Nokia N8
- P
- Phillip
- snQ
- 12 Jun 2010
Just amazing phone.Buying it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ke1
- 12 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2010from Engadget comment section:
naash... moreYup
actually there are many good cooments from nokia users at famous tech site like engadget and allaboutsymbian.
They says symbian is a light os, hence it does not need the cpu speed and ram that required by other os
i can test symbian on e72 which has 600!hz cpu, it run smoothly
n8 has 680 mhz and dedicated gpu. It is enough, and it is already proved by youtube prototype video
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yc7
- 12 Jun 2010
from Engadget comment section:
naashak Posted Jun 11th 2010 11:49AM:
Yup it is 2-finger multi-touch. But the good news is that they fixed all those lag issues you see in the original N8 videos from April - pinch-zoom, swipes were working pretty smooth, in fact I will probably get down-ranked for saying..."iPhone smooth" :-) Seriously the capacitive sensor and UI responsiveness on the N8 easily equals the iPhone's which till I now I considered the best one in the industry. Android doesn't even come close - I tried my N1 with Froyo and compared it to my friend's N8. No contest N8 was loads more responsive than the N1. So that should settle the 1Ghz debate.
from here:
- s
- sara vittal
- mTW
- 12 Jun 2010
hi, i am expecting this N8 very soon in UAE.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- PU7
- 12 Jun 2010
[deleted post]Poor guy, Probly brought some Chinese rip off.
The phone is not gonna be out for another 2 months dude, and its gonna rock!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PU7
- 12 Jun 2010
Wow, Apple invented video calling more than 5 years late and it still only runs on Wi Fi.
With all that time, you would think they could do a better job than fore runners but still checkout the 2nd half of the video below.
The incoming video is constantly getting stuck and the voice delay is enormous.
My 5800 running Video calls over 3G networks works better and faster!
- ?
- Anonymous
- w7n
- 12 Jun 2010
Reyals, 12 Jun 2010[quote]Hey
have you all contributed to n8?
Why not pa... moreWhat is your app?
I like the app
find friend by sending sms! Sweet
ovi lyrics, it is not new.
Ovi player to play all type of medi file
ovi face? Any
- A
- Aniket
- s86
- 12 Jun 2010
was looking for a real symbian phone after the OMNIA HD and guys here is the one
- R
- Reyals
- naL
- 12 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2010Hey
have you all contributed to n8?
Why not participa... more[quote]Hey
have you all contributed to n8?
Why not participate in a competition to win this phone at[/quote]
and don't forget to vote !! (preferrably on my suggested apps... LOL)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PVb
- 12 Jun 2010
This is truly the iPhone killer.. \m/
- ?
- Anonymous
- ITj
- 12 Jun 2010
1 word: awesome!!!!
- a
- azer
- vj1
- 12 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2010Another Nokia N 'never touch' series phone that will seem b... moreanother user who's talking things that aren't existing yet.
come on. N "never touch series.". you said.
ok i know s60 touchies aren't really impressive with the touch.
BUT this thing doesn't exist in the market yet and you're telling it's never touch.
Ever wondered why nokia tried making s^3? come on i know you're not that ignorant you may be just a hater
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Jun 2010
Confirmed n8 support bluetooth mouse
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Jun 2010
When n97 was announced, i complainted that why that nokia did not put a hardwareacclerator in it and why it is resistive
now n8 is almost perfect, beyond my expection, i think it is made by community and our nokia users, nothing bad to say about the spec and its performance. The os ui can be update easily, nokia is well known for offering fimrware updaate periodically. My mini n97 is small disaster at the first firmware, but works flawlessly after the first upodate. Am waiitng for the second firmware update. I will not upgrade my phone this year or next year, i expect phone better than this from nokia the time i throw away my nokia mini n97
- A
- Ameya
- utP
- 12 Jun 2010
This is the Nokia's iphone...lolzz!!
- s
- shweta sahni
- uS6
- 12 Jun 2010
Saeed baloch, 11 Jun 2010i swear cant wait for this.. this is awesome.. wowyea u r rite....
dis phone is amazing...!!!
m dying2ve ds phone
- s
- sharath
- vGt
- 12 Jun 2010
i like the the new invincatoin of nokia nd i have a nokia which my frd brought from china nd i love it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- M}n
- 12 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 12 Jun 2010Another Nokia N 'never touch' series phone that will seem b... morealot of guys have been comparing n8 to iphone and android phones!what i want to say is:to realise what perfect piece of device n8 is you'd better compare it to n97!n97 was one of the best selling smarts of 2009, know why?bcos it had all the features you can think about and they are all well balanced.when comparing n97 to other phones you'll discover that there're smarts with better screens,there're smarts with better and faster cpu,there're smarts with more comfortable qwerty keyboard e.t.c!but when you look at the overall performance n97 comes out second to none!and now nobody'll disagree that n8 is far better than n97?one more thing i want to point out is:if nokia'll polish out n8 and release it near perfect then we,nokia fans are ready to wait for 2 months even more!it'll be unforgivable if nokia releases n8 in a few weeks and it comes out with flaws!i'm inpatienly awaiting august!cheers to all nokia fans out there!!!i really pity those who claim to hate nokia they're just jealous hahaha!!!
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 2S%
- 12 Jun 2010
I called dealer who told me it will available at 19 or 20th june 2010.
plz follow link