I can afford spending near 400euros on a phone o... moreMmmmmmm.....I don't think so. You see the Symbian ^3 platform is based on QT. The Meego platform is also based on QT. The Symbian ^4 version across all platforms nicely. Easily changeable if they need to as QT is soooo much easier to work with.

                                      There is a competition going on in the US that Nokia are running for developers of QT based apps. They don't say for which OS but that is because the software would work on both....including Symbian ^4.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • utP
                                        • 30 Sep 2010

                                        Google Symbian 4 , its realising early next year. And then Nokia as usual will forget Symbian 3 users to earn from Symbian 4. And N8's ancient CPU wont run Symbian 4 !!