Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • minjo
  • mJq
  • 04 Jun 2010

think of it guys, n8 rules now with all this features, but think more, what will nokia even have a year to go??

    • m
    • minjo
    • mJq
    • 04 Jun 2010

    Mark, 04 Jun 2010You are right, but the fact remains this phone is getting a... moretotally agree with u... i mean i, myself, would like to get my hand on this nokia n8...
    saving my money for it... :D

      • M
      • Mark
      • mby
      • 04 Jun 2010

      minjo, 03 Jun 2010don't take voting into consideration, because lots of peopl... moreYou are right, but the fact remains this phone is getting a lot of attention, from all sides, positive and negative. Its the most buzz around an Nokia device in a long time. In itself, a feat.

        • m
        • minjo
        • mJq
        • 03 Jun 2010

        at which resolution does the nokia n8 videos are? i mean the one shot with the cam...
        and one more thing the usb otg it's not the first phone, one of my friends used to have some cheap Chinese made phone wich u can directly stick the usb in it.. he might still have it somewhere i'll try to at least...

          • b
          • brynn
          • mXK
          • 03 Jun 2010

          Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010Nokia N8: Design 8.7 Features 8.8 Performance 8.7 Vot... morewell said,,there was a huge attack a few days back on n8 but there is only a few hundred people use gsmarena..if 1 million people used gsm then if they voted for any fone good or bad there would be a million votes but there isnt...look at xperia over 2.5years it had over 100,000 votes in thats time so in reality there are only few on here overall..

            • t
            • theworld
            • nNe
            • 03 Jun 2010

            i will go for nokia n8 i dont care what over people will say. price and performans are realy greate! this symbian 3 should be the best OS for 2010 and 2011 i like logical things on symbian. and it will be a open for all !

              • m
              • minjo
              • pwD
              • 03 Jun 2010

              Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010Nokia N8: Design 8.7 Features 8.8 Performance 8.7 Vot... moredon't take voting into consideration, because lots of people will vote 10 10 10 about a thousand time and lots will vote 1 1 1 a lot too...
              and n8 hasn't been released yet, so the performance can't be judge yet...

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • w7h
                • 03 Jun 2010

                android is waiting for froyo while symbian is waiting for frodo. or hobbit. or gandalf also would be just fine

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Yc7
                  • 03 Jun 2010

                  Nokia N8:
                  Design 8.7
                  Features 8.8
                  Performance 8.7
                  Votes: 42134

                  Announced: 2010, April (a month and half ago)
                  Total hits: 1,837,759

                  Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10
                  Design 8.0
                  Features 7.9
                  Performance 7.9
                  Votes: 27,227
                  Announced: 2009, November (8 months ago)
                  Total hits: 3,617,375

                  I think the interest and the public perception is higher for the N8.


                    • g
                    • goron goron
                    • Khs
                    • 03 Jun 2010

                    android is not the best yet.u can look into every android phone in gsmarena and u will find it the fact that android mobile phone doesnt support TV-OUT.
                    and it is very rare to find one with radio,or FM transm
                    TV-out is HW not OS.u cant fix it with update or later future OS.
                    so android phone is not the best yet.
                    the X10 tom very adore comes with no TV-OUT and radio.
                    if u want to make it work with tv u will have to buy another device like the bluetooth media sharing and it will cost u around $100.
                    N8 is not a highend phone from nokia its target for the people who willing to spend $350 - $450 for a phone.and if u can see the posibility for using this device as an all around device than it will be gud 4 u.
                    X10 or samsung GS is highend device,N8 is not.until now nokia still dont have any highend device for touchphone arena.
                    N8 will battle with samsung wave.
                    so it is not fair to compare X10 with N8.
                    the 1200 battery is enough,bcause N8 using amoled screen so it will save u some juice than the X10 TFT screen.dont forget that N8 have GPU so the CPU will not stress out to run the phone.
                    tom X10 may be have a better GPU but it will be useless if u can't plug it into TV or projector for presentation.
                    or u tom prefere to have a presentation using ur 4inch screen?
                    so until today im still thinking that N8 will be the best buy,dont worry bout speed u can be sure it is fast cause N8 capable to handle 15apps open.
                    sym 3 have swapfile system like windows virtual memory.
                    after many research im not really interesting with other phone this year.but N8 sure to pack alot of stuff and when nokia decided the N8 will sell for 370+tax it is feel fair enough for my wallet.
                    -tvout will make ur phone a walking home teater
                    -dolby sound?just plugin to ur homesound system
                    -a ready device for presentation at office anytime
                    -yes u still have that old radio so u can update news on the street around u.
                    -1200mh battery its oke u have amoled screen not the TFT hungry of battery juice.
                    -its a capasitive touchscreen but it has support for handwriting recognition,so it has a cap stylus,i think we can still be able to draw just like in resitive handset.
                    -dont forget u will have USB OTG with N8.
                    i think with so many new features and some features that u will not found in other phone,and dont forget the price is oke for common people wallet,yes nokia N8 will sell like peanuts.
                    dont listen to android user they dont have TV-out or HDMI.all they can boast is bout snapdragon things.yes a fast CPU but only for 4inch screen only?
                    with N8 low clock CPU and 3,5inch screen u can transfer picture to big TV screen.
                    so compare the capability carefully before u choose ur next future phone.
                    dont listen to the haters not really like nokia,im not SE enemy,or motorola,samsung,HTC,apple hater.
                    im just a common phone user.
                    i dont take side,because i love all gadget specially for the one that resemble MacGyver swiss knife.N8 and samsung wave is the answer.

                      • T
                      • Tom-Helge
                      • Srd
                      • 03 Jun 2010

                      Correction on something i said longer down here.

                      I said this: Have you ever heard about that the programs and games you are going to run requires a fast CPU to load?.

                      It should be this: Have you ever heard about that the programs and games you are going to run requires a fast CPU to load very fast?.

                        • t
                        • the real deal
                        • IaH
                        • 03 Jun 2010

                        This is no Match against Samsung l9000 Galaxy S when it comes to spec and the functionality., SYmbian?? So Jurassic period..

                        And one more thing., looks like Samsung have Tablet too.,^^ read this blog.,^^


                          • T
                          • Tom-Helge
                          • Srd
                          • 03 Jun 2010

                          Various, 03 Jun 2010I voted X10, 5 on design 4 in feature and only 2 in perform... moreAnd i forgot to tell this.

                          You can't say that because of the GPU the CPU in the Nokia N8 will be like a 900 MHz CPU ROFL.

                          Because, how in the name of jesus are the GPU gonna make your programs to start / load faster?.

                          That's impossible. Simple as that.

                          Explain that to me mister smartypants.

                            • T
                            • Tom-Helge
                            • Srd
                            • 03 Jun 2010

                            Various, 03 Jun 2010I voted X10, 5 on design 4 in feature and only 2 in perform... moreAnd no, i have a little over 2 days with battery time on my XPERIA X10 now with moderate usage, and this is before the bugs in the Android 1.6 have been fixed that makes the battery eat the battery dry fast.

                            Wanna bet on how long battery time i will get when we have got this update in some few weeks?.

                              • T
                              • Tom-Helge
                              • Srd
                              • 03 Jun 2010

                              Various, 03 Jun 2010I voted X10, 5 on design 4 in feature and only 2 in perform... moreOk, please wote 9 or 10 in the performance again when XPERIA X10 have Android 2.2 then.

                              because when it gets Android 2.2, it's going to be REAAAAAAAAALY fast.

                                • T
                                • Tom-Helge
                                • Srd
                                • 03 Jun 2010

                                Ying, 03 Jun 2010"...peoples want a 1 GHz Snapdragon CPU because it giv... moreAnd you goes on with the rabble rabble that as long the OS goes fast, then everything is fine.

                                Have you ever heard about that the programs and games you are going to run requires a fast CPU to load?.

                                This is like saying, yeah, lets buy a computer with a Pentium 4 CPU and 128 MB RAM today only because it runs Windows XP fast and good LOL.

                                Does the rest of your programs and games goes as fast as the OS then?.

                                No they wont, and it's not even close to bto be as fast.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • kx%
                                  • 03 Jun 2010

                                  Various, 03 Jun 2010I voted X10, 5 on design 4 in feature and only 2 in perform... moreyes... iphone have LOW resolution, better OS !
                                  Apple designed OS for GPU accelerate in menus, kastor effects, kinetic scroll... etc..
                                  Symbian not have support for GPU in menus!

                                    • Y
                                    • Ying
                                    • qCW
                                    • 03 Jun 2010

                                    [deleted post]"...peoples want a 1 GHz Snapdragon CPU because it gives you a very fast mobile device." No, a well constructed OS that utilizes its hardware correctly gives you a fast mobile device actually. Clearly your logic exist in having a "fast phone" that forsakes it's battery longevity. You know nothing of power balancing. You wouldn't be able to define what makes a phone fast in a technological sense. All you know is larger number equals faster device. It's a shame ignorance like yours exist.

                                      • V
                                      • Various
                                      • KFP
                                      • 03 Jun 2010

                                      [deleted post]I voted X10, 5 on design 4 in feature and only 2 in performance. Do you know why.? Because even with 1ghz processor X10 is still laggy, and it even dont give a full day standby. You cant deny the truth. X10 uses fast processor because it have heavy transition effects to do while N8 has a simple ui. 680 mhz cpu + broadcom gpu = 900 mhz. 100 mhz lower than X10 but still actual performance is based on OS. Correct me if I'm wrong, Iphone with 600 mhz processor and a gpu is more fast than your X10. What do you say??

                                        • V
                                        • Various
                                        • KFP
                                        • 03 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]I voted X10, 5 on design 4 in feature and only 2 in performance. Do you know why.? Because even with 1ghz processor X10 is still laggy. You cant deny the truth. X10 uses fast processor because it have heavy transition effects to do while N8 has a simple ui. 680 mhz cpu + broadcom gpu = 900 mhz. 100 mhz lower than X10 but still actual performance is based on OS. Correct me if I'm wrong, Iphone with 600 mhz processor and a gpu is more fast than your X10. What do you say??