Nokia N8

Nokia N8

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7U
  • 14 Aug 2010

n8 is better than iphone 4

Nokia N8 Dropped From Balcony Hits Concrete 3 Meters Below - Survives!!

wow. its really worth buying.

i hope to see a review from Gsmarena? OKAY?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • t7U
    • 14 Aug 2010

    No, this isn’t true, Symbian^4 don’t need a lot of ram and more powerfull processor, because Symbian^4 can work on the 100 euro devises, theses devises at 100 euro can’t have 512 RAM and more powerfull processor.
    Technically, the N8 can run perfectly Symbian^4, Symbian is very optimized and don’t need a very powerfull phone (like the needs of Android 2.2 or windows mobile 7), and Symbian^4 will need less ressources than Symbian^3 and will offer more amazing features and a new excellent UI that rival with Android and iOS, Symbian^4 will be the new “renaissance” of Symbian.
    Symbian Foundation said that the Symbian^3 is only an intermediate version, the major version with the big amount of new features and the full remaked UI will be Symbian^4, Symbian^4 is the major version of Symbian

    we hope that Nokia make decision to upgrade N8 to Symbian^4, this will be the most good news of N8 and for all Nokia fanboys

    P.S: Nokia, limit the publisher content for N8 in ovi store to Qt applications only, then all new applications developed for N8 will work with Symbian^4 or it will be very easy to port them to Symbian^4, and then you can upgrade N8 safely to Symbian^4

    please see the example of Android updates and iOS updates

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • t7U
      • 14 Aug 2010

      On the CPU: the ARM 11 core is underclocked to 680MHz. The default is apparently 750MHz which could be safely overclocked to 850MHz. Now we could argue that for S^3, CPU numbers isn’t all that important (and less so, comparison of CPU hardware with other devices on other platforms as Symbian is extremely optimized to run on less demanding hardware – hence democratization of the smartphone with MeeGo to push the hardware hungry devices.).

      On the GPU: it’s suspected that the N8 has a class leading Broadcom BCM2727 GPU, which at the time was shown to pull in more triangles than any other competing phone. This is important for Symbian^3 as it is a GPU accelerated UI, relying more on the GPU than the CPU.

      RAM: 256MB. For multitasking, will this be enough? The N900 is a multitasking beast and that has “only” 256MB (though there is +768MB virtual RAM and is on Maemo). Some could argue again that Symbian is more flexible in coping on less RAM. Very early videos has shown the N8 running 15 apps simultaneously with no speed decrease. But what happens when more RAM hungry apps come out?

        • X
        • X
        • ID8
        • 14 Aug 2010

        dont buy android phone
        gameloft and other developer slowly stop making app/game for android platform.

        if you dont belive me search in net

        peace \('')/

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • wHT
          • 14 Aug 2010

          Anonymous, 14 Aug 2010Can I have an answer to my question please? What is the ... moreWell that is simply because all of us hold a believe that the N8 will get an update to upgrade to S^4. It is not totally impossible. Since it is also one of the Nseries, thus the probability of it getting S^4 is not impossible. Still, S^3 seems rather nice and I won't mind to play with it for a couple of months while waiting for Nokia to release S^4 update for N8. =)

            • p
            • phones fan
            • fwM
            • 14 Aug 2010

            SidewindeR, 14 Aug 2010This is the ultimate in mobile entertainment. N8 is truly b... moreyou are posting a negative comments on samsung phones,so what do you expect from samsung users ?
            it is not wise to say that N8 is better than Galaxy S and Wave combined especially when the n8 is still not released yet with many doubts about the symbian3 performance.
            also you should have a look on the super amoled screen(not through your laptop screen)before posting your negative comments.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • w4D
              • 14 Aug 2010

              Can I have an answer to my question please?

              What is the point of having a s3 phone when s4 is already planned and when both are being trumped by meego. I just dont get it. Why doesn't this worry anyone at all?

                • R
                • Rick
                • LxI
                • 14 Aug 2010

                Dwane, 14 Aug 2010Re below its actually 'Warning tones' that needs to be set... moreYes u r right, no camera shutter noise with warning tones set to off on my N97. Thanks.

                  • D
                  • Dwane
                  • pTC
                  • 14 Aug 2010

                  [deleted post]Re below
                  its actually 'Warning tones' that needs to be set to off. I have a profile with all noise turned off and thats how I found this out (ages ago)

                  hope that helps people

                    • S
                    • SidewindeR
                    • PB7
                    • 14 Aug 2010

                    Engineer Man, 13 Aug 2010Nokia N8 is not the first first device to offer DOLBY DIGIT... moreThis is the ultimate in mobile entertainment. N8 is truly built with entertainment as the no:1 priority unlike android yet it still poses a threat in every segment and all samsung fanboys are feeling the pressure. This being the reason for their negative comments. N8 is better than GAlaxy S and Wave combined.

                      • E
                      • Engineer Man
                      • n5Q
                      • 13 Aug 2010

                      For the time being the N9 is labeled as having S^3 but I thought should be getting Meego. I also thought the N9 changed from class N to something else.I guesse their are no facts & some of these details are not conclusive yet.

                        • E
                        • Engineer Man
                        • n5Q
                        • 13 Aug 2010

                        Has anyone else thought over this & come to the same reasonable conclusion as I have?

                          • E
                          • Engineer Man
                          • n5Q
                          • 13 Aug 2010

                          There is something of a possibility of N8 geting S^4, but because it's not ready yet & new in the eco system aswell as the N8 being new in the eco system, then S^3 might do for now. I'm not implying anything really. This is a guesse. But it sounds reasonable to think that N8 may get update to S^4 as modern N series get S^4 & lower C series get S^3!....?? :)

                            • E
                            • Engineer Man
                            • n5Q
                            • 13 Aug 2010

                            Symbian^4 brings a complete redesign in the Symbian UI. So Symbian^4 will break application compatiblity with S60. Symbian^4 is expected in 2010. It will feature Direct UI - a complete makeover of the touch UI, Qt as the primary runtime and the majority of SHAI in place, making hardware adaptation easier than ever before. So a complete start over then.

                            I don't know of any phones planned yet for S^4. But we do know phones planned for Meego for high end market. S^3 will be released on the N8 as upper midrange high end. After that S^3 will probably be moved down to lower C series lower or midrange phone.

                            This means N series may get S^4 after the Nokia N8,
                            There will be one more series added to the model range. Not sure what it is but the rumoured N9 is probably not an N series phone. This means that Meego will go onto the New high End Series phone.

                              • A
                              • Ali Abdulla
                              • 3LA
                              • 13 Aug 2010

                              Anonymous, 13 Aug 2010I'm afraid you can't turn off the noise that Nokia's make (... moreyes u can, u can install a patch, some dont require hacking, only certificates,

                              which aint that hard unless ur a noob, which probably mean symbian aint for u in the first place

                              but i agree, it sux that u have to go through all that, but i think its due to euro law and shit :S

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 3pH
                                • 13 Aug 2010

                                Turok The Crying Fre, 13 Aug 2010It really makes me wonder why Nokia have putted a 1200 mAh ... moreSorry buddy, but if your NOT happy with what Nokia make on the N8, Samsung and HTC do 1ghz / android so why don't you go and buy one! N8 has PLENTY of other features what other manufactures DON'T have!!! Again NO ONE makes the perfect handset, ESPECIALLY APPLE!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3pH
                                  • 13 Aug 2010

                                  Anonymous, 13 Aug 2010There is one thing that bothers me about's the w... moreI'm afraid you can't turn off the noise that Nokia's make (camera)! :O(

                                    • T
                                    • Turok The Crying Fre
                                    • La5
                                    • 13 Aug 2010

                                    It really makes me wonder why Nokia have putted a 1200 mAh battery in there instead of a 1500 mAh...

                                    I have an advice for Nokia: start making smartphones, with android, with 1 Ghz, with 512 RAM and stuff like that. Or else no one will buy your phones anymore...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • qFL
                                      • 13 Aug 2010

                                      There is one thing that bothers me about's the way you can't turn off the camera noise, its always this stupid loud shutter noise which makes it feel like I'm using a toy camera.

                                      Anyone know if you can turn off the shutter noise on this device???

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • w4D
                                        • 13 Aug 2010

                                        Doesn't it bother anyone at all that s3 will be obsolete so soon?

                                        That means no dev support and apps at all.