Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • N8
  • mZF
  • 13 Jun 2010

The 3GS sales don't even come close to the nokia 5800xm sales.
Wake up isheep full!!!,the 3GS is not up to the level of the N8.
Why not focus on how the N8 will out-sell,outshine and raape the iphone 4.

    • D
    • Dasmeet
    • vGU
    • 13 Jun 2010

    Lovely hardware... I wud buy it if they put froyo on this one ;)

      • N
      • N8
      • n{Q
      • 13 Jun 2010

      [deleted post]The 3GS sales don't even come close to the nokia 5800xm sales.
      Wake up isheep boy!!!,the 3GS is not up to the level of the N8.
      Why not focus on how the N8 will out-sell,outshine and rape the iphone 4.

        • p
        • pranav
        • tev
        • 13 Jun 2010

        It's looking good & nice features. What is the price??

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IWN
          • 13 Jun 2010

          The call functionality in iphone still sucks because apple and att want to control it

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IWN
            • 13 Jun 2010

            The call functionality in iphone still sucks because apple and att want to control it

              • S
              • Sagar
              • upe
              • 13 Jun 2010

              Other mobiles use highest memory upto 64gb. N8 can connet to 1tb hard disc by hdmi. Difference is noticeable.

                • S
                • Sagar
                • upe
                • 13 Jun 2010

                Other mobiles use highest memory upto 64gb. N8 can connet to 1tb hard disc by hdmi. Difference is noticeable.

                  • S
                  • Sagar
                  • s8e
                  • 13 Jun 2010

                  All other new mobiles use android . But all them together cant be better than symbian. Other mobiles use 1 hardware for 1app. (in iphone bt for headset.etc) but symbian uses bt for mouse , connect to pc, headset, tv,synchronise to mobile and many more.

                    • S
                    • Sagar
                    • s8e
                    • 13 Jun 2010

                    Nokia always makes new things. They discovered games in mobile to now hdmi. If iphone 4g had all specifications of n8 , it would cost double as it is now. Still n8 is cheaper than iphone also better quality.

                      • A
                      • Andrew Lim
                      • IVA
                      • 13 Jun 2010

                      AMANITA, 12 Jun 2010Lolz,r u kidding man ? Check itz specs carefully:D ! Htc de... more@AMANITA: Actually, the HTC Desire supports both Adobe Flash and has a LED Flash. I own an N82 and you're wrong in saying that the N82 is better than the Desire. Other than the Xenon camera, the N82 loses to the Desire in practically all other aspects.

                        • S
                        • Sagar
                        • upe
                        • 13 Jun 2010

                        N8 has external sim card slot. So it is fast enough to put all the settings whthout restart. All others have to restart. Hense n8 is faster than any other mobile.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4Bu
                          • 13 Jun 2010

                          does anybody knows if this phone supports bluetooth mouse and a bluetooth keyboard?

                          And what is the difference between an amoled and a super amoled?

                            • a
                            • angeliki
                            • tVi
                            • 13 Jun 2010

                            Hi! friend told me about this site last night so today was my first time on here.
                            My brother gave my first nokia 12 + years ago. I am 2.5 years into my fourth model, the E65. I will NEVER touch an E series again. I am not tech savvy and I dont need the phone for business.
                            I have been looking for a new Nokia for 2 years. Wanted N95 then N97 came out and have been umming and ahhing FOR EVER.
                            This sight has been great in that it has listed more clearly some of the specifications.
                            I want a phone which will be like a mini computer and the N8 looks like having better HSDPA capabilities. As for unscrewing things, I'm a wiz at that and have no qualms in doing a little manual labour in the first six months until the phone settles. Which happened with my third phone and my first "smart phone" 5 years ago. (provided what people ASSUME is going to happen with freezing will happen)
                            I look forward to coming onto the site periodically to read reviews and opinions. If I have waited 2 years for a new phone I can wait another 2 to get the N8 at the price I want. Hope dont have to wait that long.

                              • B
                              • BH-905 Question
                              • wYx
                              • 13 Jun 2010

                              Need a REPLACEMENT, 12 Jun 2010I am planning to buy a new phone. Currently I am using N... moreA bit off-topic, but how are the BH-905 headphones in terms of Audio quality? Since bluetooth headphones are sometimes bad for having that hiss noise on the background. Are they unnoticable?? And are there any differences from using the wires and using bluetooth to listen to music with say a 5800XM??

                              Thanks, I'm really deciding hard on whether to get it or not.

                              And you should press the N8's power button for 8 seconds if it hangs. Like a laptop.

                                • s
                                • smith
                                • 4Va
                                • 13 Jun 2010

                                LOL, 12 Jun 2010N8 Brings Nothing New, it's a mere copycat of iPhone 1G.Other than the facts that iphone started the full-touch trend, pleas enlighten me to what features did the n8 "copied" from the iphone---especially the 1st gen

                                  • R
                                  • Reyals
                                  • naL
                                  • 13 Jun 2010

                                  Need a REPLACEMENT, 12 Jun 2010I am planning to buy a new phone. Currently I am using N... moreread the manual: it can be found here...

                                  and you might want to read my post below yours... answer already given.

                                    • R
                                    • Reyals
                                    • naL
                                    • 13 Jun 2010

                                    Anonymous, 12 Jun 2010What is your app? I like the app find friend by sendin... morehttp://

                                    or through

                                      • R
                                      • Rebel
                                      • j{k
                                      • 13 Jun 2010

                                      Need a REPLACEMENT, 12 Jun 2010I am planning to buy a new phone. Currently I am using N... moreI'm sure your phone hangs because you don't understand how symbian works. You probably leave too many applications running in background. I've used symbian since 2004. It only hangs if you make it.

                                      The n8 runs a refined version of symbian so it should hang too often. Just remember to close open apps running in background.

                                        • N
                                        • Need a REPLACEMENT
                                        • mp%
                                        • 12 Jun 2010

                                        I am planning to buy a new phone.

                                        Currently I am using NOKIA E63 and I must tell you guys, it keeps hanging all the time.

                                        Now I need a replacement and don’t know what will be the best replacement.

                                        Xperia X10 – There are various problems regarding battery life. Android is advantageous, but still no XENON flash.

                                        Samsung Wave – Checked out today at shop. Felt so good using it. Problem is Bada.

                                        Nokia N8 – What if it hangs. I am giving up on E63 because it hangs. Everything feels so good about N8 except battery not removable easily.

                                        I am currently using Nokia BH-905 Bluetooth headphones.
                                        BH-905 costed me 200 pounds.
                                        They are best in class.
                                        Today it got hanged while switching it on.
                                        Now battery cannot be removed and its buttons are not working.
                                        Kept power off button on hold for more than 20second.
                                        Nothing happens.
                                        Now kept it playing with Noise Cancellation ON.
                                        To drain the battery so that it shuts down.
                                        Then I am hoping that it will work fine.

                                        But we can’t keep N8 like that for hours if it hangs daily.

                                        Because all Nokia phones I have used previously have hanged once a day.

                                        Any suggestions?