Nokia N8
- d
- d_x6
- uph
- 14 Aug 2010
its gud 4 nokia users dat n8 popularity is increasing day by lets hope nokia is doing a great planning 4 n8 to release all over the world bt nokia should think twice abt its price.i think its price should b reasonable.i m not saying affordable 4 every one only and only reasonable nokia 4 what u r waiting 4 jusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttt release it.n8 rock the world.
- w
- weng
- t7P
- 14 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 13 Aug 2010@ weng are you telling the truth? I'm also a Filipino. I cu... moreyes, go to main nokia service center at sm megamall at cyberzone ask u how much nokia n8 head manager say is around 46,850php and only limited unit relsed at first week of september, why limited? head manager say will try if the phone is hit here in the phillippines because the priced is too expensive. dont ask sales man or lady, just go to cyberzone the biggest service center of nokia. ask you the headmanager of nokia phillippines, headmanager is know all price list of upcming units relsed not salesldy.
- m
- mugy
- Sts
- 14 Aug 2010
Woooooooooooow,Nokia put in the phone 12mpx camera.Must be a best phone on the world.Hahahahahahahahhaha...
- n
- nike
- KgZ
- 14 Aug 2010
680mhz processor? hmmm...
- ?
- Anonymous
- M%C
- 14 Aug 2010
Very hard to understand you, your grammer and spelling is shocking, speak proper english!
N8 is not out in the UK until 8th October 2010.
- A
- Aashish
- utN
- 14 Aug 2010
hello every one....
can i know when is this phone is any contract....
am waiting to buy this phone a lot.........
plz rply me.....
- B
- Bert
- nE4
- 14 Aug 2010
Does the N8 have a qwerty keyboard on Portrait and Landscape mode.Also does anyone know what the speaker sound on handsfree is like.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vQ1
- 14 Aug 2010
fuck orher phons.i.. wanna make dis my gf...............
- a
- abu
- utA
- 14 Aug 2010
NAWAN : plz tel me n8 is good or bad ?
- r
- ronald
- 2@1
- 14 Aug 2010
wat about nokia n900?
- X
- Xeon
- nbE
- 14 Aug 2010
Nuwan, 14 Aug 2010Dear friends,
So many people here is complaining about S... more@Nuwan: I have read ur full post and i agree in all point with u.....Really Thanks for ur post
That was the point what i want to explane to everyone.
Symbian 3 and Symbian 4 are written with the same develeopment Framework QT. That means that both OS S^3 ans S4 will have very good compatibility. Apps from S^4 can easily ported to S^3.
In S^4 tha main changes will be the UI improvements and any other implements but in major the UI.
So when we N8 interest will bought a S^3 device we wont regret it because like Nuwan said it will take in my opinion very long time that we will see S^4 devices on the market. Im expecting the first devices in beginning of 2012.
And to everyone who believes that N8 will get an update to S^4. Nokia wont do that. Nokia want to ad the S^4 OS as a revolution and they must push new devices for it. An upgrade for n8 would avoid that many customers invest their money for S^3 devices which would be a failure for Nokia.
Also S^4 will support in my opinion 800x480 pixels which N8 dont support = )
Now thats my opinion. N8 has future compatibility with Qt , dont forget that. So we will see many Apps for it
I think in general more games because n8 is the first multitouch+capacitive screen device
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pxi
- 14 Aug 2010
it was DLNA certified at the first spec shown, now UPnP on it WiFi... any explanations..?
- a
- amber
- GAd
- 14 Aug 2010
When it will come in the Phillippines!!???
- a
- amber
- GAd
- 14 Aug 2010
I think this is the best NOKIA phone that I ever seen and this for sure the best phone ever.!!!!I like it..
- ?
- Anonymous
- RKk
- 14 Aug 2010
Can anybody using nokia n8 help me out whether i should go for it or is there a better option available in the same price range.
Thanks in advance.
- N
- Nuwan
- tev
- 14 Aug 2010
Dear friends,
So many people here is complaining about Symbian OS... But being a Symbian user for years, I really can't complain that it's a less powerful OS... Not at all...!
Some other people are waiting for Symbian 4 in a situation where even the first Symbian 3 device hasn't been released yet...! Very funny...!
Let me tell you... Microsoft Windows XP came to the market at 2001 and it was very popular since then... Vista came around 2006 and then Windows 7 came on 2009... BUT so many computer experts in Sri Lanka are still using same old Windows XP which is 9 years old now...! So nobody can't say with the introduction of a New OS, the old OS will be obsolete... No... It won't happen... (I'm pretty sure of it...)
My next point is, regarding the software developers... If I were a software developer I would love to see my software are being popular... Remember... Developers don't care about the age of the OS.. They only care about the popularity of the OS... For an example, Meego is a great OS... But 3rd party software is Very very less compared to Symbian... Why...? Because Meego is not so popular... But Nokia N8 will be popular and it's showing every sign that it'll be a market hit on Nokia's history... So I'm pretty sure, Developers will be very glad to make software for Symbian 3 by just looking at the demand of the mobile... (Nokia 5800 is the first Nokia touchscreen phone... and first S60 V5 device... but within a year, it was one of the OS which has plenty of 3rd party software...! Why...? Because developers saw the demand & popularity of 5800 and they created loads of software accordingly...)
My third point is, even though software developers wants to create software for Symbian 4, they'll do that with the compatibility of Symbian 3 because that way they'll have the both OS market... Get what I'm saying...? That's why Windows software always comes with these words... "Compatible with XP, Vista and 7" that way they can have all three markets...! So I don't really think, any software developer will create software only for Symbian 4 while knowing about the popularity of Symbian 3 Nokia N8...! (They are not that fool...)
My last point is, even though there are rumors that Symbian 4 will be released on 2011... I really don't think that's possible... Even though it's possible I really don't think Nokia will release a Symbian 4 device that quickly because as we all know, Nokia is not so hurry to release new models with new OS... They do lots of researching before releasing a produce unlike Samsung or any other brand... So my best guess for first Nokia Symbian 4 device is on 2013... If you don't believe me, you can wait and see...
I think I made my points very clearly here... I could be wrong.. My knowledge may be very limited... (So I would like to know your opinion too...)
Special Note for "Engineer Man" brother...:
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Aug 2010
> I am seriously considering buying an N8 now I have flip flopped the idea between then when it was announced and now and pretty much ruled it out a while ago
Why are you writing for a Nokia blog then?
> after using other platforms for extensive periods I don’t see a huge difference between them and Symbian
REALLY? I do. And I’ve been a software developer 27 years, so know a good system when I see it. Android is technically limited and pretty basic in it’s user experience. iPhone is little more than a Fisher-Price Toy (“My First Phone” for babies). iPhone has contributed some good user interface design features, and Android has contributed nothing but competition, but Symbian is MILES ahead.
You don’t need to be a Nokia fanboy, and it’s good you’re not, but you ruled out an N8?!
I wish more people would realize that.
Symbian is POWERFUL, the only OS with a real multitasking… and it’s got features and functions way above of what Android and iOS(lol) offer.
However, it’s still lacking in the UI department, I like the setup(system layout)… homescreens with widgets + if you don’t want that, there is a traditional Symbian “Menu” but small things need improvement(like for example parsing phone numbers and links in the “Notes” application), needs more smoothness and responsiveness.
> iPhone is little more than a Fisher-Price Toy (“My First Phone” for babies).
That’s why the iPhone is doing so badly! You should write to Steve Jobs and set him straight. He’ll probably thank you.
Seriously. All you are showing here is your snobbery and trying desperately to prove that you are superior. The iPhone is winning because it brought mobile data and apps to the masses, something Nokia tried to do and failed. The features in which Symbian is “miles ahead” turned out not to matter.
Try not to be a people-hater.
I have to say that having only really become a mobile gimp this year, I’ve found the evolution of the n8 very interesting. From looking terrible early on, to the latest video which has it looking pretty smart, it’s left me feeling a bit regretful that I won’t be buying it. But then again, if I did buy it, it’s almost a certainty that I’d be feeling the same regret about the N9 and MeeGo.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Aug 2010
nintendo is quite big to be bought by nokia or other companies, but you’re right mobile phones become more like game consoles. a future collaboration between these 2 companies could release an interesting product. The first thing that came through my mind is a nintendo wii based on meego, and to have a synchronization between meego devices. so you can use your phone as a gaming pad :) ) plus there will be meego for TV so there will be also a synchronization between wii and the TV, and the list can continue.
Nintendo builds the gaming console, Nokia build the synchronization system , apps already build for meego can work on wii and also games build on vii can work on mobile phones.
What do you think about my idea?
- N
- Nani attuvassery
- IP5
- 14 Aug 2010
When will it come to India?
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Aug 2010
I assure you it is not like that as you thought. When you quickly browse the long contact list, it will pop up the first letter of family name on the flt to remind you where you are now. When search for a certain people and you enter the search string, it will pop up the choices on the fly already.
These functionalities are the ones of those many small surprises I mentioned earlier.
N8 is really way much more user friendly than all other phones. Believe me!
glad to see the n8 responsive. The speed of the N8 in that vdo must have bought smiles to many symbian users.
The only thing i hated was the contacts search via alphabet options… it’s too slow for actual usage and you have to keep your eyes scanning the screen for the next alphabet. A portrait qwerty or t9 bar would have been better.
I just checked the search function again. It is really good. It supports name search. The keyboard narrows down the possible string input while it offers the matching results on the fly.
For dialer, when you enter a number or a string, it prompts the list of names that match the number or the string on the fly as well.
N8 is going to be the best Nokia ever! I love the design the colors the camera the fast response of the device, the amazing conectivity….everything!