Nokia N8
- a
- aero
- utk
- 18 Jul 2010
Joey, 18 Jul 2010Guys nokia n8 misght get an upgrade from symbian 3 to symbi... moreI wouldnt be that sure. Because n900 can surely support Meego.. Meego is running fine on n900 but nokia is not offering official support for meego are they?
Similarly i doubt it for n8 too..
- a
- aero
- utk
- 18 Jul 2010
Nikhil, 18 Jul 2010RS 21,090 21?? Lol.. can anyone confirm tat? I wudnt say it wud be under 30 by anymeans...
Phones dont come that cheap in india mate.. Dont do the Euro to Rupees conversion... or u can get a samsung galaxy s for like 20k here where as its over 30..
- J
- Joey
- 49B
- 18 Jul 2010
Guys nokia n8 misght get an upgrade from symbian 3 to symbian 4, search it on google
- a
- aero
- utk
- 18 Jul 2010
carl, 18 Jul 2010I think I will wait for the N8. If the N900 was upgradeable... moren8 aint gonna get much support from devs either.. its gonna be the last symbian 3 nseries dev to be launched by nokia. so its someway similar to n900..
N900 is infinitely upgradable though.. n900 has done meego in the past eventhough not official and also gone as far as froyo on it..
If its just upgradability u want.. (not lookin at the tons of features on n8 in the process) its n900 which is more customizable.. its a linux phone anyways..
- c
- carl
- 0Tc
- 18 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jul 2010It is worth the wait, two more months to go nokia can re... moreI think I will wait for the N8. If the N900 was upgradeable to Meego, then I would get it now but as it's not, I don't want to buy a device that Nokia (and developers) may very well abandon in the near future.
- N
- Nikhil
- 9Fn
- 18 Jul 2010
Manoj, 18 Jul 2010can any one tell me. what will be the price.if it comes to ... moreRS 21,090
- M
- Manoj
- 2SM
- 18 Jul 2010
can any one tell me. what will be the price.if it comes to market???guess??
- J
- Joey
- 49B
- 18 Jul 2010
mw, 18 Jul 2010iam not buying this again because a symbian 4 device is on ... moreSymbian 4 is not going to be release before next summer or even next fall because when they released n97 they showed some pictures of symbian 3 and that still didn t get released yet
- A
- upg
- 18 Jul 2010
mw, 18 Jul 2010iam not buying this again because a symbian 4 device is on ... moreWhen symbian4 ll release,u ll say ,I wont buy this bcuz Meego is going to release ! :D
- m
- mw
- j{q
- 18 Jul 2010
iam not buying this again because a symbian 4 device is on the way in the near future.
- A
- s8e
- 18 Jul 2010
Public, 18 Jul 2010Be Polite friend.Read his post ! I can give u many links for free softwares ! Symbian is most popular os ! He dont know anything !
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7y
- 18 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jul 2010What is high in this phone? SARon the left side of your screen, find "specifications", click it.. and read..
- ?
- Anonymous
- tjF
- 18 Jul 2010
Public, 18 Jul 2010Be Polite friend.I kind of understand why up6a reacted the way he did after reading your post.
Because the statement you made about Symbian having only 100 apps and all paid is TOTALLY WRONG! and misleading and annoying.
I will re-phrase his reply to you in a more polite way.
Please research before you post and consider the consequences of how others might be affected hence will reply to you in a quite ummmhhh impolite way or simply just don't come here to post :D
- P
- Public
- mI6
- 18 Jul 2010
AMANITA, 18 Jul 2010Kid,u dont deserve to post here bcuz u r such a fool that u... moreBe Polite friend.
- B
- t7L
- 18 Jul 2010
Nokia N8(for phone+everything) + iPod Touch(for games)
= cheaper than iphone 4
- u
- uR iD!ot and DUmbbss
- v0q
- 18 Jul 2010
ajay, 18 Jul 2010i hate symbian. like android and iphone ios. symbian having... moreMany people are complaining about Nokia's choice of using Symbian, MeeGo, amd Maemo. Please read this to understand WHY they made this decision.
- A
- up6
- 18 Jul 2010
ajay, 18 Jul 2010i hate symbian. like android and iphone ios. symbian having... moreKid,u dont deserve to post here bcuz u r such a fool that u dont know anythng abt symbian ! Id!ot go away !
- C
- Check dis out
- v0q
- 18 Jul 2010
check this out.... N8 lovers and hates u should check dis out n8 is the best Iphone 4 sucksss
n8 can process 1.5 tetrabite iphone 4 only process 32 GB man do u know
1 tetrabite is equal to 1000 GB or gigabite
check this site
- a
- ajay
- utS
- 18 Jul 2010
i hate symbian. like android and iphone ios. symbian having not more than 100 apps and all paid.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u73
- 18 Jul 2010
carl, 18 Jul 2010i am looking around for a new phone, am looking at either t... moreIt is worth the wait, two more months to go
nokia can release it at any time they want, they just want to make sure that its performance is a total satisfaction.
If you really cant wait, go for n900 if you are techie, n900 has great web browserp, firefox, tranmission, some decent games like angry birds, zen bound, drnoksnes(run rom, super mario all star, controllabled by wii remote), supertiux.etc. Great video codec aupport, ...........