Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Anis
  • 3EV
  • 11 Jun 2010

Will google talk and skype work with N8 like it works with n900 ? ?

    • A
    • Anis
    • 3EV
    • 11 Jun 2010

    ok ok ok ok lets stop the crap!

    Now! nokia have done the preview for the N8, and the walkthrough and everything is great.. so lets focus on one thing!

    What left? What nexT?

      • R
      • Rick(tm)
      • tWi
      • 11 Jun 2010

      i love it more if the internal memory will then be 32GB instead of just having 16GB.. plus if this phone will have a side-sliding keyboard for text's a wow for me..

        • H
        • Hase
        • vj1
        • 11 Jun 2010

        I'm really annoyed on these iphone and samsung fans. Did they just came to this post to brag on how expensive and responsive their phones are?I'll certainly buy the N8 and I don't care if it's really not as responsive as Iphone or galaxy/wave. What I'm after for is the camera and video capabilites.I'm not gonna die if there's a milisec. lag,I can live with it. It's way cheaper than the others but it offers pretty much the same thing.

          • S
          • SD
          • 2F6
          • 11 Jun 2010

          nokia S-series, 11 Jun 2010*sory for my eng* however, i dun think so n9 will be the ne... morehehe.. That 'S' series doesn't seem to be a phone model to me..

          S is denoted as the chimney and its common for all... all phones in there are Symbian devices. So S there denotes Symbian i guess.

            • S
            • Saeed baloch
            • sym
            • 11 Jun 2010

            i swear cant wait for this.. this is awesome.. wow

              • r
              • rocking
              • 3Ye
              • 11 Jun 2010

              i am using samsung omnia hd from last 10 months... to be true after buying this phone i am fan of samsung.. before omnia hd i hav iphone 3g and n97.. i like among three the most omnia hd..

              now i am looking to buy a new phone... the most awesome r nokia n8, iphone 4, and galaxy s.... to be honest all three r a revolutionary phone... and to be honest i will buy galaxy s... if u i am not making a good choice.. u suggest me the best among three and why...

                • a
                • atw
                • fsV
                • 11 Jun 2010

                You can't compare n8 to the i phone. The i phone is a grossly over priced feature phone. the n8 is a but whipping cheap ass smart phone. They are just not in the same league. The iphone os is comparable to nokia s40 os. Its made to fit the below average user who just wants a phone to take descent pics, listen to music, make calls and send texts (and who is also gullible enough to be brain washed into paying such a high price for what can be best described as the perfect piece of crap. No seriously. Wtf. Video calling only over wifi? Thats so 2003)

                Symbian is for users like myself who want the extra in the phone. I mean a symbian smart phone is like a pc in your pocket. It does it all.

                The transition from a feature phone to a smart phone is not something that can be done over night. If you're the average user, i recommend you go for the samsung pixon cuz symbian is gonna disappoint you. I mean sometimes my music plaYER crashes lol (though you shouldn't expect that in symbian ^3 as nokia has promised a more stable and snappy ui and nokia always delivers). However i still maintain that a smartphone is the best buy. I for one can't live without descent multitasking and the ability to customize virtually everything about my phone. And the apps and games. . . Man! The games! I'm talking HD! I can't trade a tad snappier and more stable ui for all that symbian goodness. I mean s40 makes me want to puke.

                No rational human being would buy the i phone. Its grossly over priced. Even if symbian is not your thing samsung has a lot of bad ass feature phone with a lot more to top the i phone than just video calling at a lesser price. People buy i phones either because its american or because they wan't to blend in. (don't say its because of the apps cuz symbian has lots of emulators to run iphone and even android apps. Yep thats symbian! Does it all). Enough with the crowd mentality.

                  • a
                  • andy burgin
                  • 3pH
                  • 11 Jun 2010

                  The Rumours about the N9 being one of Nokias Top End mobile puts alittle dim on the N8,but if Nokia do the same mistake again like they did with the N900,make it to Bulky for People,o.k the N900 software was very good but the Trend with mobiles nowdays if having them nice an slim to fit in shirt or Jeans pockets an not sticking out to much ,but Nokia made the Big mistake making the N900 to Bulky,if the C7 images we have seen are Genuine images,then Nokia must have some new designers at last as even the N8 shows they are back making slimmer mobiles not Bulky ones an hope they keep this trend going on now at Nokia

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tjF
                    • 11 Jun 2010

                    deep space bar, 11 Jun 2010the new symbian will be preloaded iphone 4 lol not so muc... moreI just hope N8 will be start selling at August..
                    Cause my contract is till august.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • tjF
                      • 11 Jun 2010

                      deep space bar, 11 Jun 2010the new symbian will be preloaded iphone 4 lol not so muc... moreI just hope N8 will be start selling at August..
                      Cause my contract is till august.

                        • r
                        • ralf
                        • sF$
                        • 11 Jun 2010

                        Dont get me wrong , I like the Iphone even the 3GS. But I cant afford the iphone bcause its totally not as multipurpose as my N82, why? I pay 1/4 of an iphone 3gs for 5Mp camerra, GPU (yes N82 has GPU!!!) , dual processor, mem card upgradable. And if my n82 ( a 2007 model!!!) can beat the iphone specs .... n8 will kick the iphone 5 in the head.... (iphone 4 uses its video call via wifi to iphone only WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP OFFFFF!!!!!). I would buy a 2nd hand iphone tho hahaha

                          • d
                          • deep space bar
                          • IDg
                          • 11 Jun 2010

                          Anonymous, 11 Jun 2010What was I think due in April is now due in August. I think... morethe new symbian will be preloaded
                          iphone 4 lol not so much till september
                          iOs4 is not even ready and sym3 is getting minor tweeks since it's a universal OS
                          and what takes longer to make
                          metal or glass

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • u73
                            • 11 Jun 2010

                            I cant upgrade my mini n97 i bought last december, look forward to next year flagship:(

                              • A
                              • Akash
                              • LCe
                              • 11 Jun 2010

                              COOL PHONE! cant wait to get one

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tjF
                                • 11 Jun 2010

                                Dont cry Ali, 10 Jun 2010Do you know what 1 ghz is? its 1000 mhz.. even if you over ... moreAhem... I don't think 1Ghz is 1000mhz my fren.
                                1Ghz is around 1024mhz... apparently you are not a novice in IT.

                                Btw I don't think Nokia N8 is slow at all.
                                And it have much much more features than those phones that you mentioned.

                                If you don't like N8 is ok. Just grab whatever phone you like and be happy about it.

                                We Nokia N8 lovers will definitely get one and be so happy about it. :)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • tjF
                                  • 11 Jun 2010

                                  from_the_uS, 11 Jun 2010The phone design and controls look outdated and ugly. Even ... moreA secure and self confident guy will not need a good phone to impress gal.

                                  And i don't think any gal will just impress/fall for a guy with a superb phone.

                                  This phone is meant to entertain me and myself and not for others. It will definitely be a great help for others though.


                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • tjF
                                    • 11 Jun 2010

                                    EdB, 11 Jun 2010The only thing 12mp does is produce poster-sized photos. Wh... moreMore mp camera phone is much better in many way.
                                    Let me give u some scenarios.

                                    1. If one day you saw a car speeding and hit a person and attempt to runaway. But u didn't have a dedicated camera with you. But aha! my 12 mp camera phone is here.
                                    snap snap.. wow the car speed away... but the photo capture the number plate. But its so small... thank God this is a 12 mp and big sensor camera phone. wow after zoom in i still get so much details in it wow.. amazing. I can send this to police officer after i call the ambulance using this 12 mp camera phone of mine.. Thank God i bought this. :)

                                    2. Wow... today i saw Angelina Jolie and she agree to take a photo with me! i didn't have my dedicated camera with me again!!! sigh.. oh i have my 12 mp camera phone! ok lets snap a few photo with her.
                                    Wow the quality is great! I can print out a poster size photo and paste it in my house!!
                                    I will resize it to a pocket photo and keep it in my wallet to show off too.
                                    Thank God i didn't buy a 3 or 5mp camera phone.. else i won't be able to print a photo that large. :)

                                    Do you want more? The possibilities are infinity here :)

                                      • A
                                      • Ali Abdulla
                                      • 3iR
                                      • 11 Jun 2010

                                      nokia S-series, 11 Jun 2010*sory for my eng* however, i dun think so n9 will be the ne... more"i think",

                                      that the N9 will be the "top" nokia device 2010...

                                      the S series are High-end symbian^3 nokia... i dont think they will beat the N9 spec/os wise, but remember the N900 didnt sell that much... so they might be thinking to depend on the S-series for high end competition...

                                      just saying...

                                        • n
                                        • nokia S-series
                                        • ibH
                                        • 11 Jun 2010

                                        Jon2, 11 Jun 2010I've lost interest in purchasing this phone after I read th... more*sory for my eng* however, i dun think so n9 will be the new flagship..maybe the new streaming flagship...but the camera still there's still pros-contra among n8 n n9... n according to this... ...i think the new nokia S-series will be the new flagship as it stand in the top chart in that article...\(^^,)/...